People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 62 The Contrasting Little Lin Long Gallbladder (Please Subscribe~)

Under Bai Yu's meticulous lessons, everyone listened very attentively, and it was the first time that they felt that a class could be so fast, and they didn't even want to finish the get out of class.

Bai Yu was stunned for a while and said, "Erina, Hisako, what do you two mean by me all this time?"

Erina took it for granted: "Of course I'm going to class! My class schedule today is purely from Mr. Chapelle!"

Bai Yu was taken aback for a moment and then asked doubtfully, "Eh? Do you still have third grade classes?"

Erina snorted and said: "This question, I am an Elite Ten! Some third-grade students are not my opponents. I don't think there is any problem in taking third-grade classes!"

Bai Yu didn't say anything but nodded, Bai Yu suddenly thought of something and said, "Did you see Lucifer and Cerberus again?"

Erina was stunned for a moment before realizing that Lucifer and Cerberus were gone. Erina scratched her head and said, "I don't know...but I remember what kind of chocolate Cerberus said to Lucifer when get out of class was over?"

Hearing this word, Bai Yu has a weird expression. Cerberus wants to eat chocolate? Seriously? Isn’t a Cerberus a dog? Can a Cerberus eat chocolate? How outrageous?

The two naturally didn't know what Bai Yu was thinking, and they didn't care, after all, they didn't know that Cerberus was a terrifying hellhound in mythology.

In the third grade classroom at this time, Lin Longan was lying in the first row with a sleepy face, Qian Kubotao sat next to Lin Longan and yawned. Just leave, the school dare not open them anyway~

"Eh? Kobayashi-san? Akishakubo-san?"

Hearing this voice, the two looked up, and then saw that Eishi Tsukasa and Saito Zongaki were also here, and Mekijima Tosuke seemed to be on an investigation trip to Okinawa.

Little Lin Long raised his face indifferently and said, "Why are you two here?"

Eishi Tsukasa said with some helplessness: "This... because I feel like there is a kind of magic that tells me that I can't escape Mr. Chapelle's class, so I came here... Saito-san is the same... "

Little Lin Long was taken aback by the two of them, and it was fine with just the two of them, but it was the same situation with the two of them, isn't it a bit outrageous!

"Haha~ I'm so sleepy... If this new substitute teacher doesn't interest me, I'll just leave!"

Eishi Tsukasa, who was sitting obliquely behind little Lin Long, twitched his lips and said, "That...isn't that impolite?"

Little Lin Long snorted boldly and said: "I was very polite by not flipping the table! A Si, you don't think we can learn something at school, do you? If it weren't for this sudden and inexplicable feeling, I would don't come!"

Eishi Tsukasa and Saito Zongming didn't say anything, because they knew what little Lin Long said was true, Akakubo Momo hugged Butch's head and said little by little: "Longdan cotton...․If the substitute teacher doesn't let you go..."

"Then eat the halberd!"

Little Lin Long's temper is extraordinarily irritable today. She was already anxious because of insomnia, and now she's doing this again. If this teacher is really in trouble, she might really be able to do such a thing. After all, ten Elite Ten Even the head teacher can be dismissed directly.

"So, you girl, are you going to eat a halberd with me?"

Hearing this sentence, little Lin Long was stunned for a moment and then said impatiently: "Yes...huh?!"

Akane Kubotamo was already stunned, Lin Long dared to react and looked at the figure standing beside Erina, swallowed, rubbed his eyes and said, "Huh?! Bai Yu?! Why are you here?!"

Hearing little Lin Longdan's words, Bai Yu on the podium smiled and said: "Erina, please find a place to sit with Hisako first. As for Longdan, what did you look like in school? 17

Little Lin Long hurriedly shouted: "No, no, no! Today is because of insomnia! I am usually very kind and friendly, approachable! Right~Ah~Saito"

Looking at the knife-like eyes in Xiao Lin Long's eyes, both of them felt a chill, Bai Yu said with a smile: "I don't know you yet~ Sit down~ Get ready for class

"Oh...huh?! Bai Yu are you a substitute teacher?!"

Bai Yu nodded, Akane Kubo Momo woke up all of a sudden, looked at Erina who was sitting next to him and said, "Eri Nian, is this true?!"

Erina nodded and said: "I just came here with store manager Bai Yu after the last get out of class, and I benefited a lot..."

Eishi Tsukasa and Zongming Saito looked at the man in front of them in a strange way when they heard this. Is this the man that Xiao Lin Long is chasing after...

Bai Yu glanced at the room and said, "Why are there so many people?"

Little Lin Long put his hands on his face with a smile and said: "Because some people either failed the assessment and were expelled, or went to research, or simply felt that the class was unnecessary~ But today there are five Elite Ten , I'm doing you a favor~"

Bai Yu nodded and said: "Your study is really an interesting mechanism, so I won't talk too much. Since you are Elite Ten and you are still a third-year student, I won't talk so much useless, just give Come up with a lesson~"

Xiao Lin Longdan, Erina, and Qian Kubotao all look forward to it, because the three of them will go to Bai Yu for field studies, but they have never had the opportunity to show their strength to Bai Yu, and now of course they are very expect.

Especially the little Lin Long, it can be said that the whole person is ignited, which surprised Eishi Tsukasa and Saito Soaki, Bai Yu said with a chuckle: "I have paper here" and you can write your own The five ingredients mentioned in the first impression."

After Bai Yu handed out the paper, he looked at them with a smile on his face, and when they all stopped writing, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Please write your names and hand them in." '

Even Xiao Lin Long didn’t know what this operation meant. 160 But he did it anyway, Bai Yu nodded after reading it once and said: “It’s not bad, there is no food that will cause adverse reactions when mixed, so let’s start .”

"Start what?"

"Use the ingredients you wrote and make a dish~ You can only use these ingredients, and the time is until the end of get out of class. I don't give marks, but you should know it yourself~"

Everyone was stunned, some said they were relaxed, and some were thinking about the recipe with a sad face. Bai Yu smiled and said when he saw them: "Your thinking should not be too fixed, just like no one thought of eggs at the beginning. Japanese rice can be stir-fried ~ think more active, this is the content of this class."

"A good chef should make any food that he is satisfied with at any time~ Don't always fry or fry~ Sauce, matching drinks, sandwiches, pot bottoms, everything is fine~"

As soon as Bai Yu finished speaking, before little Lin Long dared to say anything, Bai Yu said with a smile: "Student Nakiri Alice, there is no one in the classroom, you can come in and listen~"

Everyone looked at the door and saw Nakiri Alice lying on the door revealing a small head. After taking a look at Bai Yu, Alice ran to sit next to Hisako without refusing. She is now because of a class with little Lin Long I am afraid of their performance, and I am very interested in this store manager.

PS: There is another chapter, the teacher is over, we who prepared the dog got into trouble....

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