The dignified president! Was actually played by two children

“Hey, it’s time to go.”

“By the way, if you ask for another day off, the lady boss agrees?”

“The proprietress has a really good temper.”

Stretching his waist, Su Mo asked Sonoda Mari who was sitting on the sofa beside him.


Truth asked for leave again, and contacted the members of Meteor School last night.

Then I decided to meet up today.


Truth had to take another leave of absence.

If Su Mo was the boss, he would definitely fire Zhen Zhen.

Even if the truth relies on her cute baby fat face.

For the sake of her beauty, Su Mo can be tolerant of her.


Just started working, so I asked for leave for so many days.

No matter how pretty she is, she should be fired or she should be fired.Don’t have such employees!

Hearing this, Jiehua and the others all suppressed their laughter.

Truth has just started working, so she asks for leave again and again.

Even if they are the bosses, they will also be unbearable.

Truth glared at Su Mo angrily, and said in a low tone:


“I told her that if I can finish things in the morning, I will go back to work as soon as possible in the afternoon…”

“I don’t want to ask for leave…but…”

There is really no way! ! !

Meteor school, Kamen Rider belt, flower shape.

These things are very important.

Compared with work, it is even more important.

So, she had no choice but to ask for leave brazenly.

Fortunately, for the sake of being women.

The proprietress agreed again and again.

Although it is very reluctant to agree…

Su Mo shook his head and laughed.

Stretched out his hands and rubbed the heads of Zhenzhen and Yuhua respectively.

Then he said to Qianqiao and the others:

“Then shall we go?”


“it is good!”

“Listen to Mr. Mo~”

“Master…Master, am I the only one looking at the shop this time???”

Clover bar.

“Can I drink coffee now?”

“It’s too early to drink.”

Saeko Kageyama smiled, showing a professional and charming smile.

Looking at the big black man J holding Chuck in front of the counter with gentle eyes!

Beside J, there are two other people, Yilang Tsomo and Kyoji Murakami.

“I was really taken aback. I didn’t expect Mr. J to fail.”

Kyo’er Murakami picked up the coffee cup in front of her and took a sip.

Then he said slowly.

Zhuo Mo Yilang nodded slightly, and said in a cold tone:

“That’s right.”

“As a member of Lucky Clover…”

A member of Lucky Clover, but has always been hailed as the strongest Orfi Enoch.

Thinking about Yilang and the others, they also think so.

But now…

As one of the Lucky Clover members, J!

But he was defeated by someone, and it wasn’t Bei Qi and his own people.

Instead, outsiders such as Dark Emperor Qi and Faiz.

Even because of this, a life was lost! ! !

This is not just about J himself being ashamed.

More importantly, everyone in Lucky Clover lost face.

This is Kyoji Murakami’s first mission…

The results of it?


And ah, it’s still a fiasco! ! !

J remained silent, but gently stroked Chuck in his arms.

“However, it’s not like I didn’t gain anything this time…”

“At least I know who owns the other belt.”

Saeko Kageyama said with a smile while fiddling with the empty wine glass.

After hearing the words, everyone nodded their heads.

“The Faiz belt was sent to Sonoda Mari by Hanakata.”

“The Kaixa belt and the Delta belt were also sent to other Meteor School members. I’ve been looking for their traces before.”

“It’s a pity that nothing has been harvested. We only found Sonoda and Su Mo.”

When Murakami Kyo’er said this, her face darkened unconsciously.

Thinking of Sonoda Mari and Su Mo.

I feel very uncomfortable inside.

He is the president of Brain Intelligence Group!

She was tricked by two children.

“The most important thing is the power of the dark cavalry. The reason why J failed this time is mainly because of the existence of the dark cavalry.”

Saeko Kageyama said softly, with a bit of fun in her eyes.

She also already knew that the shape-shifter of the Dark Emperor Rider is Su Mo!

And whether it’s the Dark Emperor Cavalry or Su Mo.

She is very interested.

One is a new Kamen Rider who has never heard of it, and whose fighting power is very terrifying.

The other is a young and handsome boy.

For such a boy who is still in adolescence, he likes the younger Saeko Kageyama.

I can’t wait to see Su Mo with my own eyes.

“Mr. J, do you want me to help you?”

Zhuo Mo Yilang pushed his glasses, patted J’s broad shoulders lightly, and said with a smile.

Before J could say anything, Murakami Kyoji said in a serious tone:

“In short, this matter.”

“I’m counting on you guys.”

“Every belt is made for our king. We must never give the belt to outsiders. We must find all the belts!!!”

Hearing these words, J, Zhuomo Yilang, and Kageyama Saeko.

They all nodded with serious faces.


The three belts were made for the king.

It must not be placed in the hands of outsiders such as Makoto Sonoda.


“Brother Yongzhi~ Do you miss my sister~”

“By the way, how have you been doing recently?”

A blue supercar stopped in front of Kiba Yuji and Kaido Naoya who had just left.

The car window fell, and a heavily made-up female face came into view.

I saw SmartLady again.

Kiba Yuji and Kaitang Nao also looked at each other, and they both sighed helplessly.

“This woman… is here again!”

Afterwards, they ignored Smart.Lady.

They turned around together and prepared to leave here.

However, SmartLady will not give up easily.

While driving the vehicle, he followed Kiba Yuji and the others.

As she opened her mouth, she said in that weird voice deliberately pretending to be delicate:

“Although you don’t talk, but my sister~”

“I still know that the person you like the most is me…”

Kiba Yuji and Kaido Nao also heard the words, and their heads were full of black lines.

The corners of her mouth twitched a few times.

Seeing that the two of them ignored her, SmartLady stopped talking nonsense.

I chose to go straight to the topic.

Looking at Yuji Kiba, he said:


“I’m here this time, mainly for you, brother Yongzhi.”

“Because you ignored the president’s words, and said something about protecting human beings…”


Kneeling thanks list: [∞ Kong Mingjie Master ∞] [Chen Xie] [Yunshan wants to raise a cat] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Decade the destroyer of the world] [Hao Guang who loves lotus root slices and snow peas] 【Yin Yetong】【Chen Yinxun】【Cronus】【Don’t Say Autumn】【Qingfeng】【Xiaofeng Remnant Night】(4.14)

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