At that time, Dale was still very confused.
But Li Xie didn’t explain it to him carefully, just let him speed up the action.
So Dale and the others did the same bewilderedly.
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Until now, Dell has not fully understood the abacus of Huayin Group.
The three of them smiled in unison, and in addition to their joy, Wang Dehai said again, “By the way, has the person we arranged started to act now?”
Li Xie nodded and said: “It’s already started, in a few days, they will gather the houses in various school districts into their own hands, and then continue to sell them at a higher price.
I believe that the little devils will not be reconciled, they will not care about the price, on the contrary, the higher the price, the harder they will grab it! ”
Wang Dehai nodded and looked at Dale again: “Mr. Dale, how about you?”
“Don’t worry, Manager Wang, we all understand what you mean. You Huayin Group are very active in making money, and of course we will not fall behind.”
Li Xie, Wang Dehai, and Dell couldn’t help laughing again.
The list was spread by them, the purpose is to increase the price of the school district housing and stimulate the people of the island country to come and buy it.
But doing this alone is not enough.
Therefore, Huayin Group made another decision to secretly support a group of people and let them buy Huayin Group’s school district housing into their own hands.
After that, these people will drastically increase the price of these houses.
At that time, the people of the island country cannot buy the school district housing, so they can only buy it from these people. Even if the price is too high, they will not give up.
In this way, Huayin Group and the US consortium can earn more and more.
After all, these people are a group of real estate speculators created by Huayin Group, but these speculators are their own.
Their role is just to bring the rhythm.
With this group of people taking the lead, more capitalists in the island country will buy a large number of school district houses, and then sell them at higher prices.
By that time, the real estate of the island country will be rolled up to a limit!
In this process, Huayin Group and the US consortium can quickly and massively grab huge amounts of wealth.
After talking about this topic, Wang Dehai said again: “By the way, Mr. Su asked me to come this time. The first is to coordinate the financial harvesting affairs of the island country.
The second point is to let me inform you that our mortgage term will be extended to 30 years later. ”
“I understand, I’ll let someone inform you later.” Qi.
Chapter 963: Buying a house reappears
Li Xie nodded, and he immediately understood the meaning of the group.
Now the Huayin school district housing in the island country has ushered in a new round of price increases, which will make many people in the island country unbearable. This will undoubtedly hit many people’s desire to buy a house.
However, at this time, they will use the term of the mortgage to reduce the pressure on the buyer group in disguise.
As soon as the news comes out, there will definitely be countless people in the island country who will rekindle their minds to buy a house, and the frenzy to buy houses in the school district will become even crazier.
Dale also nodded and said, “I will also communicate with various places about this matter and let them publicize it along the way.”
After the three of them finished talking about the business, they went to work on their own.
But what they talked about today will undoubtedly greatly affect the people of the island country, and make the already hot buying tide heat up again.
A few days later, in the capital of the island nation.
Mishima “Four”Four or seven” Ichiro is preparing for the purchase of a school district housing these two days.
In the past two days, there has been a boom in buying houses outside. Several sales offices in the United States in the capital are overcrowded every day, and countless people are rushing to buy houses in the school district.
This made Ichiro Mishima realize that in the future, there will be huge room for appreciation in the Huayin School District.
In fact, he had already bought a house in the first round of the housing boom.
But as he works in the Ministry of Education, he has a solid family background, and he bought the entire house before.
Now, Ichiro Mishima saw the room for appreciation of the school district housing, so he thought about buying another set.
It just so happened that he had some savings in his home, although it wasn’t much, but he worked hard. It was no big deal to take out a mortgage for a few more years, and it would not be a big problem to win the second school district house.
After returning home, Mishima Ichiro discussed the matter with his wife.
“Mihoko, the school district houses are being speculated outside now. I think in the future, there will be huge room for appreciation in these school district houses, so I plan to buy another set.
This original set, we can continue to live.
The second set of rights should be an investment in our future. ”
When Mihoko heard this, her eyes widened slightly: “But husband, our family’s money should not be enough to buy a second house.
