Regarding Su Mo’s use of the Kaixa belt……

【Complete! ! ! 】(Finish!!!)

After inserting the accelerated memory into the Faiz drive, the armor on Qianqiao’s chest spread out and moved towards the shoulders, exposing the core in the center of the chest!

The photon blood all over his body changed from red to silver.

The eyes changed from yellow to red! ! !

Seeing that Qianqiao started to switch forms, Su Mo chuckled and said.

“You’ve already changed into other forms, so it’s more appropriate for me to change as well.”

After the words fell, he did not turn into the Faiz accelerated form again as everyone had imagined.

He didn’t even intend to take out the knight card.


The transformed state was released, and the human state was restored.

Take a step forward.

Walked towards the truth and the others without haste.

“Eh? Su Mo, what are you doing?”

Seeing this, Truth was stunned, on Baby Fat’s cute face.

full of doubts.

Su Mo didn’t respond, just smiledkeep going.

Following his line of sight, everyone found out.

Su Mo was looking at the Kaixa belt on the table! ! !

What the hell?

Could he be…

“Masaka!” (Could it be!)

“Su Mo, although I don’t like you very much, don’t hurt yourself!”

The corner of Kaitaro’s mouth twitched, and he said hastily.

Although Su Mo has a “bad personality”.

But after getting along for so long.

Kaitaro also regards Su Mo as his half friend.

He didn’t like to see Su Mo die in front of him.

“Student Su Mo, be careful!”

Masuda Jiaoyu couldn’t help but open his mouth to persuade Su Mo.

The others looked at Su Mo with incredulous eyes.

Everyone knows that using the Kaixa belt will consume vitality.

Those with weak vitality will die directly after use.

Even Kaitaro, who never forgot about becoming a Kamen Rider, avoided it.

As a result, Su Mo…

Do you still want to use this kryptonite thing? ? ?

“Mr. Mo…”

Jie Hua bit her red lips lightly, and stood in front of Su Mo.

This kind of thing that will hurt Su’s life [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

She naturally didn’t want Su Mo to use it.

“Don’t worry, I’m not crazy.”

“This [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2?. 0′. 58″5. ; The side effects of 6 West have no effect on me. ”

Su Mo glanced at the crowd and saw that everyone was nervous.

She couldn’t help shaking her head and laughing, and then touched Jie Hua’s beautiful cheek.

“After all, I can’t bear to leave you so soon~”


Hearing this, he felt the warmth from his cheeks and palms.

Jie Hua’s snow-white pretty face instantly flushed red.

The blush even spread to the base of the ears.

Seeing this, Truth was dissatisfied and pouted.

The smell of vinegar was flying all over the sky and shouted:

“Stupid Su Mo! Did you forget something?!”

Su Mo said rather perfunctorily:

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.”

“Damn it!!!”

Truth clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, and stared at Su Mo angrily.

Su Mo ignored the overturned jar of vinegar and stretched out his hand over Jiehua.

Then put the things on the table [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5.; 6 West took over.

Immediately afterwards, the Kaixa belt was worn directly on his waist.

While walking towards the crocodile Orfienuo, who had lost his mobility due to the severe pain all over his body, and could only lie powerlessly on the ground in the yard.

While raising his palm slightly, he shook off the Kaixa phone in his hand.

Su Mo smiled slightly. This is indeed a krypton life belt.


For him who owns the system.

The negative effect of krypton life does not exist.

The system is bound, no matter what kind of belt it is.

It can be used without any sequelae! ! !

With this in mind, the slender fingers pressed down slowly.




【ENTER! 】(confirm!)

[Standing by…] (Standby…)


Close the Kaixa phone and insert it into the slot of Kaixa’s belt.

Su Mo whispered:

“Hen-shin!” (Transformation!)

next moment!

A powerful wave of energy was released from Kaixa’s belt.

Two yellow photon blood appeared from both sides of the driver.

According to the route preset in advance, it quickly spread towards Su Mo’s chest, limbs, and back, when the blood of the yellow photon spread all over his body.

A golden light suddenly shone, making people subconsciously afraid to look directly at it.

When the light dissipated, Su Mo’s human appearance disappeared.

Instead, it was a set of armor with basic tones of black and yellow.

The compound eyes are dark blue, and there are two yellow marks in the shape of a V on the head.

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Kamen Rider!!)

【Kaixa! ! ! ] (Caesar!!!)

“Really…the transformation was successful?!”

Seeing this scene, Kaitaro and the others stared wide-eyed, their faces full of disbelief.

Su Mo, how could he be so powerful.

Any belt can be used! ! !

Whether it’s the Dark Emperor Cavalry or Faiz.

Or Kaixa! ! !

Ignoring everyone’s surprise, Su Mo twisted his neck.

Looking at Gan Qiao in Faiz’s accelerated form, he said:

“Next, let’s send him on his way.”

Qianqiao nodded.

“it is good!”

Then, I had a thought.

A huge energy quickly spread from Faiz’s drive at his waist to his right foot.

Gan Qiao slowly squatted down, taking the long-lost hooligan squatting posture.

Su Mo hooked his mouth, filled the Kaixa energy chip on the “Kaixa cursor” and installed it on his right leg.

[Ready! 】(Prepare!)

Turn on the Kaixa phone, press:

【ENTER! ! 】(confirm!!)


Close the phone!

[Exceed Charge! ! ! 】(Energy filling!!!)

In the end, Su MoHe also squatted down.

Su Mo-Kaixa version-rogue squatting! ! !

Su Mo and Gan Qiao looked at each other.

The two jumped up at the same time, and the red and yellow electric drill-like energy bodies shot at the crocodile Orfienuo who was lying on the ground and wanted to stand up, but was still unable to do so.

Immediately afterwards! ! !

[Gold Smash! ! ! 】(Yellow electric drill!!!)

【Axel Crimson Smash! ! ! 】(Accelerate the Crimson Electric Drill!!!)

The two of them quickly attacked the crocodile Ofienuo in a flying kick posture!


“don’t want!!!”

The crocodile Orfienuo yelled in horror, he has three lives.

Already died once before.

This is if he is killed again.

He has a special ability different from ordinary people – three lives.

But it is no different from other ordinary Orfienuo! ! !

The biggest advantage is about to disappear, so it’s okay not to panic.

It’s a pity that Su Mo and the others cannot let him go.

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