Hehe~ Su Mo! I must avenge Yizhang

“Please tell me what happened!”

“No matter what, I must avenge Yizhang!”

Yizhang’s father said in a deep voice with a serious face.

Morishita Yoshimasa heard the words, and with a wry smile, he knew that Kazuaki’s father thought so.

But the problem is…

The group of Yuji Kiba and Su Mo can’t be wiped out just by talking about them.

Yoshita Morishita was about to explain something, suddenly!

His entire phantom quickly transformed into a ray of light.

With a whoosh, it flew into Yizhang’s father’s forehead.

at the same time!

The same goes for Kazuaki Kiba and Chie Morishita.

They all turned into light and entered Yizhang’s father’s mind.


Yizhang’s father was startled, his face changed drastically.

But by the time he reacted, it was already too late.

Three rays of light have already entered his body.


A lot of information frantically poured into Yizhang’s father’s brain.

Kazaki Kiba knew about it.

Chie Morishita knew about it.

and also……

All the information Morishita Yoshimasa knows! ! !

After a long time, Yizhang’s father regained his sense of fatigue.

He already understood how Morishita Yoshimasa, Kiba Kazuaki, and Morishita Chie all died.

I understand too!

Just now, Morishita Yoshimasa, why did he say:

Even if he knew that the murderer was Yuji Kiba, he couldn’t take revenge.


“Kamen Rider?”

“I see!!!”

Just as Yizhang’s father showed an expression of enlightenment, suddenly a sound like a meat grinder sounded, accompanied by a strange black pattern on Yizhang’s father’s face.


Yizhang’s father screamed again and again, his forehead was covered with sweat.

Obviously, at this moment, he is in great pain.

But fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and there is pain at the same time.

Yizhang’s father’s aura kept rising.

Become stronger and stronger!

The face that was getting older was also much younger.

Immediately afterwards!

In front of Yizhang’s father, three floating cards appeared out of thin air.

The contents on these three cards are:

[Name: Enchanted Armadillo Orfieno / Morishita Yoshimasa! 】

[Name: Enchanted Orpheus / Kiba Kazuaki! ! 】

[Name: Enchanted Orfienuo/Chie Morishita! ! ! 】

After a long time, the changes in Yizhang’s father completely disappeared.

Kazuaki’s father slowly stretched out his hand, gently stroking the card with the face of Kiba Kazuaki.

With a gloomy face, he said in a cold voice:

“Don’t worry, kid.”

“I said……”

“No matter what, I will definitely avenge you!!!!”

“I will make those bastards pay a hundred times! A thousand times for what they did!!!”

“Hey hey…”

“Hey…Su Mo…hey…”

Su Mo, who was sleeping, suddenly heard a very obscene laughter.

That’s all.

The issue is……

There was also a more obscene sound of swallowing saliva.

This made it impossible for Su Mo to fall asleep comfortably again.


He opened his eyes.

“It really is you idiot!”

Su Mo looked at Mari Sonoda, who was standing beside his bed, with an inexplicably flushed face and a very obscene smile, and said angrily.

To be able to come to his room early in the morning and make such a wretched smilesound.

Apart from the truth, there is no other person.

Truth didn’t care about Su Mo’s dissatisfaction, and restrained his smile.

With a fake cough, he opened his mouth and said:

“Su Mo, it’s time for me to go to work!”

“I know.”

Su Mo rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand, and an aurora curtain appeared next to the two of them, and then lay down again under the blanket.

“Okay, go in by yourself.”

After the voice fell, he had to close his eyes and continue to sleep.


“No, no, no!”

“You haven’t done that to me yet!”

Truth pursed her mouth, and said with a blushing tone.


Su Mo opened his eyes, looking at the truth strangely.

Haven’t done that to you yet? ? ?

“Which one?”

Hearing this, Truth was obviously in a hurry.

“That’s it!”

“The one we just did yesterday.”

“You still said… that I’m soft~”


Did you do it yesterday?

It was only then that Su Mo suddenly realized that the truth was talking about that!

“It can be, but the problem is.”

“Can you guarantee that it’s over and won’t bother me anymore?”

Hearing this, Truth nodded again and again, for fear that Su Mo would be unwilling to speak too slowly.

“Of course! I promise!”

“As long as you treat me like that every day from now on, I won’t bother you.”

“No! I seem to have said that yesterday!

“Damn! You didn’t take this matter to heart!!!”

Speaking of the truth, he gave Su Mo a hard look.

“Ahem, it’s not a big problem, I just take it to heart now.”

“Okay, come here.”

As Su Mo said, he sat up again.

Seeing this, Truth quickly brought her little head closer, and then closed her eyes expectantly.


Soon, Truth felt a kiss on her cheek.


The process was too fast, not even a second.

Truth opened his eyes, and looked at Su Mo resentfully.


“That’s not the case!”

The dear place is wrong.

And the time is too short! ! !

The voice fell, before Su Mo responded.

She directly stretched out her white and tender hands to hug Su Mo’s head, and then rushed over.


I don’t know how long it took until I felt a little difficult to breathe.

Only then did Truth reluctantly leave Su Mo.

Between the two of them, there was also a faintly visible silver thread.


“That’s right!”

Truth licked her lips, with a satisfied smile on her face.

“? This is wrong!”

Truth is satisfied, but Su Mo is not.

He is a man!

How can it be a passive party?

Just about to take the initiative, Truth, who was afraid of being troubled by Su Mo, quickly entered the aurora curtain.

The light curtain disappeared, and the figure of truth also disappeared.


? ?

? ? ?

Run away after kissing, so familiar plot! ! !

The corner of Su Mo’s mouth twitched, and he secretly swore in his heart that he would wait until tomorrow.

He must make the idiot Truth pay for what he did just now!

at this time!

Su Mo sensed that behind the closed door.

There is a familiar breath.

“Have you seen it all?”


Thank you list: [Don’t say autumn 㔓] [I’m not hungry] [Cute and loving little Doraemon] [Cronus (Cronus)] [Qin Mulin] [Quiet who loves to eat white lotus seed paste] [Mr. Zhang. . . . 】【The Handsome Koga Ninja Frog】【Otoya Hitomi】【Leopard who loves tofu across the bridge】【Haoxuan who loves yogurt and fruit cup】【Fuyue Uchiha from Huaiyangguan】

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