People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 63 We Got Into Trouble·Junior Edition (Please Subscribe~)

With Bai Yu's previous words, all the students gave up their initial ideas. It was like a closed door was opened in their minds, and all the inspirations that they hadn't thought of before were all at this moment. burst out.

Facts have proved that it is not unreasonable for them to be promoted to the third grade. While Alice was still thinking, Eishi Tsukasa and the others had already prepared them, which were not conventional dishes.

Everyone at Bai Yu also tasted it and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages. Although there are more disadvantages, Eishi Tsukasa and the others planned to make a comeback at the beginning, but soon found that they met a master.

Before Bai Yu ate it, he directly told the situation of each of their dishes, even the texture of the meat and the cut of the vegetables. You know, Bai Yu just glanced at it.

Erina said with some frustration: "Shop Manager Bai Yu's realm is really too high... Just using eyes is more effective than my God's Tongue."

Little Lin Long watched Bai Yu intently beside Bai Yu after scoring the score, took a picture with his mobile phone from time to time, and then looked like a little mouse who got cheese

Eishi Tsukasa and others looked at the joy on Lin Long's face and couldn't believe it, but they didn't say anything. After all, they could see that Lin Long really liked Bai Yu, otherwise they wouldn't have So much has changed over the years.

And Bai Yu's strength and his own conditions also left them with nothing to say. In this situation, we can only wish little Lin Long an early success.

When the last Alice's dish was served, Bai Yu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's a very good idea, as expected of a user of molecular cuisine..."

Alice glanced at Erina very proudly, Bai Yu's strength made Alice full of interest in Bai Yu, now that she has received Bai Yu's praise, she naturally wants to show off with Erina

Because of Erina's cooking before, Bai Yu just nodded and started talking about a bunch of shortcomings, but Erina remembered it very carefully. After all, this review is not something everyone can do, and it is a very precious note.

Bai Yu flipped through the dishes in front of him and said with a smile: "Student Nakiri Alice~"


"How long has it been since you cooked a complete dish using traditional utensils?"

Alice was taken aback, Bai Yu sighed and said: "It's a very good work, but it was ruined by the chef's own cooking skills, to be precise, in cooking skills, Nakiri Alice

Molecular gastronomy is great, but machines will never be able to match humans in some respects~~~”

Alice wanted to say something, Bai Yu directly picked up a kitchen knife from one side, and scratched a piece of ham with a brush, "Then saw more than a dozen almost transparent hams sliding slowly like paper down.

Everyone was terrified, and Bai Yu said with a smile: "This is a random knife, can a machine do it? Maybe it can, but there will be errors in such a long-term work, and human beings can do it with enough will and endurance." Basically, it is not comparable to machines~"

As Bai Yu said, he put the ham in the water and stroked it lightly. Two layers of layers gradually appeared. Everyone didn't know what to say anymore. Alice was also a little frightened, but she was more reflective.

It is true that molecular cuisine has too many advantages, such as more convenient, faster, and a brand-new taste, but there are also many relative disadvantages, such as inconvenient to carry, large limitations, and time-consuming calculation of equations, etc.

Seeing the pensive Alice Bai Yu nodded and said: "Then everyone, I'm very glad to see your cooking and more open thinking, keep it up~ Remember, the chef's cooking must first ensure that you like it, and then It is the dish that is qualified to sell ~ get out of class!"

After Bai Yu finished speaking, he stretched his waist and walked towards the door on his own. The students looked at Bai Yu with awe and longing in their eyes. The difference was too much, but it didn't make people feel jealous

After Bai Yu left the classroom, little Lin Long chased after her. Bai Yu called Lucifer with his mobile phone, but no one answered. After calling Cerberus, it was almost Seconds.

"Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer! Lord...."

"Shut up Cerberus! I can't believe I can't beat a chocolate pancake?! Cerberus! Get me the chocolate!"

"Um... Lucifer...the chocolate is gone..."

Hearing this, the corner of Bai Yu's mouth twitched, and then he found the two people according to the location of the mobile phone. He didn't want to use it at first, but if he didn't use it, Lucifer wouldn't let Cerberus tell him. Both were burned by Lucifer and the others.

After finding the cooking room, Bai Yu saw Cerberus running out from the cooking room on one side and asked in confusion, "Cerberus... what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Cerberus with messy hair in front of him, after Bai Yu tidied Cerberus up, Cerberus said nervously, "Master, master, master...we got into trouble...."

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, then pulled Cerberus and pushed open the door, a puff of black smoke came out, and then he saw Lucifer holding a shovel and shoveling some unknown black in the pot object.

At that time, Erina and the others were stunned. Isn’t this a biochemical weapon? This is somewhat outrageous! The corner of Lin Long’s mouth twitched and he said, “It seems that none of those female CEOs know how to cook...”

Bai Yu coughed lightly, Lucifer came back to look at Bai Yu and then turned his head away, eyes full of embarrassment "Yu Yu chuckled and said: "Lucifer, you are making chocolate pancakes"

Lucifer was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the thing that looked like dried asphalt in his pot, then snorted and said, "You have good eyesight! It's chocolate pancakes!

Little Lin Long and the others looked at Lucifer with a smug face, and the corners of their mouths twitched. Where did you get this sense of superiority! It means that Bai Yu has a high level and can talk, otherwise, who would recognize it!

Bai Yu sighed and said, "Lucifer, pay attention to your image~ Go wash your face first~"

Lucifer snorted and ran to the side to wash his face, but as soon as he turned on the faucet, the whole faucet flew out, and then a pile of chocolate sauce was sprayed out, the refrigerator on the other side also moved and the refrigerator door fell off down.

Bai Yu looked at Cerberus on one side, and then saw her holding her arm with one hand, her eyes wandering here and there, and there was some cold sweat on her forehead.

Bai Yu sighed and whispered in Cerberus' ear, "What did you do? Are you referring to the three of you?"

Cerberus nodded, and Bai Yu sighed and said, "It's a good thing you didn't cause trouble, as long as you don't blow up anything~" (Strike the point! This is the real trouble! Probably I wrote it after a while, it was bombed with two customers~female customers~two very popular characters~)

Cerberus nodded (had Zhao) nodded and looked at Bai Yu, then stood aside obediently, Bai Yu said to Erina: "I'm really sorry, I will compensate according to the price~"

After taking a look, Erina said casually: "It's okay~ Anyway, this is my kitchen. I forgot which research institute was demolished and changed it. It doesn't matter~ At worst, it will be changed to a refrigerator~"

Xiao Lin Long also smiled and said: "Yes, yes~ Don't worry about this. "Eliben's kitchen is the most in Elite Ten. It's okay to have one less~"

"Okay~ Then I won't refuse, but Lucifer, are you okay?"

Everyone looked at Lucifer with some concern, because Lucifer had been standing there for a long time...

PS: At the end of the teacher's chapter, I just bring a Tōtsuki to other students. Remember, the key points of my drawing are guests that you can't think of. Give me a reminder: crazy~, look at the title. This is a primary version, and there is an advanced version. That's the real trouble. In addition, there are fewer people going to the wedding this morning, and more people in the afternoon and evening.

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