People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 578 Riven: I Am Smart Most Of The Time (Please Subscribe~)

Aragorn had learned new things and had a lot to learn, so the remaining smell of alcohol disappeared. In the middle, he also asked Bai Yu about a lot of policies and things that are helpful to the people.

As a result, Legolas also sobered up a lot. In the middle, Gandalf used some magic because of Lucifer's curious ideas, but Yakumo Zi and the others regarded them as fireworks.

Gandalf now feels that he is almost autistic, especially when Yakumozi took back the light just after the light was released, which made Gandalf feel bad all over.

After explaining for a while, I realized that no one in this room is weak, and even Riven is a very strong fighter.

Aragon and the others ate all the dishes in the end, and they also ate rice by the way, which surprised a few people. Bai Yu was not stingy, and gave them a big bag of beans, wheat, rice and other seeds. I found methods and requirements for planting for them online.

Aragorn and the others were very grateful. Before leaving, Aragorn said with a sigh of relief: "My friend, it is my life's luck to be here on the way. I will always cherish the teachings and gifts you gave me." Remember, and my people will remember."

"I just said a few words that exist in our world book. The so-called gift is not valuable on our side. Aragorn, every suggestion has its own advantages, but if it is not implemented, he is just talking , what your people really need to remember is you, the king who implements the advice."

Aragorn smiled and took out a rattling bag from his waist and handed it to Bai Yu, and said with a smile: "As you said, I don't lack these things now.

Bai Yu didn't refuse, and said with a smile: "You really are a very special person."

Aragon patted Bai Yu's arm with a smile and said: "My friend, you are the same, I wish you happiness in love."

Lucifer and the others all laughed, and Bai Yu also said warmly: "You are the same as you, don't neglect your family just because you govern the country, you are a king and a husband"

Aragorn nodded, and Gandalf and the others also had smiles on their faces. It is worth mentioning that Jin Zhen was still holding a bottle of wine. Gandalf smiled (accj) and said: "I am looking forward to watching it when I come here again." To my fellow wizards."

"You'll be great friends."

"I think so."

Before leaving, Aragorn said firmly: "I hope that one day, Middle-earth can be as warm as here."

"This requires the efforts of you kings.

"Yes, then, goodbye, my friend."

Bai Yu nodded, and Gandalf and the others also nodded respectfully. For Bai Yu, he just made some simple suggestions, but for Aragorn and the others, the advice and gifts Bai Yu gave them, to them For them, it will never be forgotten, and it is a very precious existence, so they respect it very much.

Looking at the few people leaving, Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the bag in his hand, opened it and said helplessly, " rich are these guys..."

Lucifer smiled and said, "Gold? Or silver?"

Bai Yu took out a gold coin, although it was a little rough, but it still made Reimu's eyes shine, Bai Yu walked over while flicking the gold coin, and threw it on the table casually, saying:

"Isn't it good to make money?"

"The problem is that I can't say all of the guests from Otherworld, but most of them use this kind of currency. Ah... Limuru uses magic ore, I'm really convinced."

Riven thought for a while and said: "I think it's reasonable, because there is no way to unify the currency. Minerals like gold and silver are the best circulation channels. Basically, copper coins, silver coins, gold coins, and gemstones are more widely circulated."

Bai Yu nodded and didn't say anything. He had as many gold coins as he wanted, but Lingmeng was drooling, local tyrant! She wanted to hug her thigh and beg for her.

But as soon as this idea appeared, he saw Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka's death stares, and he bowed his head decisively to eat, turning grief and anger into appetite.

Bai Yu suddenly thought of something, and said with some doubts: "Riwen, didn't you say you want to see if there is anything else? There is a difficult task for you now.

Riven said cautiously: "You won't tell me to water the flowers again, I've already done it."

"Of course not, come with me."


Looking at Rui Wen obediently following Bai Yu into the kitchen, Pan De asked suspiciously: "What happened to Rui Zun going to the kitchen? Isn't it a difficult task?"

Lucifer said unhappily: "Bai Yu obviously asked Riven to do the dishes. Ever since she had Riven, Bai Yu felt that Riven was a very good existence to do the dishes, so...

"Huh? Is Riven good at washing vegetables?"

"Because Riven's execution ability is very strong, and she is very serious, so it can be said that Riven can't wait to break the vegetables into pieces and wash them one by one, and the washing will definitely be clean.

Pan De sighed and said, "That's really a talent..."

Riven in the kitchen on the other side was really dragged to wash things, but it’s not vegetables, but fruits. Riven is not dissatisfied, she still likes washing vegetables, for her, washing vegetables is much easier than cutting vegetables It can also make her less nervous.

Bai Yu looked at Riven's way of washing vegetables and said with a smile: "So the arduous task of washing vegetables is really more reliable for you, Riven."

Riven sighed and said, "I don't know much, but I'm not stupid. I'm smart most of the time. You call this a difficult task?"

"Of course, after all, you are the one who can wash so clean."

"Huh? Really?"

"What are you doing fooling around?"

Riven stared at Bai Yu for a while and then nodded, continuing to wash the fruit, after a long time, Riven said softly: "Bai Yu, thank you.

"The washing is already very good, there is no need to say thank you for boasting."

Riven looked up at Bai Yu and said in a deep voice, "You know I'm not talking about washing vegetables...."

"Remember my dream?"

"Remember, that's why I should thank you."

After speaking, he picked up the apple and took a bite, then said: "The task is completed, I will go out first."

Bai Yu sighed and took out another apple to wash after seeing that one apple was missing. Riven slightly turned her head to look at it, and said softly with a bit of cunning in her eyes: "I'm not that stupid~"

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