People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 159 Brain Completion Master Tony, Dancing In Minefield (Please Subscribe~)

Back in time, when Tony Stark first entered the small shop, Tony Stark didn't find anything at that time, as if he thought this was his own kitchen, holding a report in his hand while reading Walked in at a leisurely pace.

But when Tony Stark walked a few steps, he yelled casually: "Jarvis, why is the light this color today?"


Tony Stark finally found out what was wrong, and when he raised his head, he saw what it really looked like. If his genius brain hadn't been laid off, then it was obvious that this was a restaurant.

When Tony Stark was still thinking about how he came here, he suddenly saw Bai Yu and Lucifer, the five of them, and Tony Stark's eyes lit up when he saw Lucifer and Cerberus.

Tony Stark could swear to the one-nanometer shell on the fingertips of his upcoming new mecha that he has never seen such a beautiful and temperamental woman, but he has no other ideas, because it is obvious that these few The relationship between this woman and that man is very good, he is not so shameless.

Tony Stark is not an idiot, on the contrary, he is a genius. Although Jarvis is not around, he still has a smart mind. At this time, Tony Stark quickly analyzed the surroundings, and this place is similar to theirs. In the restaurant, although he hadn't seen the pattern of the electric lights, it was obviously the craftsmanship of their era. In addition, he also saw wind chimes, some small potted plants and the like.

He is a playboy, so he knows that they also have these flowers. Finally, he looked at Lucifer and the others. This is a suit, and Bai Yu looks like a man from the Celestial Dynasty.

It’s true, although he came to a strange place, he should have appeared in a certain restaurant in the world. He attributed all this to an ultra-rare supernatural phenomenon

But as long as he knew that he was still in that world, it didn't matter. He still had his phone with him, and he could call Potts to pick him up at any time.

After confirming it, Tony Stark ignored Bai Yu and went straight to Lucifer. Just as he was not afraid of women, normal people would choose to talk to beautiful women. After Lucifer raised his eyebrows, Tony Stark said very gracefully: "This Hello beautiful lady, I am Tony Stark, the head of the Stark Corporation, where is this place?"

Lucifer can feel that Tony Stark is not a simple child like Yugi Muto, otherwise he wouldn't come directly at him, but Tony Stark didn't say anything too much, Lucifer just said flatly: "This is the restaurant of Otherworld .”

Hearing this sentence, Tony Stark was taken aback, and then said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, ma'am, you are still a funny person. Are you the owner of this store?"

Lucifer said casually: "One of the masters, what do you want to say?"

Tony Stark looked at Lucifer, and then looked at Bai Yu and Cerberus who looked at him with a playful expression the whole time. Tony Stark, a genius, has a different brain circuit. He pressed his forehead and said: "I seem to know, then you must have used some instrument to transfer me here just to attract my attention and want to join Stark."

Cerberus twitched his ears with a puzzled expression. Instrument? What instrument? Bai Yu quietly watched Tony Stark perform without saying anything.

Tony Stark said with a smile: "If you are here to show me your technology and wisdom, you have succeeded, and tomorrow you can work in Stark Corporation, that gentleman, you can go to the technical department, these ladies You can be my technical secretary."

Lucifer raised his eyebrows, let the Queen of Hell and the Cerberus be the secretary, does she really think that she doesn't know what the secretary does? Although I don't feel that kind of bad idea, but the sincerity that really moved the heart of talent, but it may be Tony Lucifer instinctively disliked Stark's previous playboy character, and even arranged jobs for his man directly?

The Cerberus pulled Bai Yu's clothes and said, "Master! This guest doesn't look very smart!" x3

"Master?! Hey! Sir! You better say this is a joke, otherwise this behavior is a criminal behavior, and I can arrest you to the best prison at any time!"

Bai Yu frowned, and he could tell that he was a boss, and he was also a capable boss (acfd), but his brain circuit was indeed a little strange.

Bai Yu was about to say something when he saw Tony Stark turning his head to look at Lucifer, who was already darkened. Tony Stark looked at Lucifer who was trembling slightly, thinking that he was frightened, and made his guess more certain, and then walked to In front of Lucifer.

He said in as gentle a tone as possible: "Don't be afraid, lady. Since I saw it, I won't ignore it. You and the ladies over there can just join the job tomorrow. You are responsible for following me to do technical research. Your wisdom must be good." It will make research easier."

Speaking of Tony Stark, he turned his head and glanced at Bai Yu and said, "As for you, sir, just sit here, and I will send someone to invite you to the police station later, Stark Corporation There is no need for people doing illegal activities."

Speaking of Tony Stark, he saw that Lucifer was trembling more frequently. Tony Stark thought that Lucifer was excited, and reached out to pat Lucifer on the shoulder to comfort her, but just as he stretched out his hand, he felt caught by iron clamps. caught the same.

Tony Stark groaned in pain, looked up and saw the smiling Bai Yu, Bai Yu said with a smile: "It's a very exciting and interesting reasoning, but it's completely wrong, and you will be punished if you do anything."

Tony Stark struggled for a while, and couldn't get rid of it completely, and then he said angrily: "I am the controller of Stark Corporation! If you villain dare to touch me, you will end badly!"

At this time, Lucifer raised his head with a red light in his eyes. Although Tony Stark was guessing from the beginning to the end, it can be said that he stepped on the minefield and jumped on the minefield. Lucifer is going to make a move!

But the moment Lucifer raised his head, Tony Stark felt a pain in his abdomen, and then he flew upside down, but after all, it wasn't Wu Lei'an, and Tony Stark didn't do anything, so he seemed to have a sense of justice Yes, I punished it casually.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Mr. Tony Stark, the analysis is very organized, but everything is wrong ~ and, next time, don't have any strange thoughts about women with a partner, although it can be seen that you want to comfort me , but still don’t have the idea to get started~”

Tony Stark gritted his teeth and sat up. Although he is a playboy, he is not a person who can't control himself, and he has changed and matured a lot after going through the previous kidnapping. Everything just now may have the meaning of teasing girls, but more Or the resentment towards evil and the cause of justice, if it is purely for flirting with girls, Bai Yu is not a saint

Garden games can kill people~ (Tony Stark: Thank you kidnappers for making me grow up!)

This time Tony Stark got up and fought back! He punched! He flew out again, so five or six times! Tony Stark was hammered to the door, Bai Yu opened the door and said with a smile: "See? , have you calmed down now? Mister Tony Stark~"

If Tony Stark was beaten again, he might have to go back for surgery. Tony Stark looked up at the white light in the door. He also knew that this Otherworld might not be joking, so he stretched out his hand tremblingly and drew a OK gesture and then just lay there motionless, so embarrassing...

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