They Are All Dead! special power? Is it good looking?

“Sure enough, you have the Faiz belt.”

Hearing the words of teacher Masuda’s instruction, Shini nodded.


“But, teacher, how do you know?”

“Did Dad tell you something? Also, why did Quankai send me a picture of the other belt?”

Truth raised several questions in a row.

“Mr. Hanagata didn’t say it, but we guessed it.”

Masuda Koyuki was silent for a moment, and then began to explain.

“As for the dog feeding, it’s our common idea. We want to test whether you and Su Mo have Faiz belts in their hands.”

“The belt we have is called Kaixa. In fact, the first person to receive it is not us, but Gao Gong!”

Gao Gong?

The truth came to him, but he noticed the suspicious eyes of Yuhua and others.

Then he explained a sentence:

“He is also a member of our Meteor Academy.”

“When Gao Gong received the belt, it seemed that he got information about the other two belts from Dad, so we found you.”

Abe Rina said aloud at this time.

Although I know why Quankai suddenly contacted me.

But the doubts about the truth did not end there.

He glanced at the crowd at the scene.

But there is no Gao Gong…

“Rina, what about Gao Gong and Xi Tian?”

Hearing these two names, Abbe Rina, Masuda Koyu and others all had sad expressions.

Seeing this scene, Truth had a bad feeling.

Sure enough!

next moment! !

Abe Rina lowered her head, sighed and said:

“They… are all dead.”


? ?

? ? ?

How could this be?

Truth clenched her fists, and some couldn’t believe it.

Perhaps Gao Gong fell to death because of the battle with Ao Fei Enuo before she, Su Mo and others came.

Ke Nishida Kiyotaka……

When I saw it yesterday, although at the end of the battle, there seemed to be some problems with Nishida Kiyotaka’s transformation state.


He was the victor in the battle, and he didn’t suffer any injuries……

There should be nothing wrong! ! !

How could he be dead? ? ?

Keitaro and the others also looked unbelievable.

Seeing this, Abe Rina pointed to the Kaixa belt on the table.

“It’s all its fault…”

“Not long after Gao Gong received the belt, he met Orfienuo. Gao Gong used the Kaixa belt as a matter of course, and then transformed into Kamen Rider Kaixa!”

“But… not only did not destroy the Orpheeno monster, but he himself was ashes and died…”

“As for Kiyoko Nishida, you should know that he fought an Orfi Enoch yesterday. Although he won, but…”

“His own body can’t hold it anymore.”

Can’t stand it anymore?

Gan Qiao frowned slightly.

“What do you mean? Is that Kiyotaka Nishida himself seriously injured?”

Abe Rina shook her head.

Slowly told the shocking truth.

“Nishida Kiyotaka’s body is very healthy!”

“Because of this, we all regard Nishida as the most suitable shapeshifter for the Kaixa belt, but…he still hasn’t escaped his fate!”

“Everyone who uses the Kaixa belt to transform is doomed to die!!!”

“Gao Gong is like this, Xi Tian is like this, and there are others, too.”

“This is a cursed belt…”


Hearing these words, Keitaro reacted the most.

Immediately stood up, eyes widened, and exclaimed.

He has been thinking about it, if there is a chance.

You must become the master of other Kamen Rider belts.


This Kaixa belt, it will die after using it? ? ?


It’s way off the mark! ! !

“Are you guys joking?”

Keitaro still didn’t give up and asked.

At this time, a male student retorted angrily:

“Do you think we will joke about our companion’s life?!”


Kaitaro’s face froze, and he sat down in a daze.

Indeed, it is impossible for people to make fun of people’s lives.

There is no need to deceive myself and others at all.

Masuda Jiaoyu sighed, then looked at Su Mo and Gan Qiao.

“Su Mo, I heard from Xi Tian that you all have belts, right?”

Ganqiao looked at Su Mo and nodded without hesitation.

Then he also hummed to Masuda Jiaoyu.

Seeing this, Masuda Jiaoyu and others sized up Su Mo and Gan Qiao.

“Then… After you transformed, did you have any problems with your body?”

Qian Qiao shook her head and said:

“No, everything is normal.”

Everyone looked at Su Mo again.

Su Mo looked as usual, smiled slightly and said:

“I’m fine.”

Not only is he fine, but his body.

On the contrary, it is getting stronger and stronger.

Even if he didn’t transform himself, he could beat the ordinary Orfi Enoch two moves.

“Is…is it?”

“It seems that the belt you have is different from the Kaixa belt.”

“Or…do you have any special abilities?”

Masuda Jiaoyu looked at Su Mo and Gan Qiao with some uncertainty.

Special abilities?

Hearing these words.

Truth and the others immediately thought of the Aurora Curtain controlled by Su Mo.

This kind of special ability similar to the teleportation array can be used by Su Mo without transforming.

“special power……”

“Hmm… Does being handsome count?”

I noticed that everyone’s eyes were focused on me if there was nothing.

The corners of Su Mo’s mouth rose, and he said a very unbearable sentence.

Looks handsome…


Although Keitaro and the others wanted to say no.


He is as handsome as Su Mo, in a way.

It is indeed a special ability that is different from ordinary people, right?

Moreover, Qianqiao’s appearance is also very high.

Is it really because of being handsome that wearing a belt won’t cause any sequelae? ? ?

“By the way, teachers, do you know what it means for Dad to send us the belt? Is there any purpose that we need to accomplish?”

Truth changed the subject at this time and asked curiously.

Why did you send the belt over?

Other than Masuda Jiaoyu and Abbe Rina were present at the scene.

There are also three members of Meteor School, two men and one woman.

Among them, Shinto Takahisa, who was wearing a white coat, said:

“I think that Dad sent us the belt because he wanted us to fight against evil monsters like Orfi Enoch!!!”

“Fight for all mankind!!!”


Kneeling thanks list: [Destroyer of the World decade] [Don’t say autumn 㔓] [Underworld – Heinous] [Qing Feng] [Gebas who loves to eat couples] [Yo Ye Tong] [Cronus (Cronus) 】【”God Controls the World”】【Xiao Feng Remnant Night】

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