What a clever way to buy the wrong book! Kaitaro who opens up a new world


The door was gently pushed open, and the person behind the door stepped forward and walked into the room.

The first thing Su Mo saw was a pair of slender, well-proportioned, very eye-catching legs.

Then, look up.

It’s a slender willow waist and a snow-white collarbone.

Go up.

It is the delicate and beautiful cheeks.

In the Kikuchi Laundromat, there are people with this kind of face and figure.

no doubt!

Only Yuka Nagata!

“Mr. Mo…”

“I didn’t mean to watch…”

Jiehua bit her red lips lightly, and gently tugged at the corners of her skirt with her two small hands.

“Not intentional?”

“Then you did it on purpose!”

Su Mo said with a smirk.

“That’s not it~”

Jie Hua gave Su Mo a slightly resentful look.

Those charming little eyes, plus it’s early in the morning.

He was just provoked by the truth, how did this make Su Mo suffer?

“Well, it doesn’t matter whether you did it on purpose or on purpose.”

“Close the door first.”

As Su Mo said, he lifted the quilt and patted the empty place beside him.

What does madness imply?

Yuhua blinked, she is not a fool.

And after being with Su Mo for so long, how could it be possible that he didn’t understand what the other party meant?




After closing the door, Jiehua continued to walk towards Su Mo.

“Oh, I really can’t have more contact with Su Mo.””Look at how diligent Miss Yuhua was.”

“Now I don’t get up early, and I sleep in the same room with Su Mo every day.”

“I don’t know what to sleep in. Excessive sleep is not a good thing.”

Keitaro raised his head and glanced at a certain room on the second floor that had just been closed.

Shaking his head and sighing.

Tsuruta Hideyoshi, who was washing clothes, stopped what he was doing when he heard the words.

Looking at Kaitaro, he said:

“That…although I don’t quite understand it.”

“But I’ve heard people say before that it seems that two people sleeping together will be very happy, but the disadvantage is that it will consume a lot of energy.”

Keitaro frowned.


“Are you kidding me!”

“How could it be possible to consume energy while sleeping together?”

“You know, sleeping is used to replenish physical strength and energy!!!”

Tsuruta Hideyoshi shrugged helplessly.

“That’s why I said, I don’t really understand this matter.”

“I’ve been very curious since I was a child.”

Keitaro touched his chin and thought about it.

Not long after waking up suddenly, she was still yawning and said:

“Hey! Ah Qiao, why don’t we try to sleep together tonight?”

“Let’s see what’s going on?”

Gan Qiao heard the words, the corners of her mouth twitched.

As a traveler around the world, he can be said to be well-informed.

What is it about “sleeping together”?

He is naturally very clear.

It was precisely because of this that after listening to Kaitaro’s words, Qian Qiao was in a good mood.

It was terrible in an instant.

“don’t want!”

Without even thinking about it, she directly refused.

He doesn’t want to sleep with Keitaro!

This kind of thing is disgusting just thinking about it! ! !

The picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it…


“How can this be, Aqiao, aren’t you curious?”

Keitaro seemed to be very surprised by the clever response, but he didn’t expect the other party to directly refuse.

Gan Qiao curled her lips.

“are you an idiot?”

“I don’t even know about this kind of thing.”

“Still curious…”

Living in the east [resource; source’ group]: 9? 8; 0; 2? . 0′. 58″5.;6 Jingcheng, Keitaro, this guy actually acts like I don’t know anything about that matter, it’s really unbelievable to Ganqiao.


“So, Qiao, do you know what’s going on?”

Keitaro and Tsuruta Hideyoshi looked at each other, both of them were very surprised.

Gan Qiao sighed, two idiots.

Ignoring them, Ganqiao sat on the sofa and took out a book with “Thirty-Six Strategies for Treating Fear of Burning Tongue” on the cover.

This is what he happened to see at a stall.

For troublesome cat tongue, if it can be cured.

Being clever is naturally very willing.

So I spent a lot of money to buy it.

Taking a deep breath, he skillfully turned to the first page.

He carefully looked at the contents of the book with both eyes.

At the beginning, she was very attentive and very careful.

But the more you look at it, the weirder Qianqiao’s expression and eyes become.

At last!

On his handsome and indifferent face, a rare flush turned red.


“Hoo… Phoo…”

Gan Qiao suddenly closed the book, panting heavily.


? ?

? ? ?

Seeing this, Keitaro and Tsuruta Hideyoshi were puzzled.

Read a book, what to do with such a big reaction.

“Ah Qiao, what’s wrong?”

Keitaro asked puzzledly.

Gan Qiao opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

But in the end, it seemed a bit difficult to speak, so he chose to shut up.

He directly threw the book in his hand towards Kaitaro.

The way you see it yourself.

“Hey Hey hey……”

Kaitaro didn’t expect Ganqiao to throw the book suddenly. He was taken aback, and quickly reached out to pick it up. After catching the book dangerously, Kaitaro smiled triumphantly.

“Sure enough! My skills are still very good!”

After finishing speaking, he opened the book.

At this time, Tsuruta Hideyoshi also approached curiously.

The two looked at the contents of the book together.


The eyes of the two of them widened, and their expressions became more and more strange.

“This… what is this?”

“My God! Are all comic books like this?”

“What are the hero and heroine doing?”

Seeing this, Qianqiao wanted to interrupt the two who had discovered the new world, but thought about it.

Still chose to go upstairs to sleep.


It would be too troublesome to explain to Kaitaro, he couldn’t open his mouth.


It’s really embarrassing to buy the wrong book! ! !

Damn it!

No wonder the boss had such a wretched smile when buying books! ! !

Until almost noon, the door of Su Mo’s room.

Only then was it opened again.

Su Mo walked out of the room with Jie Hua refreshed.

Stretched, just about to say hello to Keitaro and the others.

But found out…

“Huh? Why are your eyes so strange?”

Keitaro and Tsuruta Hideyoshi quickly looked away.

“No……nothing! ”

They finally understood that Su Mo and Jie Hua slept together every day.

What exactly are you doing.

“You don’t seem to have any expressions.”

Su Mo looked puzzled, and Jie Hua nodded in agreement.

“It’s really nothing…”

Keitaro waved his hands and said in a forced calm manner.

Just when Su Mo was still asking.

A woman’s voice sounded:

“Excuse me! Is there anyone here?”


Thank you list: [Taylor from Kerch Peninsula] [Gu King who loves cocoa nougat] [Kiba Ge Antenna] [Flower Witch Lord who loves Yangzhou fried rice] [He Gang from Ankaya] [Love soy milk porridge] The Yirou] [Chen Beihan who likes the little yellow dragonfly] [super fan] [Chen Xie] (5.18)

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