Kaitaro: Coincidentally, he bought an imperial…

“You guy, you like to meddle too much, don’t you?”

In the laundry shop, Ganqiao crossed his arms and said dissatisfiedly looking at Kaitaro who was sitting across from him.

This bad guy…

He really has had enough.

Not long ago, a new guest came.

This guest’s freshly washed clothes were soiled by someone throwing dirt on purpose.

After knowing this situation, Keitaro wanted to help the guest.

Go catch the culprit who stained the clothes.

And seek the help of Su Mo and others.

What he thought was that it was definitely not enough to rely on himself alone.

after all……

What if this guy is an Orfienuo like Tsuruta Hideyoshi?

Even if he knew who the culprit was, he still couldn’t really catch him.

You may even lose your life because of this.


I want to be with Su Mo and others.

In this case, there will definitely be no problems.

“Hey, hey, Aqiao, don’t talk so much…”

“How can I be nosy?”

“I obviously did it to make that guest smile happily.”

“It is unforgivable that the clothes that have just been washed are deliberately soiled!”

Speaking of which, Keitaro pointed to the white shirt on the table.

On the clothes, there was a place that was obviously stained by mud.

“Don’t you think the guy who stained his clothes is too much?”

“And! I’ve heard that things like this have happened many times recently.”

Hearing this, Su Mo, Yuka, and Tsuruta Hideyoshi couldn’t help but nodded.


Although I don’t like Kaitaro as a bad guy, what he said this time is indeed true.

This guy who deliberately soiled his clothes is too much.

According to the female guest, she had no idea who the murderer was.

During this period of time, he did not cause any trouble.

For no reason, she came here to sabotage her just after she finished washing her clothes.

No matter how you look at it, it’s too much.

Although Qianqiao also knows that Kaitaro is right.

But I still don’t want to go as Keitaro wanted.

She curled her lips and said softly:

“Then you should thank that guy.”

“If he does this, won’t the business of the laundry shop be much better?”

The three of Su Mo nodded again.


Well said.

Very reasonable.

Although it’s not very good to think like this, the actual situation is just as Gan Qiao said.

Everyone’s clothes were soiled, so they definitely needed to be washed again.

The business of Keitaro’s laundry shop will naturally be much better than usual.

Upon hearing this, Kaitaro’s expression changed, and he stood up excitedly.

“What are you talking about?!”

“Pure white clothes are a symbol of happiness!”

“That guy ruined the happiness of so many people, it’s really abominable!”

“I don’t want to increase business for this reason!”

Even if there are no customers in the laundry all the time, Keitaro doesn’t want someone’s white clothes to be deliberately soiled like this! ! !

“and also!”

“Su Mo, which side are you on?!!”

Kaitaro turned his head and looked at Su Mo and the others with resentful eyes.

After a while, he nodded in agreement with his words.

After a while, he nodded again in agreement with Qianqiao’s words.

“We stand on the side of reason.”

Su Mo paused, took out his mobile phone to check the time, and continued:

“Let’s go, it’s boring to stay here anyway.”

“Let’s go out for a stroll.”

After hearing the words, Yuhua nodded obediently.

No matter what Su Mo wants to do, she has no objection.

It doesn’t matter whether you go out or stay in the laundry.

Wherever Su Mo is, she will be there!

Keitaro’s eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face.


Then she looked at Qianqiao with a little satisfaction!

As if he was a winner.

Seeing this, Qian Qiao cut it with disdain.

Ignoring Kaitaro, he responded to Su Mo:

“it is good!”

He has no objection to Su Mo’s idea of ​​going out for a stroll.


Going out for a stroll is not about catching that bastard who soiled his clothes.

It doesn’t mean helping Kaitaro! ! !

Keitaro felt a little sour in his heart.

Damn it!

Su Mo said, you just follow.

I said I want to go out, but you are so reluctant…

Why are they treated differently? Hey! ! !


KaiTaro suddenly rolled his eyes, thinking of something interesting.

With a fake cough, everyone’s attention was focused on him.


“Well, I have one more thing to say!”

“Coincidentally, he bought a copy… woo woo woo…”

Before she could finish her sentence, she was tightly covered by Ganqiao’s suddenly outstretched hands.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo and Jie Hua looked at each other, feeling a little strange.

“What did you buy?”

“Woo woo woo…”

Kaitaro wanted to speak out, but Ganqiao’s hands were like iron tongs. He didn’t give him a chance at all, and could only make a whining sound.

Gan Qiao pretended to be calm and showed a smirk, and strengthened her hands a bit.

“Nothing, nothing!”

If Su Mo and the others know that they bought the wrong book.

What I also bought was a copy of Uncle Huang, I think so.

I can live in another city.

This awesome Taishe is dead! ! !

Afterwards, he threatened Kaitaro softly and softly:

“If you dare to say that, I will definitely kill you!”

Before the words finished, Gan Qiao let go of her hands.

He felt that after the threat, with Kaitaro’s courage, he should stop talking.

And in fact, it is true.

Although Qianqiao let go of his hands, Kaitaro didn’t say anything else.

Just kept panting heavily.

“Hoo… Phoo…”

“Scared me……”

The clever threat is still very scary.

At least Keitaro thinks so.

He didn’t dare to gamble on whether he would really kill himself if he told this matter.

after all……

What if it’s true?

It’s obviously not worth it to sacrifice his precious life for this kind of thing! ! !


This is a neat little secret that even Su Mo doesn’t know, right?

Thinking of this, Keitaro showed a happy smile on his pale face.


? ?

? ? ?

Seeing this, Su Mo, Yuka, and Tsuruta Hideyoshi couldn’t help but have question marks all over their heads.

Being treated so “roughly” by Qianqiao, the result…

You still have such a happy smile? ? ?

Su Mo looked at Qi Taro strangely for a while, and at Qianqiao for a while.

These two guys…

No way?

Let alone Su Mo and the others, Lian Qianqiao saw Kai Taro’s smile.

They were all puzzled.

It’s all over!

You can still laugh out loud?

what’s the situation!

This guy probably has some special hobby, right? ? ?

Thinking of this, Ganqiao took a breath and walked away from Kaitaro.


Thank you list: [Lin Di who loves glazed steamed buns] [Han Shuai who loves spinach prickly balls] [Not enough] [I want to drink milk tofu] [Lan Xuan who loves roasted eggplant with sauce] [Avecle soleil,] [ Ye Ziyi who loves to eat kava] [Zhu Zhutian of Wanshenyu] [Yoyin Yetong] [Calmian Lai Da Shiwang] [Leopard who loves cross-bridge tofu] [Cronus (Cronus)]

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