People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 577 King And People, Boat And Water, Literary Woman (For Subscription~)

This dinner was too satisfying for Aragon and the others. For them, this meal was much better than the food they had eaten before.

Especially Jinli, he never stopped, but Jinli also drank too much, he ordered another bottle of spirits, but this time it was not the strongest, but rather mellow, which made Jinli couldn't put it down even more. His face was flushed red.

Legolas is a person who can drink like that, and he is already a little dazed. Drinking wine is like drinking fruit juice, but he will regain his energy afterward.

Aragorn didn't have much reaction. His alcohol capacity was already good, and he drank wine, so it was relatively better, and Gandalf was no big deal.

Aragorn turned his head to look at Bai Yu and said with a smile: "Your food is still as delicious as it was then.

"If you do something with your heart, you will get good rewards. How does it feel to be a king?"

Aragon said with a sigh of relief: "I am a little excited and a little nervous, but I think I will try my best to do my best.

Bai Yu said with a smile: "If you are a good king...just ask you a question."

This sentence also attracted Gandalf's attention. As an elf prince, Legolas planned to listen carefully. Gandalf had heard what Bai Yu told Aragorn, and he also liked Bai Yu Yu's question was curious.

Bai Yu said softly: "Aragorn, as the king, you, your people, or your kingdom, which one is more important?"

This question made everyone fall into contemplation. A kingdom is simply a territory. A country without territory cannot be called a country. "Ten countries without sub-eyes cannot be called a country.

Legolas thought for a moment and said, "It should be the kingdom itself..."

Gandalf didn't speak, Aragorn thought for a while and said: "If I had to choose... I think I would choose the kingdom itself but... my heart tells me

My people should be chosen.

Bai Yu smiled and said, "You will be a good king."

Legolas asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Bai Yu said with a smile: "Your kingdom is your territory, but it's just land. If you don't have people, all you get is barrenness."

Legolas was about to say something when he heard Bai Yu continue: "Mr. Legolas, I think you should want to say, as long as the territory is in the people, right?"

Legolas nodded, and Bai Yu said with a smile: "That's true, but let me ask you a question, what do the people need?"


"That's the big premise, but what are their basics?"

"the basic...."

Bai Yu looked at the hesitant Legolas and said with a smile: "Believe me, your people don't mind changing any king, all they need is someone who doesn't abuse them.

Give them food and drink, give them shelter, bring them justice and a safe king. "

"You only think about your country, but you should think more about your people. No one will hate it better. Your people really feel that you are thinking about them, and they will absolutely Sincerely, they are living lives with their own lives and families, not cattle and sheep that can be grazed on their own territory.

Legolas thought about it seriously for a while, and Bai Yu said with a smile: "In our world, there is a saying that translates roughly to mean that the king is a boat, and the people are water, and water can make the boat float on the water. Sailing can also sink the ship at the bottom of the water. The monarch is not as important as the people.

After thinking for a long time, Aragorn nodded and said: "You are right, the people are very important...Thank you for your teaching."

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "I am a human being. Although we are not in the same world, I still hope that the king of human beings, the first king of the human era who was bought by countless sacrifices, will be a good monarch who can let human beings live and work in peace and contentment. This is just a human reminder.

Aragorn nodded, and Gandalf smiled and said: "With such teachings, the world is more harmonious than I imagined."

Bai Yu said with a smile: "I can't say harmony, at least this kind of food is available to most people."

Aragorn said with a smile: "My friend, you brought me new teachings and delicious food when I came here twice, thank you."

"The first king in the Era of Man can thank you so much, I should be the first one too.

Aragorn shook his head with a smile, Bai Yu looked at Gandalf and said, "Mr. Gandalf, you should be able to use magic."

"Witchcraft? I'm still good at it, so will you?"

Bai Yu shook his head and said: "No, I won't, you just remind me of an old gentleman who also claims to be a wizard, but he is not from your world, and his witchcraft is very powerful.

Gandalf said with some interest: "What's his name?"

"Albus Dumbledore is the head of a wizarding academy. Both of you are different from the old man. You don't taboo meat and wine at all, and you also like sweets."

Gandalf smiled and said: "Wizard Academy? Oh! This idea is very good. If possible, I would like to meet this colleague and have a good exchange."

"He seems to have something to do, and he hasn't come here for a while, but he said he will come again and bring some new guests. If you are destined, you will meet sooner or later.

Gandalf nodded. Aragorn is now full of his own country and people. The college just now gave him some ideas. If he could invite some wise men to teach the people and children, if possible... .

Lucifer smiled and said, "I can't see that you can really say something that makes sense."

"So I tell you to read more books."

"I read it! I used to read a lot of magic books when I was in heaven, and I also read other magic books in hell besides documents! Now I also read books! What a literary woman, you should cherish it! "

"So that's why you read weird novels?"

Lucifer puffed his face and said, "I've read a lot! Strange novels are also novels! I don't care, anyway, I'm a literary girl...not a literary woman!"

"Yes, yes, you are right~"


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