Help! Abe Rina for help! Grassy people in a daze


My son Nima! ! !

Cao Jiaya’s smile froze, and his face darkened.

Gritting his teeth, he said the name of the person in front of him in a cold voice.

“Su Mo!!!”

“Hey, Dad is here.”

Su Mo still smiled and responded softly.


Hearing the conversation between the two, Yuhua and the others couldn’t bear it anymore.

They all laughed out loud.

“damn it!”

Cao Jiaya cursed secretly, and glanced at the truth behind Su Mo.

I thought to myself:

“Just wait, she… is mine!”

“I couldn’t beat you when I was young, but now…it might not be possible!!!”

When he was young, he was just a poor and weak child.

No outstanding background and appearance.

Not to mention Su Mo, who has a deep relationship with the truth.


No matter what Cao Jia did, he couldn’t get away from Su Mo’s side.

Steal the truth.

But now…

It’s different! ! !

Since leaving the Meteor School, he has been studying desperately.

Not only is his academic performance very good.

He is also proficient in tennis, fencing, equestrian and so on.

I exercise regularly, and my physical fitness is stronger than that of ordinary first-line athletes.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is both civil and military.

He’s a scumbag!outstanding! ! !

In addition, I learned some secrets about class reunions and belts.

Cao Jiaya is confident that Su Mo is not his opponent.

The truth belongs to him! ! !

Thinking of this, Cao Jiaya smiled.

It didn’t seem like Su Mo was angry because of Su Mo’s words.

said softly:

“Su Mo, don’t you… only talk about taking advantage?”

“Don’t you think you are naive when you say these words?”

“We are no longer the children we used to be, let’s be more mature!”

After the words fell, Cao Jiaya secretly gave herself a thumbs up.


In this way, everyone will definitely feel that what the Cao Jiaya said is correct.

And Su Mo will look like a clown!


“Crack, clap!”

Su Mo applauded.

“Well said!”

“However… I didn’t say anything wrong.”

“How dare you swear that you never said, ‘Truth is a woman who can be my mother’? I am Truth’s boyfriend, so naturally I am also your father. Is there anything wrong?”

Before he finished speaking, Su Mo put his arm around the truth.


Truth’s snow-white pretty face was blushing.

Although in front of everyone, being held in Su Mo’s arms, Truth was very embarrassed.

But, she didn’t push him away.

Seeing this scene, the anger in Cao Jiaya’s heart ignited again.

The truth has long been identified as his woman.

But now…

But being held in his arms by the bastard Su Mo, how can this not make Cao Jiaya angry?


“she is mine!!!”

Cao Jiaya’s face was distorted, and he broke the defense in an instant!

Clenching his fists, he walked quickly.

It seems that they are going to use force to force Su Mo to let go of the truth.


Gan Qiao and Jie Hua immediately stood in front of Su Mo.

He looked at Cao Jiaya with cold eyes.

The students in the radio room also immediately shouted:

“Student Soka, please don’t be impulsive!”

Seeing so many people, they are all “helping” Su Mo.

As if adding fuel to the fire, the Caojia people became even more angry.

However, he also understands.

It’s really unwise to take action against Su Mo here.

Therefore, suppressing his anger, he said to Su Mo:

“Let’s change places!”

Hearing this, Su Mo naturally has no objection.


“No problem at all.”

In a park not far from Qingquan University.

Su Mo and others sat on a small stone bench.

The opposite of Su Mo and the truth is Cao Jiaya.

There are five seats in total, Gan Qiao and Jie Hua sit beside Su Mo.

And the poor Kaitaro stood aside wanting to cry.

“Tell me, what’s the matter for you to come to me this time?”

After leaving the radio room, Su Mo no longer embraced the truth.

The anger of the Caojia people also dissipated a little.

Before Su Mo could speak, Truth said first:

“Well, Soka, we’re here to find you this time.”

“Actually, I want to ask about the last class reunion.”

“I remember, you probably didn’t go to that class reunion, right?”

“But why, there is your name on the message board?”

After finishing speaking, Mei Mou stared at Cao Jiaya.

This guy is obviously very different from when he was a child.

Su Mo and the others did not speak, waiting for Cao Jia’s response.

If Su Mo and the others asked, the Cao Jiaya people would not necessarily answer.

But if it was replaced by the truth, the Cao Jiaya people were very willing to answer.

He was very happy to be able to have a dialogue with the truth.

Although, the answer is not necessarily the truth…


“Actually, there’s nothing to hide. I went to that class reunion, but I didn’t go to meet you. I wrote it on the message board while you were away.”

Hearing this answer, Truth pouted slightly.

“Is that so…”

Knowing that everyone hates him, did you deliberately not appear in everyone’s sight?

After thinking about it for a while, he asked again:

“Then…do you know about the belt?”


“I know that my father sent three belts containing powerful power to the members of our Meteor Academy, but…other than that, I don’t know anything else.”

Cao Jiaya’s tone was a little regretful.


Truth sighed after hearing the words.

A disappointed expression appeared on her pretty face.

Seeing this, Cao Jia showed a trace of apology in his eyes.

He lied to the truth.

About the belt, what he knows.

Clearer than most people in Meteor School.

For example, the usage conditions of the three belts and so on.


These people don’t want to say it out loud.

Compared with everyone else, he has the biggest advantage.

That’s the information.

There is no benefit to speaking out, and it will cause some troubles.

For example, how did he know these things.

So, it’s better not to say anything.

at this time!

Truth’s cell phone on the stone table vibrated suddenly.

Truth quickly turned on the phone and found that it was a new text message.

The person who sent the text message was Abe Rina.

andThe text message content is:

【Help! ! ! 】

“Not good! Something happened to them, teacher.”

Truth’s face paled instantly.

And Qianqiao and the others were also surprised.

Masuda taught them, did they encounter another attack from Orfienuo?

“Is it Masuda-sensei and the others?”

“Then let’s go there quickly.”

Cao Jiaya suggested, before the words finished.

He took out his motorcycle key.

Obviously, he was going to ride to his destination.

I just prepared to talk to the truth:

“I’ll take you there” or something like that.

Just discovered that no matter it is the truth.

It’s still a coincidence for them.

They all set their eyes on Su Mo.

Then, under the calm gazes of Yuhua and the others, and the shocked eyes of the Caojia people.

Su Mo smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pulled at the void.

An aurora curtain!

Appearing in the sight of everyone! ! !


Cao Jiaya was confused, what is this? ? ?

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