Transformation is tiring! Yi Zhang’s father

Just when Su Mo thought this matter was coming to an end.

Truth suddenly thought of something, frowned slightly and said:

“its not right……”

“You don’t have to point the light at me!”

Su Mo: “…”

“What you said seems to make a little sense.”

“However, it’s so late, let’s forget it.”

“Transforming is very tiring. I’m going to sleep first.”

The voice fell, without waiting for Truth and others to respond.

Su Mo started to walk quickly towards his room.

“Hey Hey hey!”

“Su Mo!!!”

Seeing this, the truth can make him run away?

That was naturally impossible. He immediately stood up and chased after Su Mo.

Qi Taro and the others froze in place, watching truth enter Su Mo’s room.


Not three minutes later, they suddenly heard an exclamation.


“Stupid Su Mo! Why are you turning towards me?!!!”

Although Jie Hua and others did not enter Su Mo’s room.

But you can guess it just by imagining it.

At this moment, what happened in Su Mo’s room…

Yuka pursed her lips and smiled, while Keitaro let out a breath.


One more unlucky person was added.

so good……


“You haven’t investigated the cause of my son’s death so far?”

Dong [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.;6 The Beijing Police Department is still Sono Joji and Sawamura.

But the person opposite them was no longer that Morishita Yoshimasa.

Instead, it was replaced by an old man wearing glasses.

Speaking of the old man, he is actually somewhat similar to Morishita Yoshimasa.


Morishita Yoshimasa’s younger sister is Morishita Chie who died mysteriously!

And this old man’s son is Kiba Yuji’s cousin and Morishita Chie’s current boyfriend – Kiba Kazuaki! ! !

The identity of the old man is naturally very obvious.

Kiba Yuji’s uncle.

The culprit who robbed the property of Kiba Yuji’s family after their accident! ! !

It’s just that, at this time, Yizhang’s father no longer had the confident, shrewd look he had before.


A little lost…

Since Kiba Kazaki’s death, Yizhang’s father has become thinner and aged a lot.

Neither the mental state nor the physical state will be the same as before.

He is just such a son, and Yizhang’s father is still so old now.

want againAs a child, it is extremely difficult.

The biggest problem is that there is no reason for his death.

This is where Yizhang’s father was most angry.

“You should know!”

“That Kiba Yuji, he is the most likely murderer of Kazaki and Morishita Chie, why don’t you investigate him???”

“At that time, didn’t you almost believe that the murderer was him???”

“How come it’s gone now…”

Hearing what Isaki’s father said, Somono Joji and Sawamura looked at each other and sighed together.

Don’t they know this?

Of course I know it.

But the problem is…

As subordinates, they have nothing to do! ! !

“Sorry! Yizhang’s father, the people above, have not allowed us to investigate this case anymore. Simply put… this matter is over.”

“We also want to change all this, but…”

“The reality is that it’s so powerless!!!”

Timo Joji’s tone was full of anger and grievance.

Sawamura didn’t say a word, but he clenched his fists and his expression was very complicated.

The people above…

Is it not allowed?

Is this the end of this matter? ? ?

Yizhang’s father seemed to lose all his strength in an instant.

Her hair, which was originally very dark, turned more than half white in an instant.

The whole person is even older and haggard.

She moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something.

But when the words reached his lips, they turned into a sigh again.


I didn’t go to talk to Timo Joji and the others again.

Because he understands, say more…

It also has no effect.

The high-level police department ordered Timo Joji and other members not to investigate, so no matter what he said, it would be useless.

The old man turned around slowly, coughed twice, and walked towards the way he came.

Looking at the old man’s downcast back, Timano Joji and Sawamura.

With complex eyes, he could only keep whispering:




Yizhang’s father returned home and closed the door.

Looking at the empty house, Yizhang’s father’s eyes instantly became moist.

Not long ago…

The figure of Kazuaki Kiba often appears here.

His appearance, his voice…

But now…

But there is nothing left.

With his legs bent, Yizhang’s father collapsed to the ground, tears streaming from his eyes.

He hates it!

He is not reconciled! ! !

How could he bear the unexplained death of his own son, while the biggest suspect, Kiba Yuji, was still intact and happy outside?

“Since you don’t investigate!

“Then I’ll do it myself!!!”

“No matter what, I will definitely find evidence… to avenge Yizhang!!!”

The decision made by Yizhang’s father was similar to that of Morishita Yoshimasa.

They can’t let their loved ones die so unclearly.

To avenge them! ! !

And Yizhang’s father knew more information than Morishita Yoshimasa.

for example……

After an accident happened to Kiba Yuji’s family, he was the one who robbed the other party’s property.

Another example…

Kiba Kazuaki got Kiba Yuji’s girlfriend…

Adding all these things together, he is the biggest suspect in the killing of Kazuaki Kiba and Chie Morishita.

no doubt!

It was Yuji Kiba.

He has sufficient motives for committing the crime.

Therefore, Yizhang’s father targeted Yuji Kiba from the very beginning.

In this way, it will be easier than Morishita Yoshimasa to find the truth! ! !

at this time! ! !

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Yizhang’s father actually saw a familiar figure appearing in the room at some point! ! !

Wiping his tear-filled eyes, Yizhang’s father took a closer look.


“One…one show?!”

Isn’t the appearance of this figure exactly that of his own son – Kazuaki Kiba? ! !

Hearing what my father said.

Kiba Kazuaki didn’t respond.

It’s just that his eyes were wide open, his expression was distorted, and he kept shouting:


“Die to me!!!”


Thank you list: [Like Indian Tapir’s Ten Thousand Soul Orbs] [Passing Demon King Decade] [Love Mickey Mouse Rice Balls] [Tang Xiaozheng] [Yu Shuanghan] [Cronus (Cronus)] [User

】【Chen Beihan who likes the little yellow frog】【Chen Xie】【Yin Yetong】【Fragrant Pavilion,】【The Handsome Koga Ninja Frog】【”God Controls the World”】

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