People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 530 Frightened Lucifer, Perona's Brain Supplement Ability (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Sauron was wrapped in a bandage and looked at Hawkeye who was sitting on a chair and reading the newspaper without saying a word, just holding his own knife and watching, Hawkeye didn't pay attention to Sauron, and just drank red wine and read. In the newspaper.

Perona floated in and shouted, "Hey! Hawkeye! You bastard! You're cooking today! Are you trying to starve me to death?! I won't do it for you! Absolutely not!"

Sauron glanced at Perona and said in a deep voice, "Hello! Today...."

"Not a long memory?! I've said it countless times! My name is Perona! No hello! Negative..."

Seeing that Perona wanted to use Negative Specter, Sauron directly shouted: "Okay, Perona, let's do it!"

Perona snorted and said, "So, what did you just say?!"

Sauron coughed lightly and said, "It's just that Hawkeye doesn't need to cook tonight, but tonight."

Perona was taken aback, "Four Five Three" stared and shouted: "It's too much! I did it last time! This time I'm going to do it again! I don't accept it!"

Hawkeye glanced at Perona, sighed and said nothing. After this girl came here, her strength has not improved a single step, but the strength of this brain supplement is increasing day by day. It is like being tied to a rocket.

Hawkeye will choose not to speak at this time, although he usually does not speak, Perona thought that she had guessed right when she saw that Hawkeye was silent, and shouted directly: "Huh! Just do it! But I will be me My share! Hmph!"

As he said that, he was about to float away, but Sauron shouted: "Hey! Epirona! I don't need it today.

Perona was taken aback, and said suspiciously: "Hawkeye doesn't cook tonight, and neither do I? Do you cook?! Ah?! You monkey can cook?! You want to poison us ?!"

"Monkey monkey?!"

Perona shouted: "Nonsense! You fight with monkeys every day! And you are an idiot! The only difference between you and those monkeys is that you can talk! And you have hair! That is, a slightly more fully evolved monkey!"

The corner of Sauron's eyes twitched, and he shouted directly: "Perona! Can you stop making up your mind?!"

"Isn't it true?! Thankfully I saved you!"

"Ah!!!" by Sauron was mad

"Ah!!!" by Perona shouted back

Hawkeye sighed and said, "Go to the restaurant tonight."

Perona was taken aback, and said in disbelief: "There is a restaurant in this place?!"

"No, somewhere else, but not until evening."

Perona breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's it... Hey! Monkey! Why didn't you say that just now?!"

Sauron's blood pressure was about to go up and he shouted directly: "I've been talking!"

"You didn't say a word!"

"I said it! You weren't listening!"

"You didn't say that!"

"If that's the case, there's no way!"

Perona floated back with her arms folded and shouted in horror: "Are you a monkey going to attack me?! No! Beastly!"

"Damn it! Look at me..."

"Negative Ghost!"

Hawkeye glanced at Sauron, who was kneeling on the ground and repenting, and sighed. He should learn from him. As long as he doesn't talk to Perona, there will be no major problems, and he is still young and energetic.

Perona didn't continue to read Sauron's confession, and flew away directly. Hawkeye didn't care to continue reading the newspaper. After all, he was used to it. It can be said that such a negative ghost used two or three times a day.

About three hours ago, Bai Yu on the other side looked at the closed store door, and after thinking for a long time, he said with some doubts: "Why do I feel that some outrageous person is coming?"

Lucifer said angrily: "Don't interrupt, turn the page quickly."

"Then you can flip it yourself."


Lucifer didn't say anything else. He kept holding Bai Yu's arm and looked at the cartoon in Bai Yu's hand. Bai Yu sighed and turned a page. Lucifer thought about it after looking at the surrounding situation and said: "Mr. It doesn't look like there are any guests coming tonight."


"So... teach me how to cook!"

Bai Yu looked at Lucifer, and Lucifer also stared at Bai Yu without turning his head. After a long time, Bai Yu smiled and said, "What are you learning?"


"Or cake?"

Lucifer puffed up and shouted, "It's so annoying! I'm going to learn!"

Bai Yu shook his head with a smile and said, "Of course it's no problem. On the contrary, I'm still looking forward to it. Let's go. It just so happens that there are no guests right now."

Lucifer snorted but followed the kitchen silently. The store was quiet, but the cakes in the kitchen were not in full swing..

When the camera turned, I don't know how long it took before Lucifer came out holding the cake and leaning against the wall in horror. She almost knelt on the ground after taking two steps. How did she know that it would take so long to make a cake! The most important thing yes…….

Lucifer gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! How could justice come! And it was filmed! Ah!!!!"

Bai Yu came over with a pot of black tea and said with a smile, "You are really cute as always, little queen~"

"It's annoying!!!"

Although Lucifer said that, he still stuck to Bai Yu's side with no promise. After a long time, he whispered: "Bai Yu... was caught by justice and black history! What should I do?"

"Well...this can wait until one day to catch her black history. As a former chief prosecutor, she still cares more about things like black history."

After thinking for a while, Lucifer nodded and said, "That's the only way... Really.... The Diss ceremony is fake! Why are you supposed to be very tired now, but you are more energetic in the end? !"

"This question...Diss said that this contract didn't bring me much bonus, so it shouldn't be because of that...It really is because he is teaching Lucifer how to cook..."

Lucifer snorted and hugged Bai Yu's arm with one hand and said angrily: "I've never seen me boasting about 1.8 so much! Hmph!"

"Got it? This brownie and macaron."

"There's nothing wrong with the brownie, it's just that this macaron looks a bit confused..."

"Macarons.....I remember when I got to Macarons you didn't listen at all...."

"Whispering! I couldn't listen to it because you didn't count?!"

So, let me teach you again. "

Just as Lucifer was about to nod, he reacted abruptly and came back, saying with a horrified face: "I'm tired! I don't want to learn anymore! Let's talk about it tomorrow! My legs are sore from standing for so long! My stomach hurts too!


"Hmph! It's your pleasure!"

"Yes~ Thank you for your hard work, little queen~"

"of course!"

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