People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 158 Excited Nakiri Mana, Tony Stark (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, there are not too many modifiers that can express the mood of the two beauties in front of me, only one word, shock, is enough.

At this time, Dekla is no longer looking lazy, and Klaqi is not the kind of little fox, and the two beauties are looking at Yukihira Jōichirō in shock.

Crouch stared at her beautiful eyes and said in disbelief: "Mr. Caibo, do you know what you just said?"

Dekla also said solemnly: "That's right, Mr. Cai Bo, you are also very clear about this matter, this is not something that can be used as a joke!"

Yukihira Jōichirō said with a smile: "Of course I know, and the old man and Ah Yin are also very clear about this matter, if I hadn't been 100% sure, I wouldn't have come here.

Dekla swallowed and was about to say something when she heard footsteps coming from one side. The three of them looked at Brick and saw a girl with black and green hair coming over, and said with a touch of excitement: "Mr. Caibo...please come with me

"Yo~ Ann~ I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, Ann~"

If it was normal, Crouch and Dekla would have joked with Ann, and Ann would reply back with a look of displeasure, but now the three of them are surprisingly silent.

"Ann! The nutrient solution is gone! Give me a new bottle!"


"Eh? Where did this girl An go?"

At this time, in a room with a strong Japanese style but a very luxurious look, a blonde beauty is sitting in front of a table with a pile of documents on it. This is a picture of a beautiful woman working in the office, provided that this can be ignored Infusion tube tied in woman's hand.

This woman is the only special executive officer of WGO, the daughter of Nakiri Senzaemon, the "mother" of Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Mana, just when Nakiri Mana was still wondering why Ann was not there, she heard footsteps, and Nakiri Mana was also relieved He said softly: "It seems that I went directly to get the nutrient solution~"~"

When Nakiri Mana was still thinking wildly, the door opened, and Nakiri Mana was stunned when she raised her head. At this time, there were five people standing in front of her, two of her personal executives, Rantabi and Ann, and her two Right-hand man Dekla and Craki, but what really matters is that she sees Yukihira Jōichirō.

Nakiri Mana's face changed and he said sharply: "Declara! Why did you let him in!"

None of the four executives spoke about this question, and Nakiri Mana was also slightly taken aback. Yukihira Jōichirō sat down opposite Nakiri Mana and looked at her consciously. Yukihira Jōichirō said with a smile: "Mana, I should be the first See you, of course, and be the first to see you

Nakiri Mana gritted her teeth and wanted to say something but still didn't say it, and finally said lightly: "What are you here for? Saiba-senpai."

"You still know how to call me senior, I'm very relieved, Mana, your complexion is not so good~"

Hearing this sentence, Nakiri Mana clenched her fists. Which woman would not want to be as beautiful as a flower, but she was tortured and could only live on the nutrient solution, and her beautiful hands were also changed due to the perennial needles. No blood vessels can be seen at all.

Nakiri Mana gritted his teeth and said, "If Senior Saiba came to see my joke, you can go back!"

"No, I'm here to tell you that the old man and I have found a cure for your God's Tongue problem, and the success rate is close to 100 percent."

Hearing this sentence, Nakiri Mana was stunned and looked at Yukihira Jōichirō in disbelief, Yukihira Jōichirō nodded and said: "Yes, we have found a solution, to be precise, we have found someone who can solve it, and has There are many ways to solve your god tongue."

Nakiri Mana said excitedly: "Mr. Saiba! You are not lying to me! Do you know how far my God Tongue has gone?"

Yukihira Jōichirō said with a smile: "You can rest assured on this point. In the words of that kid, the tongue of God is just a super-taste that can evolve. As long as it is still a human sense, it is not a problem."

Nakiri Mana was obviously agitated, and Crouch said suspiciously: "Mr. Saiba, you mean that kid? Could it be that he is a young man?"

"Well, very young."

An frowned and said, "Mr. Caibo, are you sure you haven't been deceived? This is not a trivial matter."

Yukihira Jōichirō waved his hand and said: "I know you will say that, you will know after I introduce the kid first, and your doubts will be eliminated after that

In the following time, Jōichirō explained everything about Bai Yu's strength and cooking in very detailed language, of course, the evaluation of Nakiri Senzaemon, a regular customer, was indispensable.

Nakiri Mana swallowed and said, "Is there really such a cook? Perfect taste? Any cuisine?!"

The four executives were also a little scared, such a chef is not well-known in the culinary world, but he thought that a bowl of noodles that Jōichirō said would take him a few years to learn now, and was evaluated by Kojiro Shinomiya as a perfect cook , was said by Nakiri Senzaemon to be the existence of magical shopkeepers and dishes, they have to believe it, because they are all proud people

Nakiri Mana swallowed her saliva and said, "`" Saiba-san... What if it fails?"

Yukihira Jōichirō said with a smile: "First of all, what the kid said is very simple, so it is not empty words, and all the methods he said are very feasible, and his strength is definitely enough. Even if there is really no way to solve it, he alone The cooking can bring you back to life~”

Nakiri Mana was silent for a long time and finally patted the table directly and said in a deep voice: "The day after tomorrow... no... tomorrow morning I will go to find Mr. Bai Yu! The four of you, Craki, will come with me to be responsible for the arrangement and communication of government affairs Zhi!"

"Yes!" x4

Nakiri Mana clenched her fists. Although she was still so calm on the surface (Li Zhao's), she knew that she was so excited that she was about to jump up, and there was no end to the torture in sight.

The torment that drove her crazy, made her torture like a ghost, she had enough! Now hope is in front of her eyes, no matter how calm she is, it is impossible to bear it! What's more, Nakiri Mana is just a person who wants to Be a normal person [just a girl who wants to go home.

On the other side, in Bai Yu's store, the man in the suit was lying on the ground, Lucifer's eyes flashed with displeasure and he said, "Bai Yu, you should let me do it."

This presumptuous man!"

"Okay~ so Mr. Tony Stark~ have you calmed down now?"

Tony Stark on the ground tremblingly stretched out his hand and gestured an OK finger and then fell silent. Bai Yu chuckled lightly. This guest should be the most deadly of all the guests~

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