And the house outside is so expensive now, if you want to buy it, why didn’t you buy it before? ”
A look of regret appeared on Mishima Ichiro’s face.
Before, he realized that the school district house would definitely appreciate in value, but at that time, he considered that if he bought two houses in a row, the family’s economy would be very strained.
So at that time, he just bought a house for his son to go to school.
But now, Mishima Ichiro’s mood has changed.
The intensifying rush of buying outside made him see the appreciation potential of Huayin school district housing once again, so this time, Ichiro Mishima couldn’t help it.
He explained to his wife: “I didn’t seize the opportunity at that time, and I didn’t expect that Huayin Group’s school district housing would usher in a second rush to buy.
I have always regretted this, and now we cannot afford to miss this opportunity again.
If we don’t have enough money at home, we can take out a mortgage just like everyone else.
Our income is much higher than that of ordinary people, and even if we take out a mortgage, our life will not be too tight. ”
Mihoko hesitated.
For some reason, she always felt that something was wrong.
In fact, Mihoko’s intuition is right. Mishima Ichiro’s behavior is no different from chasing up and down when stocks are trading.
It’s just that buying a house is no better than investing in stocks, so Mihoko didn’t realize the root of the problem.
Seeing his wife’s hesitation, Mishima Ichiro’s tone became more determined.
“Mihoko, we have missed the opportunity before, and now there is a second round of panic buying of school district housing.
I have a hunch that these houses will still increase in price after that, and maybe there will be a third and fourth round of panic buying.
Let’s buy it in advance now, and then we can make a fortune! ”
After a long discussion between the two, Ichiro Mishima finally persuaded his wife and decided to go to the local sales office the next day and buy another school district room.
Mainly because of the better economic conditions of Mishima Ichiro’s family.
Compared with his younger brother, Saburo Mishima, who was already struggling, Ichiro Mishima’s family not only has a solid family background, but also has a stable and generous income.
Even with some mortgages, their monthly lives will not be affected too much.
The next day, when Saburo Mishima went to work, he and his colleagues inquired about the recent changes in the school district housing.
A colleague told him: “Since a few days ago, the prices of houses in the Huayin school district have been rising wildly. In just a few days, the average price has risen by 30%!”
When Mishima Ichiro heard this, he couldn’t help but be surprised 0 ……
He has been busy with work these days, and he doesn’t pay much attention to the price changes of the school district housing.
Mainly because he didn’t have the idea of ​​buying a house before, so he didn’t put more energy on it. Hearing what a colleague said now, Ichiro Mishima was also stunned.
Even a person with a decent family like him can’t stand such a price increase!
So Mishima Ichiro’s mind became firmer.
This afternoon, he is going to get off work early, and then go to the nearest sales office to buy a set!
Looking at this situation, if the price of school district housing continues to rise tomorrow, he must regret it.
“However,” the colleague then added: “Since yesterday, Huayin Group seems to have relaxed the mortgage term.
The maximum term for a mortgage is now 30 years.
Think about it, the current school district housing prices are so expensive, and many people can no longer afford the 20-year mortgage. Huayin Group has really done a great thing! ”
The last sentence is what a colleague said to himself.
Between words, he has a good impression of Huayin Group.
Up to now, most people in the island country do not know that the school district housing is actually a secret cooperation between Huayin Group and the US consortium.
They simply believe that Huayin Group’s 4.3 launch of housing loans just solved their problem of being unable to afford a house.
Mishima Ichiro was also very happy when he heard the news. ,
If the mortgage forbearance reaches 30 years, his monthly pressure can be relieved a lot, so that if something happens to the family, he can also make more room.
When it was time to get off work, Ichiro Mishima asked his colleagues to help him deal with the trivial documents at hand, and then got off work in a hurry.
After leaving the unit, Ichiro Mishima came to a nearby sales office opened by an American.
At this point, the sales office had to close, but when Ichiro Mishima came, he found that the lobby was still crowded in public.people are waiting.
“These people should all come to buy a house.”
Mishima Ichiro pondered, and walked in calmly.
Chapter 964: Real Estate Speculation Begins
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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