: Su Mo Fights the Crocodile Ophelia! Some dare not continue…

The crocodile Orfienuo was shocked at this moment.

Except for Murakami Kyoji and others who know about his physical peculiarities.

It is impossible for outsiders to know.

Especially someone like Su Mo who doesn’t meet many times and who is also an enemy.

It’s even more impossible!


People still know about it.

Not only does he know that he has three lives, but he also knows that he resurrects every time.

Combat power will increase once! ! !

Could it be to ponder what they said?



They have no reason to tell this kind of thing to the person in front of them.

“Damn it!”

“Although I don’t know where you got the news from, but…”

“It’s not important anymore!”

“The best way for someone to keep a secret is to let this person.”

“Eternal sleep!!!”

After the crocodile Ofienuo finished speaking, he stretched his hand forward, and a weapon that looked like a crocodile’s mouth appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, he took the initiative to kill Su Mo and the other two.

“Want me to sleep forever?”

“If you die again, you may be able to do it.”

Su Mo chuckled, and took off the card box next to the drive.

With a random flick, the cartridge automatically switched to the long sword mode.

The sharp blade of the sword shone with a cold light.

With a movement, he appeared in front of the crocodile Ofienuo like a ghost.

Cut out with one sword!

There was a sound of piercing through the air, a terrifying force.

It’s as if space can be cut in half by this sword! ! !

The crocodile Ophelia knew Su Mo’s strength very well, so he didn’t dare to be careless.

Quickly raised the weapon in his hand – Fakirs Horn to resist.

The sound of metal clashing instantly resounded as soldiers met at close quarters.

Su Mo looked as usual, but his body still stood in place.

Steady as Mount Tai!

But the crocodile Ofienuo subconsciously took a step back.

The arm holding Fakirs Horn was still shaking violently.

“how come……”

The crocodile Orfi Enoch stared wide-eyed. He knew that Su Mo was very powerful.


He has already died once, and his strength has been enhanced.

In this confrontation, they are still at a disadvantage! ! !

This is unscientific! ! !

“It’s not bad. After taking my five-point blow, you just took a step back. You are obviously stronger than you were last time.”

“However, it’s just good.”

Before the voice of the playful words fell, Su Mo waved the sharp knife in his hand again.

Slashed at the crocodile Ofienuo.

This attack!

faster! !

The strength is even greater! ! !


Did this guy just use half of his strength?

The corner of the crocodile Orfi Enoch’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t have time to think about it.

Then he quickly blocked Fakirs Horn in front of him, and stepped back at the same time.




The battle between Su Mo and the crocodile Ofienuo was very intense.

Of course, it was mainly Su Mo who attacked, and the crocodile Ophelia defended.

All of a sudden!

The whole house was filled with the clanging of metal clashes, sparks and screams when the body was attacked.

[Name: Crocodile Orfieno/J! 】

[Evaluation of combat effectiveness: S-! 】

[Status: Strong! 】

[Weapon: Fakirs Horn! 】

[Introduction: After one death, the crocodile Ophelia’s second form has been strengthened in all aspects, and the body’s skin defense has been greatly improved! ! ! 】

“Is this… the battle between the real Kamen Rider and Orfienuo?”

“So handsome!”

“Su Mo is too powerful!”

“That’s right, although his belt was secretly researched by Dad, and its data should be stronger than other belts in all aspects, but how much combat power it can display depends on the user.”

Seeing Su Mo transforming into a dark knight, beating up the resurrected crocodile Ophelia with a crushing posture, everyone at the scene admired, worshiped, and admired him!

Every move, although very casual.

It seems that there is no strength.

But Naofi Enuo just couldn’t fight against it.

Abbe Rina and others all know the energy contained in each belt.

will not be the same.

And if it is the Dark Emperor Riding Belt, as the truth said, it was secretly researched by Huaxing.

In terms of data, it must be stronger than Faiz and other belts.

But no matter how strong the belt is, the user must be able to use it perfectly.

It’s like the Kaixa belt.

Even knowing the power contained in it, it is stronger than Faiz.

But no one can use it, so what’s the use?

Compared to even after using it.

Kai who will also consume life and diexa belt.

Everyone would rather choose Faiz.


The conditions for using Faiz don’t seem to be that simple…

Qianqiao shook her hand, and opened Faiz’s phone on her waist.

Press a button!

next moment!

A motorcycle suddenly flew over from the destroyed doorway.

Steadily stopped beside Gan Qiao.

Ganqiao didn’t use the battle mode of the mobile pegasus.

Because he was afraid that this shit would attack indiscriminately again.

Calling this thing over is just for…


Qianqiao drew out the Faiz sharp blade and took a step forward.

Then he walked towards Su Mo and the crocodile Orfienuo who were fighting.

With the damage boost of Faiz’s sharp blade, it can attack skillfully.

It can also cause some damage to the crocodile Orfienuo.

To be able to fight, one must fight skillfully.

He didn’t want to just stand aside, waiting for the battle to end.

He wants to fight side by side with Su Mo! ! !

Facing Su Mo alone, the crocodile Ophelia was a bit reluctant.

With the addition of a clever trick, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

His body was frequently slashed by the control card box sword and the Faiz sharp blade.

The sparks continued, and the pain made the crocodile Orfienuo feel very uncomfortable.

He understands, continue like this.

I will definitely be consumed by these two guys like last time.

Therefore, we cannot continue to defend.

You must take the initiative to attack and find a breakthrough! ! !

And between Su Mo and Qianqiao.

no doubt!

The most suitable attack target and breakthrough point.

It’s a coincidence!

This time, even death.

You have to pull the next one.

if not……

But it’s really too embarrassing! ! !

The crocodile Ofienuo suddenly gave up all his defenses after thinking up to this point.

Fiercely killing Su Mo.

Like the terrifying weapon in the mouth of a crocodile – Fakirs Horn went straight to Su Mo’s head, just as everyone thought!

The crocodile Ophelia is going to use life-for-life fighting methods when attacking Su Mo.

But in the process, he turned around instantly.

The offensive continued unabated, killing Qianqiao who was originally behind him!

Fake attack on Su Mo! !

Practical attack and skillful work! ! !

“not good!”

Everyone’s complexion changed drastically, Abe Rina and other girls.

She stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, not daring to continue looking down.

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