People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 198 Do What You Want, Live How You Want To Live (Please Subscribe~)

The night is getting darker, after drinking for three rounds, Bai Yu's wine has finally exerted its strength, just like what Senzaemon said, Bai Yu's wine is fragrant, but to put it bluntly, it is still wine, and it will return if you drink too much strength.

At this time, the three big men are all showing a little crispness. Slightly drunk is always the best state for drinking. Yes, it will be the same when you wake up drunk, and it’s better to get drunk and go to bed early than anything else.

During this period of time, Bai Yu can also be said to have done what Public Enemy should do, which is to watch a movie surrounded by six beauties, although basically answering all kinds of weird questions from Claki and the others throughout the whole process .

When the last sip of wine was swallowed, Dojima Gin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Phew~ It's really cool~ It's okay~ Jōichirō, the sword is not old...."

Yukihira Jōichirō waved his hand with a smile, and Nakiri Senzaemon also smiled drunkly and said, "Hahaha! The sword is still young? The old man is still here! If the sword is young, it must be the old man!"

"Call~" x2

"You two bastards!"

Yukihira Jōichirō smiled, then looked at the environment in the store, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said softly: "If I leave this time, I don't know when we can meet again 3...."

Dojima Gin also rubbed his eyebrows and said with a smile: "So, the next time we meet is when you really settle down?"

Yukihira Jōichirō nodded, and Nakiri Senzaemon smiled and said, "Your son is exactly the same as you, but he is much more interesting than you~ When you settle down, a new wandering chef should appear~"

Yukihira Jōichirō said with a smile: "Before that, let's walk the road with your feet, this generation of wandering cooks haven't stopped wandering~"

Although the three of them can drink very well, they also know their identities and what they should do, so they have no intention of continuing to drink at this time. Although the wine is good, don't be greedy.

Nakiri Mana also finished reading the document at this time, sitting there looking at the empty plate and empty soup bowl with only a little chili and soup left in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

Nakiri Senzaemon smiled and said, "Bai Yu! Check out..."

Bai Yu, who was being asked some strange questions by Rantabi and Dekra, turned his head and glanced at the table. At this time, Nakiri Mana looked at Bai Yu expectantly, wondering how much he ate. She's now frantically brainstorming how much the meal will cost.

Bai Yu also seemed to see what Nakiri Mana was thinking and said with a smile: "Miss Nakiri Mana seems to be guessing how much the meal is, Miss Crouch...

Crouch said with some dissatisfaction: ‘Mr. Bai Yu! I’ve said it many times! I want to be called Crouch! Not Ms. Crutch!

Bai Yu nodded and said with a smile: "Then everyone, let's guess how much this meal costs~ By the way, does Ms. Nakiri Mana still remember the magic I mentioned?"

Nakiri Mana stared blankly at the clean plate in front of him and nodded expectantly, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Remind me that the magic is worth 400 yen~ Then please start guessing the price now~ "

Nakiri Mana struggled for a while and said, "Cooking of this level...a million yen?"

Bai Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "Miss Nakiri Mana, you are really rich

"what about you?"

"500,000 yen?"

"I think it should be more than 100,000..."

"Ann! Are you crazy? I think it costs at least 200,000 yuan. This level of cooking is not calculated by the preciousness of the dishes! Did Deke Labai and I teach you?"

Looking at their guessed prices, Cerberus was stunned. Could it be possible to have meals that cost more than square meters in the store? It’s amazing... Lucifer also had the same idea.

Yukihira Jōichirō smiled and said: "You guys are still too young, the old man and I said at the beginning that this place is very cheap and remember the guest who ate dry pot dishes just now? So I guess 15,000 yen left and right~"

"Fifteen thousand?!" x6

Nakiri Mana and the others obviously didn't believe it. If that was the case, the price of this dish would be completely incomprehensible to them.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Old man, although you didn't say it, it seems that you should be the closest guess, so I'm sorry to say that if we have to decide the winner, the old man won~"

Nakiri Senzaemon laughed and said, "I knew you were that price! Hahaha!"

Everyone looked at Nakiri Senzaemon suspiciously, Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile: "If I had to guess, this kid's meal would only cost around 6,000 yen, up to 7,000 yen! Hahahaha!"

"Six thousand?!"

Bai Yu nodded with a smile and said, "A total of 6,500 yen~ Father, you really have gained experience~"

"Hahaha! After eating here for a long time, I am afraid that I will throw away 10,000 yen for a table of precious ingredients when I go to other places to eat!"

"Eh? That should be detained~"


Nakiri Mana and the others stared blankly at Bai Yu in a state of complete bewilderment, and Dojima Gin suddenly felt that the resort was a bit overpriced?

Nakiri Mana came back to his senses after watching Bai Yu collect the money and shouted quickly: "Bai...Mr. Bai Yu! Are you sure it's only 6,500 yen? What about Meiling porridge? It can make my god The Meiling porridge whose tongue is healed doesn't count!"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Forget it~700 yen~"

"Seven or seven hundred..."

"Meiling porridge is plain rice, soy milk, round-grained rice, wolfberry, yam, etc., which are cooked together to make a pot of porridge. Although I added coconut milk cubes into it, it's only at this price~ How expensive do you want? What do you want? The expensive ones are the bottles of wine~”

Nakiri Mana stared blankly at Bai Yu, feeling that it made sense, but for some reason, she was shocked and felt unacceptable...

Bai Yu ignored the shocked Nakiri Mana and others, looked at Nakiri Senzaemon and said, "`"You guys should be leaving too, so you might as well bring the driver~"

Nakiri Senzaemon nodded, and when Nakiri Mana was about to keep up, he heard Nakiri Senzaemon say in a deep voice: "Mana, you haven't fully arranged everything, and you have to leave tomorrow, so you don't need to go back... "

"Eh? But Father..."

Nakiri Senzaemon said with a smile, "Bai Yu, I remember..."

"I see, then Ms. Nakiri Mana, and little Crouch...uh... Crouch, you guys should stay in the store today. There are enough rooms."

Nakiri Mana was at a loss and said: "Eh?! That would be too troublesome Mr. Bai Yu, we can catch the earliest flight and leave..."

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "First of all, that's basically how the upstairs rooms are used, and secondly, you all came here on a hurry and need a good rest, especially you, Ms. Nakiri Mana

Nakiri (Good Zhao) Mana looked at Bai Yu and didn't know why he was a little nervous, but finally agreed in a low voice. Nakiri Senzaemon just closed his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief when he saw this scene, and left after explaining a few words.

Before going out, Nakiri Mana wanted to give Nakiri Senzaemon a go, but Senzaemon just held the door and said in a low voice: "Mana, you are well now, what you want to do, and then The life you want to live...don't worry about those other things. Try to live the life you want to are Mana and not someone else.."

After finishing speaking, she closed the door and left. Nakiri Mana stared blankly at the position of the door and finally couldn't hold it back. No one knew what she was hiding, but she knew that she saw Nakiri Senzaemon leave At that time, she thought of herself who left that year. This is how Nakiri Senzaemon watched her leave. This is the shortest and longest distance.....

As I said before, some farewells, don't look back, although we will see you again...

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