Saya! classmate reunion! Live with Su Mo

Nishida Kiyotaka obviously wanted to explain something to everyone, but…

His life is not enough for him to finish his speech.

Say the word darkness.

The whole person seemed to lose all strength in an instant.

She closed her eyes, collapsed to the ground, and lost consciousness.



“No…why is this…why?!!”

Inukai died, and Nishida Kiyotaka also died.

Having lost two companions at once, everyone was extremely sad.

The teacher gritted his teeth with tears in his eyes.

“Could it be…”

“Is it true that no one can control the Kaixa belt?!”

Kiyotaka Nishida said it just now.

Using the Kaixa belt, he defeated an Orfienoch.

This proves that Kaixa’s belt does contain terrifying and powerful power.

As long as there is a shapeshifter who can use the Kaixa belt without any side effects.

How could they lose a companion almost every day like now?

“Before I received the photo of the belt from the dog breeder.”

“I also received photos of class reunions from anonymous people.”

“Here, this is it.”

“I printed them all out. Although it’s a bit blurry, I can probably still see who belongs to whom. I’m also in it.”

In the Kikuchi Laundry, Truth began to tell everyone the ins and outs of this matter.

Holding a photo in his hand, it was a group photo of a group of people.

Yuhua took a look, and soon realized something was wrong.

“Eh? Why isn’t Mr. Mo up there?”

Qianqiao and the others also showed doubts.

Su Mo, Zhenzhen and others are all members of Meteor Academy.

Everyone knows this.

But in the group photo of this class reunion, there is no Su Mo.

Su Mo smiled and said nothing.

As for the truth, he glanced at Su Mo with resentful eyes.

“Speaking of this, I get angry!”

“When I received the class reunion invitation, I wanted Su Mo to go with me, but… no matter what I said, he just didn’t go.”

“What did you say that you’re an otaku and that you’re not a good guy? Anyway, you just don’t want to go to class reunions, and you even want me not to go.”

At that time, the truth was all kinds of things to please.”Beauty tricks” have been used.

But Su Mo’s attitude is always firm, no matter what the truth says.

Just not going to this class reunion.

“Didn’t you go to participate?”

“No wonder…”

Yu Hua nodded suddenly, if that’s the case.

It’s really strange to have Su Mo in the group photo.

Su Mo lay lazily on Jiehua’s soft legs, thinking to himself:

“Going there is equivalent to sending him to death, although there is a high probability that he will be resurrected.”

“But… if I can’t die, why do I have to die once?”

At that time, Su Mo hadn’t obtained the system yet.

Without the drive of the dark emperor’s cavalry, there is no combat power at all.

Go to a class reunion and experience a wave of death and the feeling of experimenting with guinea pigs?

He doesn’t want it!

Not only did he not go by himself, he even kept persuading the truth not to go.

But this idiot was disobedient, so Su Mo had no choice but to let her go.

Ganqiao and the others didn’t bother about why Su Mo must not go to the class reunion, and curiously asked the truth:

“Looking at it now, there must be some connection between the class reunion and the Kamen Rider belt. Truth, did you notice anything wrong at that time?”

Truth thought about it carefully, then shook her head.

“That class reunion was really just an ordinary reunion.”

“I went, and so did Inukai, Nishida, and even the teachers from elementary school. We chatted very happily. We recalled all kinds of interesting things when we were young, and we often talked about Su Mo. Where’s the guy?”

Having said that, Truth glared at Su Mo again.

This guy is really, even though he is not at the scene, he can still become a hot topic for everyone to chat with, especially some girls such as Sha Ye.

Even more, he kept asking Truth all kinds of questions about Su Mo.

For example, does Su Mo have a girlfriend, etc…

Damn it!

These guys clearly know that I’m cohabiting with idiot Su Mo! ! !

We’ve all lived together, but never thought that I’m his girlfriend? ? ?

Truth shook her head, took a deep breath, and stopped thinking about it.

continued to say:

“You should know, right? When I was a child, my parents passed away because of a fire at home, and I became an orphan. Then I was adopted by the former president of Zhinao Group, that is, Huagata, in Meteor Academy.”

“And in the Meteor School, everyone except me also became lonely orphans due to various unfortunate events, and was adopted by Dad.”

“I think it should be the same as what Murakami Kyoji said. Dad sent all three belts to us adopted children, so that we can resist when we face monsters like Orfi Enoch. the power of.”

When everyone heard this, they nodded.

At present, the situation is indeed like this.

Truth got Faiz.

Quankai and other people obtained two other belts.


Is it really that simple?

Everyone understands that when they are actually living as ordinary people.

It’s rare to be suddenly attacked by Orfienuo.

Otherwise, Keitaro and the others.

And he wouldn’t have lived until now, just now knowing about the existence of Orfienuo.

But since staying with Su Mo and other people who have the belt of the Kamen Rider, they will meet Orpheus who wants to snatch the belt one after another.

Looking at it this way, it’s obviously safer not to have the Kamen Rider belt.

If Huagata really wanted to keep her adopted children safe, she shouldn’t have sent the three belts to Truth and the others.

Keitaro asked at this time:

“By the way, you should be able to contact other people from Meteor Academy, right?”

“It’s useless to think about it now. It’s better to contact other people who also received the belt and ask. They may know the truth about Huaxing sending you the belt.”

Qian Qiao nodded, he thought so too.

“Not bad, it’s rare to say something correct and not annoying.”

Hearing this, Kaitaro’s face froze, and then he retorted dissatisfiedly:

“Hey, hey! Qiao, what do you mean?!”

“Did I hate what I said before?”


He also has selfish motives in wanting the truth to connect with other people with belts…

The Faiz belt is useless.

He didn’t believe the other two belts, and he couldn’t use them either! ! !

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