Krypton Life Belt! Conditions of Use of the Kaixa Belt

Hua Xing sent the belt to everyone in the Meteor Academy, so that they could fight Orfienuo, destroy monsters, and protect humans? ? ?

Everyone heard the words, and many people agreednodded.

Indeed, this is the only way to explain it.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to let the adopted child have the power to fight against Ophelia, but after Truth and others obtained the belt, they were repeatedly targeted and attacked by Ophelia.

“Since the two belts you have obtained can be used normally.”

“The Kaixa belt is definitely not that difficult to use. It’s just that we haven’t found the correct way to use it. If we can find it, it will definitely be able to be used normally like other belts.”

Shendao Guijiu saw that no one refuted him, so he spoke again.

“Speaking of which, the Faiz belt is also subject to conditions of use. Except for Aqiao and Su Mo, we have no way to use it.”

“And as long as the conditions for the Kaixa belt can be found, it will definitely be able to be used normally without side effects as you said.”

When Kaitaro said this, he couldn’t help looking at Su Mo.

“By the way, Su Mo, do you know the conditions for using the Kaixa belt?”

Hearing this, other people also focused their attention on Su Mo.

To Jiehua and others, Su Mo is like an omniscient person.

No matter what happened, he remained calm, as if he knew it long ago.

And Su Mo also knows the usage conditions of the Faiz belt.

He is also in control of the belts of the Dark Emperor Cavalry. He must know more about these belts than others.

Therefore, everyone’s eyes were filled with anticipation.

“Well, the conditions for using the Kaixa belt.”

“I do know.”

Under the fiery eyes of everyone, Su Mo spoke.

Hearing this, Truth and the others immediately widened their eyes.


Masuda Jiaoyu asked nervously:

“Then…Student Su, can you tell us the conditions for using the Kaixa belt, what exactly is it?”

As long as they can know the conditions of use, and then find someone who is suitable for using the belt, then they don’t need to lose their companions.

Facing the attack of Orfienuo, there is no need to panic anymore.

“Well, there’s actually nothing to hide.”

“It’s just… Even if you know the conditions for using the Kaixa belt, you can’t change anything…”

Su Mo didn’t hold everyone’s appetite, so he paused.

Then he told the conditions of use of the Kaixa belt.

“If you want to use the Kaixa belt, you must pay a price. This price, to put it simply, is vitality!”

“Therefore! People with weak vitality cannot use the Kaixa belt.”

“Even a human with strong vitality will die within a short time after successfully transforming into Kamen Rider Kaixa. This is because transforming into Kaixa will consume life!!!”

“And other creatures whose vitality is stronger than humans, such as Orfienuo, can actually use the belt, but…after they use it, they also have the side effect of consuming life, but because of their strong vitality.”

“So you won’t fall into death after transforming once or twice.”

“Compared to calling it a cursed belt…”

“I prefer to call it…the Krypton Belt!”

Now, with the truth, they are talking about the mark of Orpheus and Enoch.

It’s too early, and people may not believe Su Mo.

So to put it another way, vitality.

Easy to understand!


“how come……”

“Is there really no way…”

After listening to Su Mo’s words, everyone was a little desperate.

Originally, everyone still had a fluke mentality in their hearts.

Knowing the conditions for using the Kaixa belt, they can prescribe the right medicine and find a suitable shapeshifter.

But now…

Although according to Su Mo, Orfienuo can use the Kaixa belt many times, but these people are just ordinary people.

Where can I find an Orfienoch who is willing to help them?

You must know that even if it is Orfienuo, using the Kaixa belt to transform will consume vitality, and there is no benefit in helping them…

For a while, everyone’s mood became heavy.

No one doubts Su Mo’s words. He is also a member of Meteor School.

And has another Kamen Rider belt.

Su Mo has no reason to deceive them.

Kaitaro looked at Kaixa’s belt on the table, feeling even more afraid.

Good guy!

If you transform once, you will die?

Then let’s pull it down…

Compared to being a Kamen Rider, being alive is more important.

The atmosphere was dignified, and everyone remained silent.

This depressing atmosphere made Truth feel very uncomfortable.

At this moment, a hand took hers.

Feeling the warmth from the palm, Truth turned her head.

She pursed her mouth slightly, pretending to be dissatisfied and asked in a low voice:

“What are you doing?”

“Taking advantage of me?”

Su Mo frowned and shrugged.

“Anyway, you are also one of my girlfriends.”

“Seeing how ugly your face is, I thought you needed comfort.”

“I didn’t expect you to think of me like this. Since this is the case…”

The voice has not yet fallen,He wants to withdraw his hand.


“Cut! Believe in you!”

Truth said so.

But Bai Nen’s little hand unconsciously clenched Su Mo’s hand backhand, and gave Su Mo a fierce look of “if you dare to let go, you’re done”.

“Is the body still very honest?”

Su Mo smiled slightly, and squeezed Truth’s little hand with great interest.

Not to mention, it’s smooth and soft.

It doesn’t feel like a needle.

At this time, his other hand was suddenly grabbed by someone.

Turning her head to look, it really was a flower.

Jie Hua blinked her eyes, with an innocent expression on her face.

The whole house is not that big.

Coupled with the distance between everyone, it’s not that far away.

The “little actions” of Su Mo, Zhenzhen and Jiehua.

Kaitaro and the others saw it all.

They are all a little helpless.

Hey Hey hey!

At this time, are you still whispering and showing affection? ? ?

It’s too much! ! !

I noticed that everyone’s eyes seemed to be full of resentment.

Truth coughed twice, and asked Abe Rina and the others:

“By the way, why are there only a few of you here?”

“What about the rest?”

The members of the Meteor Academy are not the only ones like them.


Kneeling thanks list: [I can no longer buy snacks] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Ye Chenwang who loves sweet-scented osmanthus porridge] [User: How are you? Let’s chat] [Someone who is obsessed with reading novels 】【The lone star of the evil spirit, a lonely life. 】(4.15)

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