Dark Kaixa! This time it is stable! I! died again

Under the desperate eyes of the crocodile Orfi Enoch.

Su Mo and Qianqiao, Faiz and Kaixa.

Come at the same time! ! !

The two Kamen Rider special moves penetrated his body together.



Heart-piercing severe pain! !

The crocodile Ophelia couldn’t help screaming! ! !

Su Mo and Ganqiao landed on the ground at the same time, standing in front of the crocodile Ofienuo.

Feeling the rapid loss of his vitality, the crocodile Orfienuo understood.


I’m going to die again! ! !

He looked at Su Mo and Gan Qiao in front of him with fiery eyes.

The first life is because of them.

Second life!

It’s also because of them! ! !

Soon, all eyes fell on Su Mo.

The crocodile Ofienuo suddenly smiled instead of anger.

“Hahahahaha! I will die, but I will also be resurrected!”

“And you!!!”

“Just stay with my life forever and go to hell!!!”

The crocodile Orfienuo also knew about it.

The sequelae of using the Kaixa belt!

Even he didn’t dare to use this thing easily [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

After all, it will consume life.

The more times you use it, the faster you die.

But this…

It is for Orfienuo who can use the Kaixa belt many times.

If it is used by ordinary people, one time is enough! ! !


“That’s really sorry, I can’t do what you wanted.”

After Su Mo’s voice fell, the transformation state was released.

He returned to his human form, his face was normal, and there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

There was no trace of pretending to be calm.

It seems…

He really has nothing to do.

“how is this possible……”

“how so?!!”

“Unless… unless you are also…”

The crocodile Ofienuo yelled in disbelief without waiting for him to finish.

The body spontaneously ignited red and blue flames!

The red ∅ coat of arms and the yellow letter X also emerged from the body of the crocodile Orfienuo.

Immediately afterwards!

Under the unwilling eyes of the crocodile Offee Enoch, his entire body.

It turned into fly ash and drifted away with the wind! ! !

At the end of the battle, Su Mo released his transformation state.

A series of system prompts sounded in his mind.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating the crocodile Ophelia/J-Strong State!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the battle reward – Dark Kaixa Knight Card!!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, Lord Ofe Enoch, for his quest progress +1! The current quest progress is 3/30!!!”

uh-huh? ? ?

Hearing the system prompt, Su Mo was a little surprised.

Didn’t he already get a quest progress on the crocodile Ofienuo before? Defeating him again this time… actually got it again.

Good guy!

One life, count as a new enemy of Orpheenoch?

Doesn’t this mean…

Just one crocodile, Orfi Enoch, can contribute 3 quests to him?

Thinking of this, Su Mo couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed.

Even as an enemy, he felt a little sympathetic to Mr. J.

at the same time!

Somewhere in a park, on a bench.

There is a man holding a huge book and wearing glasses.

His demeanor is gentle, he is a gentleman.

Beside him, there was a puppy of unknown breed.


The puppy seemed to have sensed something.

He opened his mouth and barked emotionally.

This cry made Zhuo Moyilang, who was reading a book, very irritated.

“Stop calling.”

He wanted to order the puppy to shut up.


People don’t listen to him.

“Wow, woof, woof!”

“Wow woof woof!!!”

The shouting continued, and the voice became louder and louder.

Zhuo Mo Yilang’s face darkened, and he was extremely irritable.

Looking at the puppy in front of him, he wished he could kill it directly.


Who told this dog not to be an ordinary dog?

Who told him to think about Yilang?How about a gentleman?

The dog’s name is Chuck, and it is the pet dog of the black man J.

As J’s companion, wondering how Yilang could attack his companion’s pet dog?

That doesn’t fit his style.

“Do you miss the master?”

“Don’t worry, count the time, it won’t be long.”

“Mr. J should be back soon.”

Zhuo Mo Yilang said softly, and the words fell.

A smile couldn’t help but appear on his face.

J’s second life will be much stronger than before.

Going this time should be easy.

I heard that the Kaixa belt and Su Mo are in the same place this time, if J really succeeds.

Take back the three belts of Kaixa, Faiz, and Dark Emperor Cavalry.

The previous humiliation of failure will not only be swept away.

It will even add glory to it.

Sacrifice one life in exchange for three Kamen Rider belts.

This is something to be thankful for.

As a member of Lucky Clover, Zhuomo Yilang is really happy for J.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Mo Yilang’s smile became even wider.

He came this time because he originally wanted to fight with J.

But J refused, he wanted to wash away the shame of failure, so!

Thinking about Yilang, there is no past.

I handed it over to J with confidence.

Because, no matter in Zhuo Mo Yilang’s view.

Still in J’s view.

J in the second life state, the combat power is not something that “children” who have not fought a few times can resist.

Suddenly, Tang Mo Yilang noticed something.

Turned his head and looked forward.

There, countless sand and dust are gathering together.

Zhuo Mo Yilang closed the book with a “snap”.

She smiled and said to Chuck:

“Look, isn’t it here?”

Sensing the master’s breath, Chuck did not bark again.


Its eyes seemed to have a layer of mist?

Feeling a little teary.


The sand and dust condensed into a tall and burly figure!

Crocodile Orfi Enoch! ! !

Resurrection! ! !


“What a terrifying aura, is this your second form?”

Zhuo Mo Yilang said in surprise.

He knew that J who died once would become stronger.


I didn’t expect to be so strong, the current J.

It’s even stronger than he thought about Yilang.

Just standing in front of the other party, Chuan Yilang felt a little difficult to breathe.

While shocked, he was even more relieved.

Even he might not be able to beat J in this form.

Not to mention those children.

It seems that this mission is indeed stable.

It’s just that what made Zhuomo Yilang a little puzzled.

“Where’s the belt?”

He looked left and right, but he didn’t see any belt.

At this time, J released Orfienoch’s form.

With a black face, he said a little lonely:


“Dead again…”


? ?

? ? ?


Zhuo Mo Yilang’s mouth twitched, his face full of disbelief.

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