There are many people buying houses here, and it doesn’t have much impact on him. As long as the house is not robbed, everything can be said.
But just when Ichiro Mishima thought so, a man in a suit suddenly walked out from the depths of the corridor, and beside him, there was an American man with a flattering smile.
Ichiro Mishima looked subconsciously, but found that the American man had a conspicuous badge on his chest.
The words on the badge clearly read “Sales Manager”.
Ichiro Mishima noticed that the sales manager chatted with the man in the suit and leather shoes, then suddenly turned his head and said loudly, “I’m sorry everyone! The nearby school districts are all sold out.
Guests who have not registered are requested to go to other places to buy real estate, and the remaining registered guests will not be affected. ”
“Sorry everyone! The nearby school districts are all sold out.
Guests who have not registered are requested to go to other places to buy real estate, and the remaining registered guests will not be affected. ”
The sales manager shouted twice in a row, and the translator followed him, repeating his words.
Immediately, there was a burst of boos throughout the hall.
Many islanders who are waiting to buy a house here, and those who have started to see houses, or are half registered, have expressed their dissatisfaction.
“What’s the matter! We are here to buy a house, and your people just said that there are enough houses here!”
“Isn’t this kidding us! No way!”
“What do you Americans mean?”

Amid the chaotic noise, the man in the suit next to the sales manager walked out through the side door. He didn’t even look at what happened at the scene.
The sales manager did not explain the matter redundantly, but kept apologizing and comforting the people of the island country.
After a long period of negotiation, the people also knew that it seemed that it was impossible to buy a house here, so everyone left with a belly inexplicably.
Ichiro Mishima didn’t stay here either.
Contacting what the sales manager said, combined with the man in the suit, he can roughly guess the ins and outs of the matter.
09 The reason why the sales manager suddenly announced that the nearby houses were gone must be because someone had purchased those houses in a centralized manner, and Ichiro Mishima knew the reason why they did so.
These people are real estate speculators!
They focus on buying school district housing, just to sell at a high price!
Of course, the man in the suit should not be the real buyer. He should just explain things when he goes to the sales office.
The real business may have already been negotiated in the American real estate company.
“Unfortunately, I can’t buy it now.”
Mishima Ichiro muttered, annoyed.
His mind turned quickly, knowing that once those speculators started to act, they would not leave more time for ordinary people.
Now even if he goes to other sales offices, or even goes to other areas to buy school districts, I am afraid it is too late.
If nothing else, most of the school district houses have been taken over by real estate flippers.
The remaining small portion should also be ordered in advance.
After returning home, Mishima Ichiro mentioned this to his wife.
Mihoko didn’t think much, and said casually, “Then we can also buy it from the speculators.”
After she finished speaking, she was stunned.
Taking advantage of it, a wry smile appeared on Mihoko’s face.
What is she thinking?
Since those real estate speculators have acquired a large number of school district houses, they will definitely raise their prices wildly. If they buy from those people, it is tantamount to being sucked blood.
Fortunately, they already have a school district of their own, so it’s just a pity.
However, the situation of those islanders who did not buy school district housing before is completely different from them.
In Nagasaki, an islander named Masagawa Hase went to a local sales office to buy a house in the Huayin School District, but was told that the local house had been sold out.
A day later, another company released news that they could buy school district housing, but the number was small and the price was a bit more expensive, so that local people wanted to buy it quickly.
In Osaka, a man bought a school district house from a private company, and the price was more than 20% more expensive than today’s outrageous school district house!
When he finished the purchase procedure, his heart was bleeding.
At the same time, an island man named Bantian Gang inquired that a local real estate company could buy the Huayin School District house, but the price was more expensive than what the Americans sold before.
But in order for the children to get a better educational environment, Sakata Gang still gritted his teeth and bought a set.
There is no doubt that the reason why things have developed to this point is the masterpiece of real estate speculators.
After Huayin Group and the US consortium launched real estate speculators and took the lead in driving the real estate speculators, many local capitals in the island countries all began to take action.
They realized that school district housing was profitable, so they bought up local school district housing and sold it to the common people at a higher price.
For the sake of their children’s learning, local people will buy them even if they grit their teeth.
In the next day or two, the Huayin school district housing in the whole island country seemed to be sold out by real estate speculators, and all the people could only buy school district housing from them.
On this day, Saburo Mishima, who signed the house purchase contract before, was having a party with a few friends. During the chat and laugh, Saburo Mishima was always in a very cheerful mood.
The reason is also very simple. He is fortunate that he made a decision to buy a house in advance.
