People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 434 Qing Xingdeng’S Mentality Has Changed, Yakumo Zi’S Interest (For Subscription~)

After seeing the picture Bai Yu found for her, Qing Xingdeng became whole, no... the whole lamp...․ The whole demon is dumbfounded, this thing is a green lamp? Is this a green lamp?!

What about the proud figure?! What about the fair skin?! What about the delicate cheeks?! What about the gorgeous clothes?! What about the smooth hair?! None of these! The important thing is that you are Qingxing Deng, can you make your lamp look better?! What is this?! The pillar at the entrance of the barber shop?! That pillar is more beautiful than your lamp! (She saw it from a movie.)

Qing Xingdeng looked at the Qing Xingdeng on the phone, his eyes twitched, and after a long time he said in a deep voice, "Master Bai Yu, where is this Qing Xingdeng?"

"Miss Qing Xingdeng, you don't want to..."

Qing Xingdeng gritted his teeth and said: "This Qing Xingdeng is too ugly! I will never allow such a thing to use my name! Directly absorb soul-deng!"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Then you may be disappointed."


"I really don't know where Qingxingdeng is in this world, and I don't know its existence. The Qingxingdeng in this world is probably really similar to a ghost story."

Qing Xingdeng said suspiciously: "So I haven't seen Qing Xingdeng in this world? But how did they draw this Qing...this thing?!"

Bai Yu took it for granted, "Of course I imagined it."

"Think... imagine?! So imagine something like this?"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Because Qingxingdeng is one of the Japanese monsters, so it looks like an oriental person, so it has black hair and yellow skin, and it is an ancient monster, so the clothes are also different. It will not be so gorgeous, and it is still an oriental painting style like ink painting, so... I should think so, so it will be like this...

The corner of Qing Xingdeng's mouth twitched and said, "I'm actually speechless... But Manager Bai Yu, can you show me other monsters? For example, Phoenix Fire and the like..."

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Then please be mentally prepared..."

"Okay, I'm ready."

A few minutes later, Qing Xingdeng covered his mouth and held back a smile. The monsters he knew and had seen were uglier than the other, especially the Phoenix Fire, which he was very familiar with, changed from a big beauty to an unknown monster. Thought it was a bat thing.

"Shop Manager Bai Yu, I feel that if the monsters in my world know about it, they might be so angry that they would riot... It's really a strange painting... But it seems that these guys are more like monsters what.

Bai Yu nodded and said, "Well, that's true, just like Ms. Qingxingdeng and Ms. Yakumo, Ms. Kazami are not like monsters."

Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "Ah, is the store manager complimenting us on our beauty?"

"I don't deny that, ah...Potts is here..."

In the middle of Bai Yu's speech, he saw Pozzi walking in skillfully, and said with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Bai Yu is already waiting for me.

"You can't say that, after all, I don't have any guests here, and every guest is something I'm waiting for."

Poz said with a smile: "Mr. Bai Yu, you just don't want to open a shop in a busy place, this is Tony's order for tonight."

Bai Yu glanced at it and said with a smile: "It seems that Tony's research has reached a critical time.

"Why do you say that? I mean... Mr. Bai Yu, how do you know?"

"Because Tony didn't order wine, but iced flat black coffee, it looked like he was going to work all night."

Poz said with a smile: "No wonder Tony always regards Mr. Bai Yu as a rare friend. Yes, Tony's work has reached a critical moment. Tony is trying to use that magic ore as an explosive energy source. He has already Been studying for a long time."

"Then wish him success, how about the cactus salad dressing from last time?"

Poz nodded with a smile and said, "It's a wonderful taste. I bought a cactus for this reason, but it turned out to be bitter and astringent."

Bai Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "Of course, it's my hidden menu, huh? Looks like this macaron Tony really likes to eat."

Potts said with a smile: "Tony almost eats it during meetings. He likes this little snack very much. He eats it when he is working or when he is resting." I think he needs it.

Work out. "

Bai Yu said helplessly: "That's for sure, after all, eating too much sweets will make you fat, but this is your task, Miss Potts, so please wait a moment, I will take care of the cooking as soon as possible."

0…ask for flowers……………

Poz nodded and said, "Okay.

At this moment, Pozzi saw Pendermonica. This girl with a similar style to her made her a little curious. Lucifer took off his earphones when he saw them watching the movie, and didn't speak when he saw them next to him Pender, the corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched.

Lucifer smiled and said, "Poz, let me introduce, my employee, Pande Monica, the customer service from hell, Pand, this is Poz."

Pandemonica looked at Pozi and nodded, "Hello."

"Hmmmmm! Hello.

Lucifer smiled and said, "How is Kathy?"

"Very well, it sleeps every day, eats and reads when it wakes up, it is actually learning human language, although it can't speak it, it already knows a lot of things

Tony called it a genius. "

"Sure enough, it is a Pokémon with high intelligence. I plan to go to the world of Pokémon the day after tomorrow to catch some Pokémon to play with."

"That's nice, Potts said he'd come and see him when he settled down, and he said he got something every time he came.

"That's true, always feels like he's here for an adventure."

While Lucifer and Potts were chatting with two very familiar people, Qing Xingdeng tentatively watched a horror movie by himself, Yakumo Zi felt a little amused by that tense look.

Kazami Yuka said softly: "You seem to be very interested in monsters from other worlds?"

Yakumo Zi smiled and said: "Of course, we are interested in monsters as monsters with certain identities, but we are very curious about the monsters in the world of Qing Xingdeng." .Bah...the sages come.)

Kazami Yuka took a sip of tea and said softly: "You have too many ideas."

"We didn't think about anything, but Youxiang, do you know how novel that horror movie is so you don't watch it?"


"Why didn't you tell us?"

"You will listen?"


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