Hate From Love? the truth? Morishita Yoshimasa is not dead

“what happened?”

“What the hell happened…”

“Yizhang! Is it really you?!”

Yizhang’s father swallowed, and quickly stood up.

He called Kiba twice, but the other party still didn’t respond.

Just kept staring at his father, shouting:




That ferocious and terrifying expression and the rebellious and murderous words.

Ling YizhangFather was both scared and distressed.

And only then did he realize that Kiba Kazuki was in front of him.

It seems that there is no entity, and the figure is very illusory.

Swallowing, he stretched out his hand tentatively, wanting to touch the other party.

When Yizhang’s father’s palm passed through his son’s body, he understood.

The son in front of me!

It’s really just a phantom.

“My son…”

“So what happened?”

Kazaki’s father was in great pain. What happened to Kazaki Kiba before his death?

Why did it become like this?

At this moment, another phantom appeared in the room.

Yizhang’s father’s eyes widened. He also knew the identity of this phantom.

It was that Chie Morishita! ! !

Before Yizhang’s father could say anything, he was beside Chie Morishita.

A phantom appeared again.

this time!

It’s a stranger. At least Yizhang’s father doesn’t know him.



“Is that you, Qianhui?!”

This phantom obviously knew Chie Morishita.

And that reaction was very exciting and exciting.

There were tears in both eyes.

It’s just like……

The reaction of Ichiaki’s father when he saw Kiba Ichiaki just now! ! !

A flash of lightning flashed in Yizhang’s father’s mind, and he remembered something.


“Are you Morishita Yoshimasa?”

“Qianhui’s brother???”

After Yizhang’s father finished speaking, he smiled self-deprecatingly.


It’s just a phantom.

How could it be possible to understand what I said?

But what he didn’t expect was that Morishita Yoshimasa’s phantom could really be understood! ! !

Morishita Yoshimasa trembled all over, as if he didn’t expect that there were other people at the scene.

Turning her head, she looked at the old man not far away.

“You…you are?”

Before the other party could respond, Morishita Yoshima quickly looked around again.



“where is this place?!!”

“Didn’t I… die?!”

He remembered very clearly that he was killed by Su Mo, a friend of Yuji Kiba.

But now…

Why are you standing here again?

“you are dead?”

Yizhang’s father was taken aback when he heard the words, and then quickly introduced himself:

“Hello! I’m Kazaki Kiba’s father. Since you are Qianhui’s elder brother, you must have heard of us, right?”

after all……

Chie Morishita and Kazaki Kiba have been together for some time.

Kazuki Kiba and his father?

Yoshita Morishita looked at the ghostly shadow of Isaki Kiba full of murderous aura, then at the old man – Isaki’s father, and nodded.

“I know!”

After the accident in Kiba Yuji’s family, Qianhui has been depressed, and often visits Kiba Yuji who has become a vegetable, almost dead.

But this…

After all, it’s not a long-term solution. How can a big girl like Morishita Chie keep guarding Kiba Yuji who doesn’t know when she will wake up?

just in case……

He won’t be able to wake up for the rest of his life?

Whether it’s Morishita Yoshimasa or others, they all think so.

Chie Morishita should not hang herself from a tree.

She should get to know other people.

At first, Chie Morishita was actually reluctant.

But one day passed, two days passed.

Even after a year passed, Yuji Kiba still didn’t wake up.

Morishita Chie finally couldn’t bear it any longer, and started interacting with other people.

for example……

Kazaki Kiba! ! !

“What exactly is going on?”

Morishita Yoshimasa swallowed, and asked with a puzzled face.

Yizhang’s father was taken aback when he heard the words, you ask me…

Who am I to ask?

After thinking about it, he asked aloud:

“You said you were dead?”

“How did you die? I remember some time ago, aren’t you alright?”

“Also! Do you know the truth about Qianhui and Yizhang’s death?!”

Yoshita Morishita nodded fiercely.


“I’m dead! The reason why I died is also related to the truth about Qianhui’s death. I already know it, although I don’t know why they were killed.”

“But at least! I already know who the murderer is!!!”


“Yuji Kiba?!”

Before Morishita Yoshimasa could finish speaking, Yizhang’s father spoke first.


? ?

? ? ?

“Nani? You know?!”

Now, it was Morishita Yoshimasa’s turn to be confused.

“I knew it would be this bastard!!!”

“He really deserves to die!!!”

“When he was just discharged from the hospital, I thought about helping him, but…”

“On the surface, he is simple and honest, but he would do such a thing!!!”

Yizhang’s father gritted his teeth and said angrily.

Morishita Yoshimasa frowned, and quickly asked:

“Do you know why he did this?”

“What else could it be? Of course it’s because of Yizhang and Qianhui!”

“Don’t forget, at the very beginning, Chie was with Kiba Yuji, and later Ichiaki was with Chie.After Chang Yongzhi got out of the hospital, he knew the news. ”

“I thought it was Yizhang who stole his girlfriend, and I also thought that Qianhui had betrayed him, so I felt dissatisfied. When Yizhang and the two had an accident, I guessed that the murderer was that bastard.”

“It’s just… there is no evidence! And the Police Department has also suspended the investigation of this case.”

Yizhang’s father deliberately did not tell the truth. After all, he told the truth at this time.

That’s something only a fool would do.

Sure enough!

After listening to Yizhang’s father’s words, Morishita Yoshimasa didn’t doubt anything.

Instead, he suddenly realized.

“I see……”

Because of love, hatred…

Yoshita Morishita looked at the phantom of Chie Morishita who was motionless and expressionless beside him.

With a wry smile.

Some people hate because of love for their own sister. Is this lucky or unlucky?

At this moment, Yizhang’s father spoke again.

“You just said that your death had something to do with Yuji Kiba. Can you tell me how he killed you? Did he leave any clues???”

Morishita Yoshima shook his head, sighed and said:

“Father Yizhang, you should just give up.”

“Even if evidence is found, the police department will not intervene.”

“And you yourself are unable to avenge Qianhui and the others.”

“What?!” Hearing this, Yizhang’s father frowned, very puzzled.


Thank you list: [Wanderer Godzlav] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Ying Feng who loves minced meat baby dishes] [Listen to you] [Don’t say autumn 㔓] [㗢 oh oh] [Love Zhou Tian who eats milk and oatmeal] [Like Indian Tapir’s Soul Bead] [Godzlav the Drifter] (5.17)

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