People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 157 Wgo's Beauty Executive, A New Guest (Please Subscribe~)

When Cerberus looked at the relationship between Lucifer and Bai Yu, it always seemed a bit too intimate? And it was the first time Cerberus saw Lucifer like this. 0

But this is not a problem for Cerberus, because it is not a problem for her as long as there are no other small animals robbing Bai Yu from her! And she also likes Lucifer very much.

At this time, Lucifer seemed to have forgotten the existence of Cerberus and was holding a fork tightly in her hand. Those who didn't know it thought she was holding it to exert strength.

"I don't want to eat apples!"

"Then I'll eat it myself~"

Lucifer's beautiful eyes widened sharply and she raised her head to look at Bai Yu who really ate it by herself with dissatisfaction on her face, this stinky man! She meant to change the fruit "It's not that she doesn't want to eat it!

"Bai Yu, you...huh?"

Bai Yu flicked his phone and said with a smile: "It's not Apple this time, how about it? Is this delicious?"

Lucifer snorted and took the phone and moved towards Bai Yu, Bai Yu just smiled and shook his head 02 This little queen is really Tsundere's cuteness.

Cerberus lay down on the table and said with a little dejection: "Master, master, why do I always feel as if I have forgotten something..."

Bai Yu looked at Cerberus and thought for a while and said, "Cerberus, why don't you think about what you did during the day and what you saw."

After Cerberus tilted his head and thought for a while, his ears moved. Bai Yu and Lucifer thought that Cerberus had guessed it, but then they saw that one Cerberus was divided into three Cerberus .

Bai Yu froze for a moment and said, "Cerberus?"

"Master!" x3

Lucifer looked at the three Cerberus hanging on Bai Yu's body and opened their mouths to say something but finally gave up, Bai Yu patted Cerberus's head and said with a smile: How come there are three people?"

Cerberus, who was in the middle of this moment, said seriously: "The two of you, the three of us are thinking about what we forgot!"

"Yeah!" x2

A few minutes later, Bai Yu and Lucifer felt helpless when they saw the three Cerberus sitting side by side thinking hard. Remember the remaining two~

Lucifer smiled and said, "Bai Yu, why don't you persuade Cerberus?"

Bai Yu said with some helplessness: "Cerberus should be in a state of not wanting to come out now, Lucifer, you can't use magic~"

Lucifer was taken aback, then whispered: "If it wasn't for the fear of being discovered by those guys below, I would have used it a long time ago, even if I don't use magic "I am also the mistress of hell!"

Bai Yu nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, my little queen~ Is there any way to make Cerberus stop thinking like this? They fell asleep after thinking about it for a while~"

Lucifer coughed lightly and said, "Ahem~Cerberus~"

"Then I went to watch Xiao Huang play with his master..."


"After that? It seems that I went to buy ice cream after that!"

"Ice cream?!" x3

Lucifer puffed her face, and she was completely ignored, which reminded her of the time when she was in hell, when everyone listened to her, even Pandemonica didn't listen to her very much.

Bai Yu looked at the angry Lucifer and patted her head, then smiled and said: "It seems that Cerberus is thinking a little seriously, let me do it~"

Bai Yu walked up to the three Cerberus and treated Bai Yu. Cerberus was completely different from how he treated Lucifer, and immediately raised his head to look at Bai Yu.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "I haven't figured it out yet~ I'll think about it with you guys, but if you want to come out, you should go to rest early, you know~"

"Yeah!" x3

Watching Bai Yu and the Cerberus remember what happened during the day, Lucifer was drinking water and listening quietly. She also wanted to know where Bai Yu went all day.

When Lucifer was listening to it vigorously, her mobile phone rang, and then she saw the message from Qi Luoli. After a few glances, Lucifer was stunned and wondered if this was too outrageous.

Qi Luoli sent a photo and asked her if this dress is suitable for her. Although it is strange to ask others whether it looks good in a certain dress at this late hour, it is acceptable. The only thing that is not acceptable is that this dress is not a coat.. ..

So the painting style in the store changed to the scene in front of you. Lucifer was sending messages with a flushed face to fight wits with Qi Luoli, while Bai Yu was recalling the day's events with Cerberus. It was surprisingly quiet in the empty shop.

At the same time, in another country, Yukihira Jōichirō, who had left by plane before, got out of the car. After a long journey and several times of changing cars, he finally arrived at the place in front of him.

At this time, there was a luxurious building complex in front of Yukihira Jōichirō, which looked gorgeous rather than majestic. Yukihira Jōichirō looked at the building in front of him with a backpack on his shoulders and said with a chuckle: "It's finally here~ or It's just as luxurious..."

Yukihira Jōichirō walked towards the building complex as he said that, but after a few steps, he heard a very charming voice saying: "Stop~ You don't just enter here~"

When Yukihira Jōichirō heard this voice, he was taken aback for a moment, then smiled helplessly, turned around and saw a beautiful woman with dark skin and a smiling face with white hair, her skin was as fair as milk beauties.

Seeing these two people, Yukihira Jōichirō said with some helplessness: "Executive Officer Dekra and Executive Officer Kraki 747 are still so beautiful~"

Crouch smiled and said: "Ah~ It's Mr. Caibo~ It's been a long time~ But it's useless to be pretty~ No, I'm still single and no one wants me~Senior Caibo, what are you doing here?"

Yukihira Jōichirō said with a smile: "My surname is no longer Saibo...Forget it, whatever you want, I'm here to find your boss~"

Dekla said with a smile: "Mr. Caibo, it is quite rare for us to say that you are like this~ After all, for our WGO, there is only such an immediate boss~"

Yukihira Jōichirō said with a smile: "Of course I have something urgent to come to your boss~"

"Important matter?"

"In what capacity did Mr. Caibo come here?"


Crouch smiled and said: "As expected, Mr. Caibo is really good at talking~ Then Mr. Caibo...can you tell us why you are looking for Mrs. Mana?"

After hearing that Craki no longer called the boss but Master Mana, Yukihira Jōichirō smiled and said, "I found a way to cure Mana God's Tongue~"

"What?!" x2

Just when the two were shocked, a man in a suit also pushed open the door of Bai Yu's store. It is worth mentioning that the door was bright~

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