Follower of the truth, is the relationship between Su Mo and Cao Jiaya good?

“Su Mo, is your body really alright?”

“Yes, yes, not only physically, but also mentally? Can you feel it carefully?”

“My God, didn’t you say that using it will consume your vitality? Why is there nothing wrong with Su Mo?”

Although a few minutes have passed since the battle ended.

But Masuda Jiaoyu and others still stared at Su Mo closely.

Curious, nervous, worried, envious!

“I’ve said it many times, it’s really okay.”

“From head to toe, it’s still intact.”

Su Mo shook his head helplessly and laughed.

After a pause, he explained softly to everyone:

“My physique is quite special. No matter what kind of belt it is, I can ignore its usage conditions and negative effects.”

“So, I can use Faiz, and I can also use Kaixa!”

“You can even use the last Delta belt.”

“You don’t have to doubt whether it’s true or not. If it’s fake, why should I use the Kaixa belt? It’s not like you don’t know the negative effects of krypton life.”

Hearing these words, everyone nodded, expressing that they understood.

But his eyes were still extremely hot.

A special physique that can ignore the conditions and negative effects of the belt? ? ?


Keitaro said from the bottom of his heart.

It would be great if he could also have this kind of physique, when the time comes…

Wouldn’t it be possible to use any belt like Su Mo?

How awesome is it to be able to transform into any Kamen Rider?

Masuda Jiaoyu stared at Su Mo seriously, and asked earnestly:

“Su Mo, your physique…”

“Is it natural?”


What does this mean?

Can it be cultivated later? ? ?

Truth and others all showed doubts.

Only Su Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, as if he understood.

The deeper meaning in Masuda Jiaoyu’s words.

“Of course, it’s all natural and unprocessed.”

Heard the words!

Masuda Jiaoyu shrank his pupils sharply, and took a deep look at Su Mo.

“Teacher, you, is there something to hide from us? ”

The truth feels that something is wrong, but what exactly is wrong.

She couldn’t figure it out.


Masuda Jiaoyu swallowed, shook his head and denied.

Although everyone can see that there must be some secret in it.

But since the teacher doesn’t want to say it, they are students.

It’s not good to continue to question.

Masuda Jiaoyu let out a breath, and glanced meaningfully at Shinri and the others.

He doesn’t know many secrets.

Mainly because of that class reunion…

At that time, something seemed to have happened.

Truth, they… all suffered serious injuries.

Afterwards, Huaxing took them away and underwent surgery.

Immediately afterwards, these students jumped up and down again.

Moreover, they all lost the memory of why they were injured.

Although Hanagata told Masuda Jiaoyu that it was just an ordinary operation.

But Masuda taught, but he didn’t believe it from the bottom of his heart.

Because, many of them are students.

Before being taken away by Hua Xing.

Masuda Jiaoyu secretly observed, those students…

In fact, they are no longer breathing! ! !

In other words, they are all dead! ! !

As for whether all the students died, or only some of them.

Masuda did not know about the instruction, but he only knew it.

After being taken away by Hanagi for surgery, even the dead students came back to life…

Moreover, Huagata didn’t tell him why these students were injured.

Previously, Masuda Koyuki had been thinking about Shinri and the others, what happened and what Hanakata did.

But now…

Looking at Kaixa’s belt, looking at the playful smile on Su Mo’s handsome face.

Masuda Jiaoyu understands!

The surgery at the class reunion.

It must be related to the Kamen Rider belt and Orfienuo.

Masuda Jiaoyu asked other ordinary people he knew to experiment and let them use the Kaixa belt, without exception!

Neither can be used.

However, almost all the students of Meteor School can use it.

It’s just that the duration of the transformation is different.

Therefore, that operation must have changed the bodies of the students of Meteor School, such as Truth, not only bringing them back to life!

And you can also use the Kaixa belt! ! !

If that’s the case…

It’s terrifying to think about it carefully!

Flower shaped him…

Why do you want to do this?

Thinking of this, beads of sweat flowed from Masuda Jiaoyu’s forehead.

His face turned pale.

By the way, there are two more special members of the Meteor Academy.

Su Mo and… Cao Jiaya! ! !

Through the conversation just now, Masuda Jiaoyu understood.

Su Mo must know something [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West’s.

I secretly decided to talk to Su Mo alone later.

Resurrection or something.

Masuda Jiaoyu still couldn’t bear to tell them the truth.

As for the Caojia people…

At this moment, Abe Rina bit her lip.

He looked at Su Mo and then at Masuda Jiaoyu.

“We… what should we do next?”

This place was attacked by Orfienuo, so.

I definitely can’t stay here any longer.

But what should they do next?

Where are you going?

do what? ? ?

Hearing this, Masuda Jiaoyu said decisively:

“Let’s go find Soka.”

“At that class reunion, Soka didn’t come, but his name was on the message board. He might know something.”

Shinto Guijiu looked hesitant.

“But…we called him before, but he looked very impatient and didn’t want to see us at all.”

Abe Rina and the others nodded.

it’s true.

That guy…

It seems that they don’t care about their companions at all.

“He doesn’t want to see us, but…”

“It doesn’t mean that other people don’t want to see them either.”

When Masuda Jiaoyu said this, he smiled.

She looked at Su Mo and Truth meaningfully.

Although he is a teacher, he also knows the relationship between these little guys.

Cao Jiaya just joined the Meteor School, and then was beaten up by the culprit – Su Mo! ! !

As for the truth…

The former Caojia people had a nickname.

[Followers of the truth! ! ! 】

I believe that there are words from Su Mo and Truth.

The Caojia people should be willing to meet.

After everyone heard the words, they noticed Masuda Jiaoyu’s eyes.

Seeing Su Mo and the other two.

They all showed expressions of sudden realization.

Only Yuhua, Kaitaro, and Ganqiao were a little puzzled.

Does that Cao Jiaya have a good relationship with Su Mo and Truth?

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