People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 199 Be True To Yourself, Your Own Happiness (Please Subscribe~)

Bai Yu looked at Nakiri Mana and just smiled, but didn't say anything. Nakiri Mana cried three times in total, the first time was because of the joy of being alive, the second time was because of guilt towards his family, and the third time a relief...

Rantabi whispered: "Master Mana, you"

Nakiri Mana waved his hand and said: "'s fine, I just remembered how I was when I left home. I'm sorry, Mr. Bai Yu, I lost my composure."

Bai Yu shook his head and said with a smile: "No, it's human nature. Ms. Nakiri Mana's appearance proves that the current state has recovered, doesn't it? It's a good thing~"

Nakiri Mana wiped away tears and nodded, and Bai Yu said warmly after seeing it: "Now that I'm in the mood, I'm going to start preparing to do magic~"

Hearing this sentence, even Lucifer and Cerberus looked forward to it, especially Lucifer, she knew that Bai Yu was very good at making girls happy, so this magic must be a very powerful magic.

Bai Yu first went back to the kitchen, and came out after waiting for a few minutes. After asking Nakiri Mana to bring over the previous plate, he first showed that there was nothing on his hands, and then slowly brushed his hands over the plate , before everyone came and saw something, they found an extra exquisite box on the plate.

Nakiri Mana was taken aback and said in surprise: "Mr. Bai Yu, how did you do this? What's inside?"

"Magicians don't tell others their magic tricks. As for what it is, Ms. Nakiri Mana, you will know when you open it."

"Oh...huh? It's...cake!?"

Yu nodded with a smile and said softly: "Well~ This little magic should be worth 400 yen~"

Nakiri Mana nodded repeatedly and was about to eat Bai Yu when he interrupted Nakiri Mana's thoughts and said with a smile: "Your stomach can't bear it anymore, so I'll give you a little magic~

"Eh? Eh?! Where's the cake?"

Bai Yu waved his hand again, but this time the cake had disappeared, or more than half of it had disappeared, leaving only a cake with a base as high as it was, and the appearance remained the same.

Bai Yu didn't have the idea of ​​explaining, and said in a gentle voice: "Well~ this is also a secret~ Then Ms. Nakiri Mana, it's time to come with me now, and I will take you to the room you are going to live in tonight."


Following Bai Yu, Clara was obviously very excited because she could actually live here. Although she knew that she would often come here with Nakiri Mana in the future, what she didn't expect was that she skipped the stage of coming to eat and went straight to Just live here.

To be honest, Klaqi and the others are real Bai Fumei, and they pay special attention to the quality of life in their lives, so they thought that a very ordinary room would be enough for a night, after all, the rest room of the restaurant can How luxurious is it?

“Nice room!”

So a few minutes later, everyone had such emotions, and Lantabi said excitedly: "Wow! Mr. Bai Yu! Your room is so beautiful! And it has everything!"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Life is the same as cooking. When cooking, you have to make the taste that the chef himself loves. Of course, in life, you also have to live in your own house that the owner of the house likes~"

Several people nodded, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Then there are people living in the fifth room, the innermost room is mine, the two next to it are for Lucifer and Cerberus, and you can choose the rest as you like." ~ It is equipped with various daily necessities and the like.”

An said blankly: "I really want to say... Manager Bai Yu, you really don't care about money at all..."

"Money? I don't hate money, but I don't like money very much either. Money is something like that~"

Before everyone could react, Bai Yu said in a gentle voice: "Then everyone, good night, wishing you sweet dreams~"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked away. When Bai Yu completely disappeared from the sight of several people (acdd), Crouch covered her face and said: "Decla [I feel that I have been single for so many years just for today"

Dekla smiled and said, "I agree~"

Rantabi yawned and said, "You can talk about it if you like~ Anyway, didn't Lucifer say that Mr. Bai Yu would not refuse such a thing?"

Crouch said angrily: "You damn girl, you are still too young to know how important it is to find a partner. Although I like it very much, Mr. Bai Yu is also very good and I will not refuse, but I have to leave a reserved one." impression!"

Dekla also said with a face of approval: "That's right, anyway, I have to visit here often with Master Mana. I have been waiting for so many years, so it's not too long!"

"As expected of Dekla!"

Seeing these two people whose heads were full of thinking about how to get out of the singles, Rantabi sighed and ran silently to choose a room, An also left silently, Nakiri Mana looked at his two After sighing, the right-hand man walked into the room and closed the door silently, it always feels very shameful...

When Crouch and Dekla noticed it, they both looked forward to finding a room, and then ran back to rest.

At this time, Nakiri Mana was sitting on the bed. It was the first time that Nakiri Mana lived in such a place in these years. It was very warm, just like what Seiichiro said, as soon as you walked in, you would understand what peace of mind is.

Nakiri Mana now feels like she was sitting on the little bed when she was a child, the same softness, and the same beautiful room[Nakiri Mana took a deep breath and looked down at the simple cream in front of her cake.

If another person gave Nakiri Mana this, Nakiri Mana would directly make him unable to cook, but if Bai Yu gave her this, she would look forward to it very much.

"Hmm~ It really is as delicious as I imagined... It's gone? It's so rare"

Just when Nakiri Mana finished eating in two bites, Nakiri Mana was stunned suddenly, and looked at the bottom of the box carefully. She found that the bottom of the box was actually a transparent thin plate, but the real key was the underside of the thin plate. Character.

Nakiri Mana directly took the box aside, looked at the words on the plate and trembled, then said with a smile: "No wonder you are so attractive to girls, Mr. Bai Yu

At this time, a cute smiling face appeared on the clean plate, with the words: "Welcome home, Ms. Nakiri Mana~"

Nakiri Mana just held the plate in a daze and didn't know what to think. After a long time, she said slightly firmly: "I want to return to the real Nakiri... I want to live my own life..."

"My own feelings... my own happiness..."

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