Cao Jia’s father – Su Mo? ! ! dog of truth


“So, that Cao Jiaya…”

“Actually, to be precise, I don’t have a good relationship with you???”

Under the suspicious gazes of Jie Hua and others, Truth slowly revealed the grievances and grievances between herself, Su Mo, and the Cao Jiaya.

Then……Unbelievable expressions appeared on the faces of the three of Yuhua.

When they first heard Masuda Jiaoyu say that, they thought it was because Su Mo and the Cao Jiaya had a good relationship, but they didn’t expect…

This kind of thing happened between the three of Su Mo.

“its not right……”

“Since you all hate Cao Jiaya, you even often beat him up.”

“Then that teacher just now…”

“Why do you still say that if you go to the Caojia people, he will be willing to meet?”

Keitaro raised his own doubts.

Jie Hua and Gan Qiao also nodded.

They were also a little puzzled about this.

At this time, everyone had already left the house where Masuda Jiaoyu and others were staying.

On the way to find the Caojia people.

Hearing what Kaitaro said, Su Mo glanced at the truth beside him.

“Then you have to ask this idiot what charm he has.”

“Even if I was able to make that Cao Jiaya person willingly and still like her even after being beaten up, even I admire that.”


? ?

? ? ?


Qianqiao took a breath, it sounds…

This Cao Jiaya is a ruthless person.

They were all publicly disgusted by Truth and even beaten by her.


Still like her all the time? ? ?

A word suddenly entered the minds of the three of them.

【Lick the dog! 】


Truth’s licking dog? ? ?

Sensing everyone’s strange gazes, Zhen Zhen’s pretty face blushed slightly.

Angry and ashamed, he stomped his feet and said:


“What kind of eyes are you looking at?”

“Is it incredible that I have a suitor?!”

She is so cute, she will be liked, it’s normal, okay? ? ?


Keitaro was silent, thinking carefully.

It seems to be true, although the truth is a woman in character.

But on the outside, she is a cute and beautiful girl, plus when she was young.

Sogaya was saved (protected) by a beautiful girl like Truth.

It is not impossible to become the licking dog of truth.


If you get beaten up, you will become obsessed…

This is the best among dog lickers, right?

Seeing that everyone stopped talking.

Truth snorted and stopped.

Look at the school gate ahead.

“Here we are!”

[Qingquan College University! 】

Here is the school where the Caojia people are.

Truth stretched out her white and tender hand, and took Su Mo’s palm.

Then she dragged her towards the school gate.

“Hurry up, let’s quickly find that guy Soka.”

“If I can find him in the morning, I won’t have to ask for leave in the afternoon.”

Even if it is the truth, I feel it.

If I asked for leave in the afternoon, it would be too much.

The proprietress has a 99.9% chance of firing her.


Su Mo did not grab Truth’s wrist as she wished.


“What’s wrong?”

Truth pouted slightly, a little puzzled, and the three of Jiehua looked at Su Mo in confusion.

“How do you want to find him?”

Su Mo asked softly.

Truth heard the words, thought for a while, and then said:

“Of course, go ask someone about Soka’s class first.”

“Then go through the location and curriculum of the class, and then find Soka!”

Yuhua and the others nodded. There is nothing wrong with finding someone like this.

But Su Mo shook his head.

“No, this is still too slow.”

After speaking, he let go of his hand and walked towards a female student not far away.

Seeing this, Truth and the others were very curious.

Does Su Mo have a faster way?

“Hello classmate, I have a question I would like to ask you, can I?”

A strange voice came from behind, and the female student stopped.

There was some impatience on his face.

Turning her head, she wanted to say that she didn’t have time, that she couldn’t, and so on.

However, when he saw such a handsome man as Su Mo.

The female student’s mind went blank for an instant, and pink hearts shone in her eyes.

“What a handsome little brother…”

Su Mo’s appearance is the lethality to women.

It’s really too big, facing such a handsome guy.

How could a female student say no?

“You can ask anything you want~”

As he spoke, he winked playfully at Su Mo.

It seems to be saying, even if you ask her measurements or her home address.

it is also fine.

Su Mo smiled slightly.

“Excuse me, where is the broadcasting room?”

broadcast room?

The female student was a little disappointed.

Truth and the others were stunned.

It turns out that Su Mo wanted to find Cao Jia through the school radio.

After all, this school is very big, so it is still a bit troublesome to find Cao Jia’s class, and then to find Cao Jia.

But through the broadcast that spreads extremely fast and covers the entire school.

You can immediately let the Caojia people know that they are coming.


In this way, the Caojia people can be notified in the fastest way.

But it doesn’t necessarily guarantee that people will come over obediently.

just in the truthWhen they were thinking, Su Mo had already learned the location of the broadcasting room from the female student.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Let’s go!”

Su Mo walked back, seeing Truth froze in place.

She couldn’t help stretching out her hand to pinch her cute baby cheeks.

“Hmm… the soul is light!”

Feeling the pain, Truth immediately came to her senses.

Looking fiercely at Su Mo in front of him.

After the other party “tactfully” let go of his hand.

Truth opened her mouth and asked:

“Stupid Su Mo, what are you going to ask me to say?”

Hearing this, Su Mo frowned, as if he was a little surprised.

“I’m not going to let you talk about it.”


Truth was dumbfounded.

In her opinion, it is the core that allows the Caojia people to meet them.

It was herself, therefore.

The most suitable person to use the radio is her.


Su Mo is not going to let her use the radio? ? ?

“Then what are you going to say?”

“Don’t say anything excessive, otherwise…”

“He might not meet us again…”

Truth said softly.

“Don’t worry, I have my measure.”

Su Mo patted Zhen Zhen’s little head, and exchanged glances with Jie Hua and others.

Then he turned around and walked towards the school broadcasting room.

Truth and others hurriedly followed.


In the broadcasting room, relying on money and appearance.

Su Mo and others obtained the right to use the broadcast for three minutes.

Under “all attention”.

Facing the microphone, Su Mo chuckled and said:

“Student Cao Jiaya, your father Su Mo is here, please come to the broadcasting room as soon as possible…”

Hearing this, everyone in the radio room.

One counts as one, and they all fell into a state of confusion.

Truth’s eyes widened. Is this also called being measured? ! !

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