People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 472 Happy Yakumo Blue, Bai Yu's Feelings (Please Subscribe~)

When it comes to eating, that is the happiest thing for Yakumolan tonight. No matter what, it is definitely better than water! Moreover, even Kazami Yuka looked up at the scent just now.

Kazami Yuka was not because she wanted to drink it, but because she smelled the scent of flowers. Yakumo Blue's wine was the same. After pouring a little, she bumped into the glass with Yakumo Zi, and she knew why Yakumo Zi had drunk the wine. I want to drink all of these wines.

This is not as simple as mellow fragrance, it is an indescribable fragrance, that kind of fragrance seems to go straight to the soul, that kind of fragrance makes Yakumo Lan look shocked.

Yakumolan looked at the fried tofu on the side, and after a bit of confusion, she chose to eat the Donganzi chicken on the side first. There was no other reason, just because it was chicken and it was a dish she had never eaten before.

Picking up a piece, a little bit of soup dripped down, Yakumo Lan swallowed her saliva and put it into her mouth, the next moment her tail flicked as if Cerberus had eaten delicious food or was praised.

Looking at it, Lucifer's eyes lit up, this big fluffy tail is so cute "Lucifer's eyes light up just thinking about the warm and soft feeling like a plush doll.

Yakumo Lan didn't know that her tail was actually taken by the Queen of Hell, but now her mind is full of this Dong'an chicken, and this is the most important thing.

Many people may not know the name of Dong'an chicken, but if you say the previous mapo tofu, West Lake vinegar fish, etc., what will come to mind?

That’s right, among the top ten Chinese dishes, Donganzi Chicken is one of them. None of the top ten dishes is ordinary and delicious, and each of them has a long history.

However, these ten dishes also have a common feature, all the dishes are not so complicated in practice, but what is needed is "kung fu". Every dish is a kung fu dish

Among them, Dong'an chicken should be one of the most complicated recipes, because this dish is one of the few dishes that uses multiple cooking methods. It is first boiled and let cool, then stir-fried, and finally cooked. Add chopped green onion and sesame oil before serving.

This step is really normal for other dishes, but for Shi Mingcai, whose recipes are simpler than the last, it is already very cumbersome.

The second common feature of all the dishes in the ten famous dishes is that they are delicious. Every dish can be associated with delicious food, and this dish is no exception.

Dong'an chicken is prepared in four colors on a plate, white, yellow, red and green, white muscle, yellow chicken skin, red pepper, green green onion, it looks very conspicuous.

Originally, the special hen was used, and the fat in it was also very rich. After the process of cooking and cooling, the chicken itself was tender and refreshing, and the chicken skin was also very elastic and smooth.

After stir-frying, the unique aroma of hot dishes is added. The hot aroma is always stronger than the cold aroma. This is a must. This simple dish reveals a good taste.

Chinese food pays attention to complete color, fragrance, and this is completely satisfying, whether it is the hot and sour aroma, or the four-color dishes that are visible to the eye, not to mention the taste, which is an aggressive delicacy.

The chicken is delicate and tender, and the chicken skin is crispy and smooth. Just thinking about it, you can think of its deliciousness. Stir-fry it in a pot, add ginger, and stir-fry it with fresh rice pepper. The aroma is already rare, but It is impossible to be satisfied, with white vinegar that enhances flavor and sourness, and pepper that enhances flavor and flavor again.

What kind of cooking wine, what kind of chicken soup, just pour it in and stir-fry like this, the aroma just thinks about it and calls for rice, not to mention that there is a step of slow cooking, all the soup, all the flavors ,All the aroma is concentrated in the chicken, just thinking about the taste makes your mouth water.

Before it comes out of the pot, you have to give yourself a gorgeous exit, pour sesame oil, sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions, and mix well, this dish is completely completed.

Dong'an chicken has beautiful shape, bright color, fresh and tender meat, hot and sour and refreshing, fat but not greasy, can eat a lot, overflowing with fragrance, rich in nutrition, fragrant, sweet, sour, spicy, tender and crisp.

When you pick up a piece of fat but not greasy, crispy, tender, sweet and sour chicken, the skin of the chicken trembles slightly under the light, the sesame oil on it is slightly shiny, occasionally dripping a little soup, put it in your mouth, take a bite Bite down, all the deliciousness, the disappearing soup, all popped out.

There is no other word to describe it except for the word fragrant. This is an aggressive delicacy, and this is a delicacy that will make your mouth water when you think about it.

Yakumo Lan just had a mouthful of chicken and a mouthful of wine, and she was so happy to eat. She was really touched, that she would not be cheated by her own Master Zi one day, it was really great

Yakumo Zi looked at the delicious Yakumo Lan and smiled. Although she likes to leave everything to Yakumo Lan, she still cares about Yakumo Lan.

After all, she is her only shikigami, and like her relatives, Yakumolan is aware of her usual efforts, so she still cares about her Congxin fox

"Well, it's delicious Gu!"

Yakumo Zi smiled and continued to eat her fish, she is still thinking about what will happen next, no matter what, what Kazami Yuka said today really scared her.

Yakumo Zi has decided that before she makes a decision, she must come here every day. First, to enjoy the food, second, to see if there are any interesting guests, and finally, she wants to see if anyone else comes. They make their own decisions (of Wang Qian's).

Bai Yu glanced at the manga in his hand, glanced at Lucifer on the side, and said suspiciously: "Lucifer, do you have any strange feelings?"

"No, what's wrong with you?

Bai Yu shook his head, looked at Pendermonica on the side, and Pendermonica also shook his head and said, "No, Bai Yu, what did you feel?"

Bai Yu frowned slightly, shook his head and didn't speak again. Lucifer tilted his head and glanced at Bai Yu, but he didn't go over. She knew what Bai Yu didn't want to say, and she couldn't ask.

What Bai Yu didn't say just now is that he seems to feel similar to the two of them, Bai Yu can also tell that Lucifer doesn't want to see his employees and didn't say anything, but Bai Yu always feels as if this place is going to become a different kind of hell (Modis: Woohoo!)

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