Otherwise, if you buy from those speculators now, the price will be unknown.How much more expensive.
Compared with him, the other person looked downcast.
“Mishima-kun, before you persuaded me to buy a house quickly, I always wanted to take a look, maybe after a while, the price of houses in the school district will come down.
But now… alas, I regret not listening to you.
Those damn capitalists, they bought all the school district houses into their own hands, maliciously raised the house price, and completely ignored the life and death of our people! ”
Saburo Mishima couldn’t bear to hit him, so he had to answer: “Yes, those local chaebols will do anything to make money.
They are not even as good as Huayin Group!
Huayin Group is only an outsider, but it was able to provide us with housing loans. Recently, the loan period has been relaxed, which has relieved the pressure on us.
But those local chaebols only have the word “interest” in their eyes! ”
Another person also echoed: “I heard that the Huayin school district houses in various places were all bought by the local chaebols. They are rapidly raising the price, and they also released news that the school district houses are about to be sold out, stimulating people to buy.”
“Then what can be done, everyone will be fooled!
Who doesn’t want their children to be successful? The more expensive the house in the school district, the more people will rush to buy it. What everyone thinks is: if you don’t buy it now, it will be even more unaffordable in the future if the price is better! ”
Chapter 965: Only 20 or 30 times the house price
Several people chatted with you and me one by one.
Among those present, except for the person who spoke first, all of them purchased the school district room in advance.
These people are lucky because the speculators haven’t exploited them.
From the perspective of bystanders, they have an extremely objective evaluation of things, which is much stronger than some people who are caught in it.
But for those people who haven’t bought school district housing, their mentality is completely different.
The analysis of several people just now is completely correct.
Some people who had not bought houses in the school district before did not lose their enthusiasm because of the price hike by real estate speculators. On the contrary, they were more enthusiastic about buying houses in the school district.
Inside a family in Nagoya, Kenji Oyama is having a heated argument with his wife.
Due to differences in traditional concepts and ideas, in island families, especially in middle and upper-class families, wives are generally gentle and submissive to their husbands.
But at this moment, Kenji Oyama’s wife was making a loud noise with her husband, not giving in a single step.
“Before you were asked to buy a house in the Huayin school district, but you said that ordinary schools would not delay learning, but now, children of the same age have made great progress, only our children are declining.
You are the father of the child and you are responsible for this! ”
Kenji Oyama is quite irritable. In the past few days, he and his wife have often quarreled, the reason being that the children are going to school.
In the craze brought by the first round of school district housing, Kenji Oyama believed that Huayin Group’s promotion was just bluff, and their school was not much better than local schools.
But subsequent events proved that Kenji Oyama was wrong.
A few days ago, the second round of house-buying fever came, and his wife persuaded him to buy a set quickly.
But Kenji Oyama always felt that the price of housing in the school district would drop soon, and he planned to buy it at a lower price after a while.
I never thought that two days ago, the local capital bought all the houses in the school district. When the houses in the school district were in the hands of those people, the price not only did not drop, but also skyrocketed!
In the face of his wife’s accusation, Kenji Oyama said coldly, “I don’t want this either, it’s all the fault of the damn Huayin Group!
If they hadn’t made education like this, and also set the rule that only people who bought a school district can go to school, our children would not be delayed. As for the house, it was also maliciously hyped by the local chaebols. ”
Hearing Kenji Oyama’s statement, his obedient wife retorted loudly.
“Up to now, you still put the responsibility on Huayin Group?
They didn’t force us to do anything, they also introduced home loans to help us buy a house.
Our children were delayed, obviously because you have been hesitant, and it is your father who failed to fulfill his responsibilities, how can you blame Huayin! ”
Oyama Kenji’s face became more and more ugly.
He was angry now, but he couldn’t refute it.
It is true that he is responsible for this matter, but the local chaebol only cares about interests and maliciously raises house prices, which is also a major factor.
Originally, the price of houses in the school district had risen to sky-high prices. After being manipulated by these real estate speculators, the price of houses in the Huayin school district was simply not affordable for them.
After some quarrel, both of them calmed down.
Kenji Oyama stopped caring about his wife and began to think about how to solve the problem of housing in the school district.
As a father, he naturally hopes that his children can stand out, but what stands in his way is the ridiculously high house price.
A few days ago, after the speculators concentrated on buying houses, they maliciously raised the house prices. In just a few days, the prices of these houses have doubled on the basis of the original sky-high prices!
Now my friends around me are joking.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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