The shock of Abbe Rina and others! Yuhua: I will never forget in this lifetime

“Hey, go to hell!!!”

Looking at the Kamen Rider Faiz-Qianqiao who was close at hand, the crocodile Orfienuo laughed endlessly. He is dead, but his strength is stronger.

Attack power, defense power, and speed!

He is even stronger than before! ! !

This blow was fast and close.

Crocodile Ophelia, I’m sure!

Will be in! ! !

Moreover, he used all his strength this time.

Even if he managed to survive, he would still be in a severely disabled state.

Not to mention that you will never be able to fight, anyway, in a short period of time, you cannot continue to use the Faiz belt for transformation battles.

Even if she transforms, she won’t be able to exert much strength.

In this way, a Kamen Rider transfiguration is solved.

If it goes well, follow the idea of ​​the crocodile Ophelia.

It’s done neatly.

The belt of Faiz and the belt of Kaixa that was still on the table next to those ordinary people.

He was able to snatch at least one.

Even if it doesn’t work!

Seriously injured the skill of the Faiz user.

His record this time is also much better than last time.

No loss! ! !

In fact, Gan Qiao faced the sudden attack of the crocodile Ophelia.

Caught off guard, there was really no way to escape.

It’s too late to even make defensive preparations.

Seeing that Qianqiao was about to be hit by the huge weapon of the crocodile Ofienuo.

Ruoyouuowu’s sound effects entered everyone’s ears.

[Form Ride! ! ] (Form control!!)

【Faiz Axel Form】(555 Acceleration Form!!!)

[Start Up] (start!!!)

Next, look at it from the perspective of truth and others.

In the blink of an eye, a silver-black figure with dark purple compound eyes appeared in front of Qianqiao.

But that crocodile, Ofienuo, was blown away inexplicably.

Even the walls of the house were smashed.

He fell heavily on the hard ground in the yard.


The crocodile Orfi Enoch screamed incessantly, his whole body was burning hot.

The bone-piercing pain seemed to have been attacked dozens of times in an instant.

It gave him the illusion that his body was broken up.

“This… what’s going on here?”

Abe Rina and the others were dumbfounded, and some couldn’t figure it out.

What happened at that moment just now?

Why was the crocodile Orfienuo suddenly sent flying?

and also……

The one standing in front of Qianqiao should be Su Mo, right?


This isn’t the appearance of the dark emperor cavalry just now, is it? ! !

On the contrary, it looks similar to the skillful Faiz.

“I know!”

“This is another form of Su Mo, and it is also the form of Faiz.”

“It seems to be called accelerated form.”

“The speed will be very fast, and it will be able toMake a lot of actions, so just now because the speed is too fast, we can’t see clearly with the naked eye. ”

Although Truth was confused at first, she immediately came to her senses.

With a smile all over his face, he explained to Abbe Rina and the others.

When she was free, she asked Su Mo how many forms the Dark Emperor Cavalry had.

Although the specific figures, the truth has not been learned from Su Mo.

But like Dark Faiz, Jiadou, Ringing Ghost, Faiz Acceleration, etc.

As well as the abilities they possess, the truth is known.

Coincidentally, they also know about it.

It’s just…

This is the first time everyone has seen Su Mo use the Faiz accelerated form.

So for a while, there was no reaction.

Apart from……


She will never forget this figure in her life.

When Su Mo’s Faiz accelerated form was used for the first time, it was for her~

Thinking of this, the corners of Jie Hua’s mouth turned up slightly, obviously in a good mood.

“Eh?! Another form of Faiz?”

“So, that Gan Qiao can also switch to this form?”

“No…Since this is Faiz’s form ability, why can Su Mo use it?!”

Although the truth explained a wave to Abbe Rina and others.

But this explains…

Instead, Abbe Rina and the others had more doubts.

Since Faiz accelerates, it is Faiz’s form ability.

Then why is it used by Su Mo instead of Qianqiao? ? ?


What an outrageous feeling! ! !

Seeing question marks on the faces of Abbe Rina and others.

Truth, Yuka, and Keitaro all laughed.

“Because Mr. Mo…”

“Not only can you turn into the Dark Emperor Rider, but you can also turn into other Kamen Riders, and you can even use the form abilities of these Kamen Riders.”


? ?

? ? ?

Hearing Yuka’s words, Masuda Koyu and others.

Qiqi fell into a state of bewilderment.

Not only can it transform into a Dark Emperor Rider.

It can also transform into other Kamen Rider forms.

And ah…

Can you still use the form abilities of these Kamen Riders? ! !

Damn it! ! !

Even if Huaxing secretly researched it, it can’t be so strong!

Masuda Koyoko looked at the Kaixa belt on the table, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This is so meow…

It’s hard for people like them to transform into a Kamen Rider.

But what about Su Mo? ? ?

You can change whoever you want, and you can use the corresponding form…

Too much…

unacceptable! ! !


“Su Mo, thank you!”

Qian Qiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked Su Mo.

If it wasn’t for Su Mo just now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“How many times have I said, we are friends.”

“Among friends, why don’t you say thank you.”

“By the way, it’s time for you to try this form, too?”

Su Mo patted Gan Qiao on the shoulder and said.

This form?

Ganqiao understood what Su Mo meant and nodded.

Afterwards, he quickly put the digital wristwatch Faiz on his wrist.

I took out the accelerated memory (accelerated memory) from it, and then inserted it into the slot of the Faiz drive to replace the original Faiz instruction memory.

at the same time!

【Time Out! ! 】(Finish!!)

[Reformation! ! ! 】(Release!!!)

The maintenance time of Su Mo’s accelerated form is over.

Changed into the posture of Dark Faiz.

Although he is because of his physical fitness and the special existence of the Dark Emperor Cavalry.

The duration of acceleration form and acceleration mode is not as short as 10 seconds or 35 seconds.

But it can’t be maintained for a long time.

The ingenious Faiz acceleration was obtained after defeating Kaidou Naoya, and after he took back the Faiz equipment, it should have been originally stored in the Intellectual Brain Group.

Kaitangzhi also didn’t use it in the battle, probably because of Faiz’s various abilities.

I’m not familiar with it yet.

After all, his time in contact with Faiz equipment was very short.

As for how the Cao Jiaya people got it in the original book, that’s unknown.

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