People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 433 The Three People Who Were Frightened, Qing Xingdeng Is Competent (For Subscription~)

When Qing Xingdeng saw the computer in front of her, she was stunned for a moment. This small box actually glowed, and there were various things inside, which reminded her of the box of sprites.

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "Then let's start with this movie, Pan De, if you are afraid, you can leave at any time.

Pandemonica thought for a while and said, "Bai Yu, do you want to watch it together?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible, just watch it for a while, Lucifer, don't you really want to watch it?"

Lucifer shook his head decisively and said, "I definitely won't watch it! Absolutely!"

Bai Yu sighed helplessly, because of the seating problem, Bai Yu moved another chair and sat next to Pandemonica. When the movie started, Qing Xingdeng was surprised that there was actually someone in this box. Architecture, although she didn't know what it was except for people, and she hadn't even seen clothes.

But this made him excited. Doesn’t this prove that it’s something about the Otherworld? Qing Xingdeng looked at it very seriously, and so did Pandemonica. She was very curious about what kind of ghost could make her boss look like this .

"Pandor, what kind of existence do you think it is?"

Pandemonica turned her head and glanced at Lucifer who had put on the earphones, sighed and said to 737: "The boss is really timid, I don't think it will be something scary, as a customer service from hell, I've seen a lot of ghosts."

"Huh? Yeah? I remember Lucifer saying that too."

Pandemonica was stunned for a moment, feeling a little bad in her heart, no way, there should be no monsters scarier than those skeletons, she still didn't believe there would be anything very scary.

Qing Xingdeng was watching intently, and a scream in the middle of the movie made Yakumo Zi, who had been watching for a long time, come over and watch it together.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was still three beauties and a man watching a horror movie together, but the style of painting was not what it was at the beginning.

At the very beginning, Qing Xingdeng was full of anticipation and concentration, and excited when he heard the campus legend inside, Pandemonica was calm, she felt that she was fooling the children, and Yakumo Zi was Nodding frequently, I don't know what she is looking at.

And now, Bai Yu's shoulders are held tightly by Yakumo Zi, his pupils are trembling, Qing Xingdeng's whole body is stupid, you say you are a ghost, you are so curious, what are you doing with this picture and music? ! Qing Xingdeng grabbed Bai Yu's arm directly from Bai Yu's side. She was startled and wanted to see it, but she still couldn't accept it.

Pendermonica felt that her brain was trembling directly, which was different from the skeleton Lucifer told her, but she didn't expect it to be such a strange thing, because she was the closest to Bai Yu, directly Later, I held Bai Yu's arm to watch the whole process.

Bai Yu sighed, it was because he knew it would happen that he struggled a bit at the beginning, but he was afraid that the two... three of them would froze right away, so he watched it together. (It can be understood as several times more novel than the original version.)

After the movie ended, Bai Yu sighed and said, "Pan De, Ms. Qingxing Deng, Ms. Yakumo, you three have strong hands...."

Qing Xingdeng swallowed his saliva and said: "Master Bai Yu, such a demon... no... do such evil ghosts and ghosts really exist? This... this is too scary

Pandemonika also had trembling pupils and said softly: "This is no longer a novelty that can be imagined... This is something made purely to impact the visual senses

It's... it's scary for the sake of being scary. "

Yakumo Zi also nodded and said: "This is the first time we have seen such a strange thing... Those ghosts are very weak, but it just feels like it is very shocking to the mind.

Kazami Yuka looked at the potted plants and said lightly: "Your appearance in the gap is much scarier than this."

"That's different!"

Bai Yu sighed and said: "That's why I remind you... It is a (acde) very scary thing for people with a good memory to watch horror movies...

Pandemonica thought for a while and said, "Bai Yu, are you talking about us again?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "Pand, do you want to go to the toilet now?"

The corner of Pendermonica's mouth twitched and she quickly shook her head and said, "Absolutely not! Demons don't need to go to the toilet!"

"It's good to wash your face, so you can wake up a little bit."

Yakumo Zi's eyes twitched and said: "Mr. Store Manager, we have been to the bathroom. There is a big mirror in front of the sink. Mr. Store Manager, you don't have any dark thoughts, do you?"

The three of Pendermonica looked at Bai Yu without blinking their eyes, and Bai Yu smiled and shook his head and said, "There's no point in scaring you, is there?"

The three of them looked at each other and decided not to believe Bai Yu's words. If they believed it, they would feel some kind of shadow in their hearts. "Yu Yu looked at his master and said with a smile: "Do you still want to watch?"

Pandemonica and Yakumo Zi shook their heads again and again, Qing Xingdeng nodded after thinking for a while and said: "Manager Bai Yu, I want to continue watching."

At this moment, Yakumo Zi and Pandemonica looked at Qing Xingdeng with the eyes of a hero, good guy, although I know that Qing Xingdeng is a monster who likes to listen to strange stories, read strange stories, and watch strange things, but you were also attracted by it just now. Scared ok?! Such a work ethic?!

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Okay, there just aren't many guests coming, so it's good to have a look. Miss Qing Xingdeng, you should be the second existence that can watch horror movies with me."

Qing Xingdeng was stunned for a moment, and said doubtfully: "So, the stories in horror movies are actually afraid of many people to watch?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "That's not necessarily the case. Humans are creatures who like to pursue excitement in peace. Many people are afraid of ghosts, but they like to watch horror movies. Although they will be scared and drive them for several nights Sleeping with the light on, I dare not stretch my feet and hands out of the quilt, probably because the more I am afraid, the more I want to see it. This is what the so-called curiosity means.

Qing Xingdeng nodded, suddenly thought of something and said with some doubts: "Eh? Manager Bai Yu, you all seem to know the name Qing Xingdeng, do you have rumors about me in your world?"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "As long as there are monsters in this rumored world, there will be ghosts and night walks. Naturally, there will be Miss Qingxingdeng, but Miss Qingxingdeng is not so beautiful in other worlds."

Qing Xingdeng was stunned for a moment and was still a little happy in his heart. It would be outrageous if he was not happy after being praised for being beautiful. Qing Xingdeng asked suspiciously: "What does it look like?"

Bai Yu sighed and said: "Miss Qing Xingdeng, you should be mentally prepared, it's best not to get angry."

"Eh? I won't be angry, I'm curious what the Qingxing Lanterns in other worlds look like?!

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