People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 531 Reimu: Yakumo Zi Better Don't Lie To Me, The Queen Who Wants To Take Care Of The Ch

In the store, Lucifer is enjoying the rare two-person world with Bai Yu here, both Lucifer and Bai Yu are watching the movie on the computer in front of them, Bai Yu is pressing Lucifer's leg, and Lucifer is passing a piece to Bai Yu's mouth from time to time Fruit, quite tacitly.

"I'm going! The murderer is actually their son?! It's amazing! I've fooled everyone!"

It was not until the end of the film that Lucifer made a comment, and Bai Yu nodded and said: "This child is like a born criminal, killing, dismembering, hiding, and blaming

A series of operations such as forging evidence, erasing fingerprints, etc. are really powerful. "

Lucifer thought for a while and said, "Such a talent really deserves to go to hell. If this child becomes an undead servant, he must be the most devil-like one!"

"You are really outrageous, others are just a child."

"Because I am a child, I have room to grow up!"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "You succeeded in making me make a decision."


"02 absolutely can't let you take care of your child. It's okay to say that it's cute to bring it up as a Tsundere, but if you bring it up as a little devil, you may often be called to school by the teacher.

Lucifer gritted his teeth and said, "Why didn't I bring my child! Do I look like a bad guy?!"


Lucifer said angrily: "What is it?! How good I am to you, from this you can see that I am not as bad as the Bible says!"

"Then your undead servant"

"Um... this... I... that... yes! They're the guilty ones! And it's exhausting to work on us alone! Always need more staff! That's it! Don't ask any more! I'm just a good woman!"

Bai Yu smiled and said: "I still agree with this point. It would be better if I don't just know how to make desserts."

"Be content! Many people don't know how to make desserts! I still took the initiative to learn from you! This proves that I am very virtuous, so I can teach children very well, etc... You say I am Tsundere?! I'm not Tsundere!"

Bai Yu patted Lucifer's head and didn't say anything else. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the store door suddenly lit up. Lucifer was a little dissatisfied, and someone disturbed her two-person world again, but the most crucial step was over, It is not unacceptable for guests to come now.

When Bai Yu was wondering who was here, he saw the store door open, and then he saw Kazami Yuka walking in. It was the same recipe, but this time Yakumo Zi didn't happen to come with Kazami Yuka.

At this moment in Yakumo Mansion, Yakumo Zi was still sleeping late, Yakumo Lan was about to cry, she was about to starve to death, but she knew that Yakumo Zi was going to Bai Yu's shop, so she didn't cook Just waiting, just kidding, how can cooking by yourself be as delicious as Bai Yu's cooking?

But now Yakumo Zi still has to sleep! She didn't dare to wake up, so she could only wait here so hungry, Yakumo Lan whispered: "Master Zi should wake up should...

She has been talking about this for a long time, and she knows that she can go to that store directly, but Yakumo Zi is still sleeping, if she goes first, she will die! The most important thing is that Yakumo Zi still makes an appointment guest

In a shrine at this time, a priestess was drinking tea. Usually at this time, she had already prepared rice and cooked wild vegetables, but now she had no intention of eating at all.

To be precise, she was exhausting her patience. She was sweeping the floor this morning, but she saw Zi Yakumo running out of the gap.

"If Yakumo Zi dares to lie to me... Should I use a talisman? Or hit her on the head with a yin-yang jade? I'm really confused..."

It was probably like this...

"There is no mutation... It's really boring... Huh? Yakumo Zi?"

While a witch was sweeping the floor, Zi Yakumo jumped out from the gap in front of her eyes and said with a smile, "Yo! Good morning Reimu, did you start sweeping the floor so early?"

"I'm going to dig wild vegetables today, so I have to work early."

Yakumo Zi nodded, and Reimu said suspiciously: "So, what are you doing here? You are here to pay for it?"

The corner of Yakumo Zi's mouth twitched and said, "Hey... Reimu, if we tell you that we have a big meal tonight, how would you react?"

Hearing this, Reimu threw away the broom in his hand and said, "Yakumo Zi, this is the first time I think you are very reliable, so "what do you eat? Where is it? You want to hold a reception area"

The corner of Yakumo Zi's eyes twitched and said: "No...we're not going to hold a reception, but there is indeed a big meal."

"Huh? Really?"

Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "Is what we said unbelievable?"

Reimu looked up and down Yakumo Zi, then nodded and said: "If it's what you said... then it shouldn't be credible at all, I'd better hurry up and go dig wild vegetables...

Yakumo Zi shouted: "Reimu! What we said is true! There is really a feast! How could we lie to you?"

Ling dreamed for a while and said: "'s okay...but I'll dig up the wild vegetables just in case, otherwise I will still be cheated by you."

"So, let's offer it up!"

Lingmeng smiled and said, "Really? There are denominations of ten yuan, one hundred yuan, one thousand yuan, ten thousand yuan, and one hundred thousand yuan. Look at you..."

Yakumo Zi directly took out a one-yen coin, the air was still, Yakumo Zi said with a smile: "This is enough sincerity!"

"One yuan?"

Lingmeng greeted you with a broom. Are you kidding me with a one-yuan broom to drive people away? Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "Don't eat dinner, we'll pick you up for a big meal!"

After saying that, it disappeared. Reimu stared at the coin on the ground for a long time, about three seconds. Reimu immediately picked it up and continued to work. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

In this way, Reimu really picked wild vegetables, and then waited at the shrine. She chose to believe Yakumo Zi once, so she just drank tea and waited.

"Yakumo better not lie to me"

At this time, Yakumo Zi seemed to feel something, and opened his eyes directly [after a long pause, he said doubtfully: "Eh? Did we forget something?"

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