The crocodile Orfi Enoch is dumbfounded! how do you know

“Not good! It’s Orfienuo!”

“Teacher! What should I do?!”

Seeing the appearance of Orfi Enoch, Abe Rina and the others panicked instantly.

On the other hand, Truth and the others seemed much calmer.

It’s just that there was shock in their eyes.


“He’s not dead?”

Gan Qiao stood up and said with a serious face.

“Eh? Not dead? What do you mean?!”

Hearing this, Abe Rina and others became puzzled.

Truth swallowed.

“When we went to meet Nishida Qinggao and the others, the Orfienuo we met was this one. Although the appearance has changed a bit, it must be the same one!”

“But… he should have been eliminated by Kiyoko Nishida…”

Hearing the explanation of the truth, Masuda Jiaoyu and others were stunned.

It turned out that Kiyoko Nishida said that he defeated an Ophelia.

This is the one in front of me!


Why didn’t the other party die? ! !

Doesn’t this mean…

Xi Tian scorned him, did he die in vain? ? ?

Masuda Jiaoyu and others felt extremely sad.

Can’t you even exchange one life for another? ! !

Affirming that their faces were ugly, Yu Hua said:

“Don’t worry, with Mr. Mo here, there’s no problem.”

The gentle voice like water reassured Masuda Jiaoyu and others a lot.

That’s when I remembered!

There are still two people with Kamen Rider belts at the scene.

“Take the belt…”

“Give me!!!”

J, that is, Orfienuo the crocodile, shouted.

Then he took a step and walked towards the crowd.

Here are three belts,Just right!

If it is possible to kill all these humans on the scene.

If he brings back all three belts, it’s his mission.

Not only has it been completed, but it has been overfulfilled! ! !

Died once, although it consumes one life.

But he also gained more powerful power.

Compared with the previous him, his combat effectiveness has improved a lot.

Therefore, the crocodile Ofi Enuo believed that he would never lose to Su Mo and the others again.

“Hmph, want a belt? Have you forgotten how you were defeated last time?”

Ganqiao snorted coldly, and at the same time she threw off Faiz’s phone, she opened her jacket.

The Faiz belt he had been wearing around his waist was exposed.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed the phone button as fast as lightning.




【Complete! ! ! 】(Finish!!!)

[Standing by…] (Standby…)

At the same time, Su Mo patted the shoulders of the two girls, Jiehua and Zhenzhen.

He signaled the two women to let go of themselves.

Well, although being held by them all the time, it is very fragrant and soft.


Su Mo felt as if he was about to be suffocated to death.

The two girls let go of their white and tender hands, and Su Mo stood up.

While he breathed a sigh of relief, a dark purple air flow surrounded his body.

A camera-like dark emperor riding driver appeared around his waist.

A knight card was also held between his right fingers.

Seeing this, Masuda Jiaoyu and the others widened their eyes.

“Sure enough, it’s not another Delta belt.”

It was only then that they remembered that after so long, they still didn’t know the name of the Kamen Rider belt that Su Mo owned.

“Well, what is the name of the belt that Su Mo owns?”

Abe Rina curiously asked about the truth not far away from her.

“His belt?”

It seemed that he was very happy to be asked about Su Mo’s information.

Truth showed a lovely smile, and said softly:

“The name is Dark Emperor Knight! It is a very mysterious and powerful force.”

“I’ve always suspected that this belt was secretly researched by Dad. As for why it was given to Su Mo, I don’t know.”

That’s right, that’s what the truth thinks.

Murakami Kyo’er and others have always said that Zhinao Group has three belts.

But if Su Mo is added, there are four.


Truth thinks that Hanakata secretly researched it when she was the president of Intellectual Brain Group. Even the new president, Kyoji Murakami, didn’t know about it.

“Dark Emperor Knight?”

Abe Rina and the others were slightly taken aback when they heard the words.

This name is so arrogant and domineering!

Emperor Qi, do you mean the emperor among all the Kamen Riders?

I didn’t wait for everyone to think about it.

While Su Mo threw the knight card into the driver.

Together with Ganqiao, they yelled:

“Hen-shin!” (Transformation!) X2

Immediately afterwards, two sets of armor covered their bodies.

【Kamen Ride-Faiz! ! ] (Kamen Rider-Five Five Five!!)

【Kamen Ride-Dark Decade! ! ! 】

(Kamen Rider-Dark Emperor Rider!!!)

Two Kamen Riders appear together again! ! !

The bewitching purple crystal and the red photon blood.

The light is dazzling, and the breath is terrifying! ! !

“So handsome!”

The eyes of Abe Rina and other women twinkled with little stars.

Whether it’s the Dark Emperor Cavalry or Faiz.

They are all very handsome, just like their human forms.

On the other hand, Keitaro and other men have fiery eyes, full of envy.

If they could transform, how great would it be for them?

At this time!

Without saying a word, the crocodile Ophelia rushed towards Su Mo and the two of them.

Seeing this, Gan Qiao still killed the past fearlessly like last time.

There is Su Mo here!

Don’t panic! ! !

Just do it and you’re done! ! !

As a result, everyone once again saw the clever gangster’s style of play!


The difference between this time and last time is…


“it hurts!”

Qianqiao, who just swung a few punches in the chest of the crocodile Orfi Enoch, couldn’t help but take a few steps back, and then shook his hand.

The eyes are a little puzzled.

I fought with this guy before, although I know that the opponent’s defense is strong.

My own damage is weak, but it’s not useless.

But this time…

After being punched a few times, the crocodile Ofienuo was fine. Instead, his fists were so hot that his bones felt like they were about to shatter.


It’s outrageous! ! !

By attacking the opponent, he was injured instead.

“Are you okay? This guy has three lives, and every time he dies, his strength will be stronger than the last time.”

At this time, Su Mo who came to Ganqiao’s side said slowly.

Hearing this, I suddenly came to a sudden.

“I see!”

No wonder it feels different from last time.

But Truth and the others were astonished.

Orfienuo with three lives?

And every time you resurrect, you can get stronger power?


Masuda Jiaoyu and the others twitched the corners of their mouths. Didn’t they say that?

Even if it’s a life-for-life exchange like Nishida Kiyotaka.

Wanting to completely wipe out this crocodile, Orfienuo.

Also eliminate at least three people?? ?

And the crocodile Ofienuo, who was a little satisfied in his heart because the clever attack had no effect on him, was stunned.

She looked at Su Mo dumbfounded.

“You…how did you know?!!”


Kneeling thank you list: [Spicy Sauce in the cafeteria with a radius of 20 meters] [Ji Kun who loves fried barley with garlic] [Yo Ye Tong] [Don’t say autumn 㔓] [Tomoki Kuroki from Shengzi Peak] [Looking in Dreams] Overleaf] (4.16)

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