: Critical moment! Su Mo and others are coming! saved


Cao Jiaya swallowed hard, staring at the silver wall-like light curtain in front of him with wide eyes, shock written all over his face! ! !

In his mind, even if Huaxing sent the three belts to Su Mo, Zhenzhen and others.

Without belts, they are just ordinary people.

What’s more, Su Mo who didn’t come to that class reunion?

But what happened?

In human form, he reached out and pulled!

A light curtain actually appeared out of thin air.

This is so meow…

Is it super power? ? ?

The Caojia people were even a little skeptical.

Although Su Mo did not go through that class reunion, in fact.

He was before the class reunion, or after the class reunion.

What kind of “experiment” was also done, and some things were added to the body [resource; source group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

So even if Su Mo doesn’t change his body, he can still have some special abilities.

“Soka! Do you want to go together?”

A familiar female voice sounded, bringing Cao Jiaya back to his senses.

He looked at Su Mo, Zhen Zhen and others who had already come in front of the light curtain.

Hastily responded:


After the words fell, he stepped forward and walked towards the crowd.

I am a little curious in my heart, can I quickly reach another place through this light curtain?

At the same time, he noticed, whether it’s the truth or the flowers.

Seeing this light curtain, none of them were surprised at all.


They have long known that Su Mo has this special ability.

“Su Mo…you are really not simple.”

Soka looked at the front, the figure that had already stepped half a foot into the light curtain.

I couldn’t help but squeezed my fist.


“That’s fine, if it’s too easy, I’ll beat you.”

“Then… isn’t it very boring?”

Thinking of this, Cao Jiaya raised the corners of his mouth, revealing an evil smile.

Kaitaro, who happened to see it, felt a little shuddering.


“This smile, why does it feel so unbearable?”

Kaitaro shook his head quickly, and then followed Su Mo and others into the aurora curtain.

Not long ago, after separating from Su Mo and others.

Masuda Jiaoyu and the others got into a camper van.

There is a lot of space in the car, enough for everyone to sit down.

Then they started running around aimlessly while waiting for news from Su Mo and the others.

But it turns out…

Even though they tried their best to hide it, Orfienuo found out.

When the camper was parked in a field and everyone was about to get out of the car to rest for a while.

A new Orfi Enoch with heavy armor appeared in the sight of Abe Rina and the others, and suddenly attacked the teacher who had no Masuda instruction.


Masuda Jiaoyu was attacked on the back and screamed in pain.

But fortunately, Ofienuo’s attack did not hit the fatal part.

Masuda Koyuki endured the pain, and quickly ran towards the camping van together with Abe Rina and others. At the same time, Abe Rina quickly sent a text message to Truth.

Masuda Jiaoyu and the others wanted to run to the camper van.

Then escape here through the camper van.

But their speed…

For Orfienuo, it was too slow.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the humanoid monster named the horsetail Orfienuo.

Then came to the front of Masuda Jiaoyu and others.

Blocked the door of the camper.

“not good……”

“Teacher! What should we do?”

Seeing this, everyone panicked instantly.

His face was pale, and his figure collapsed.

what to do?

Because of the pain in his back wound, Masuda Gyoto was clenching his teeth.

Subconsciously, he looked at the Kaixa belt that was being hugged by Shinto Kiku!

Abe Rina and the others also all looked at the belt.

Although I really don’t want to use this [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

But the problem is…

In this situation, the only way to survive is to use it!

After all, although the truth was notified to them through text messages.

But a notice is a notice, they are still looking for the truth nowWhat about the Caogaya people?

Even if you receive a text message, you will rush over immediately, waiting for them to come.

It’s too late.

They can only rely on themselves! ! !


Who will use this belt?

Once this thing is used, it is almost tantamount to suicide.

They are not Su Mo, they have special physiques.

Able to ignore the side effects of the belt.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all hesitating.

Even if Masuda Koryo wanted to use the belt himself, he couldn’t help it.

He tried before, but couldn’t transform.

The only ones who can transform are the children of Meteor Academy!

Shinto Kiku, who was holding the Kaixa belt, gritted his teeth.

Take a sharp step forward.

“In that case! Let me do it!”

“Teacher, hurry up and go!!!”

After finishing the words, he wanted to wear the Kaixa belt around his waist.

But just when the belt was about to be fixed on the waist, Shindou Takahisa made a move.


His hands trembled and his legs went limp.

His forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

“No…no way!”

“I can’t do it…”

Thinking of those companions who died because of the belt before, Shindou Takahisa couldn’t wear the Kaixa belt on himself, once transformed.

He’s about to die! ! !

He is less than twenty years old this year, and he doesn’t even have a girlfriend yet.

Shinto Takahisa…

I haven’t lived enough…

Seeing this scene, the horsetail Orfienuo in front laughed loudly.

He took a step forward and walked towards the crowd quickly.

Shindao Guijiu could only keep retreating, but he was still unable to make up his mind.

As for Masuda Jiaoyu and the others, they were also full of helplessness.

Rina Abbe and the others don’t blame Takahisa Shinto.


If it were them, they wouldn’t have the courage to use this krypton life belt! ! !


If no one uses it, everyone will die…

Right at this critical moment!

Between the horsetail Orpheus Enoch and Masuda Koyu and others.

A light curtain appeared! ! !

“Huh? What is this?”

The horsetail Orpheus subconsciously stopped and looked at the things in front of him vigilantly.

But Rina Abbe and the others were a little happy.

“It’s Su Mo and the others!!!”

When Su Mo and Truth left the house.

Abe Rina and others saw Su Mo use this light curtain with their own eyes, and then disappeared from sight together with Truth and the others.

I still didn’t understand the function of this light curtain before.

But now, they understand!

This light curtain is something like a teleportation array [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″ 5 in.; 6 West.

You can quickly go to other places by passing through it.

And now!

The appearance of the light curtain here also means that.

Su Mo and the others are coming!



Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

next moment! ! !

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