People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 681 The Request Of Yuko Ichihara, The Flag Of Zi Yakumo (Please Subscribe~)

Ichihara Yuko just wrote something silently on the paper, Asachel and others just watched silently, after a long time, the paper in Ichihara Yuko's hand suddenly disappeared.

Ichihara Yuko said softly: "Now it's time to talk about things in your world."

Asachel was taken aback, and Ichihara Yuko said casually: "You can understand it as a small isolation barrier, she can hear what you say, but she doesn't care at all.

Asachel sighed and said: "It's really good enough, but I'm really curious if your sisters are all so good?"

Yuko Ichihara raised her eyebrows and said, "Thinking too much, there are many great people, and there are many ordinary people, let's talk about it, as for Erina and the others, they can't hear it either."

Asachel was a little helpless and told the things bit by bit, and Yuko Ichihara and others were slightly taken aback, this world is very interesting.

Yakumo Zi said playfully: "In the world of gods and demons, there are still artifacts. Are there monsters?"

Asachel nodded and said: "Of course there are. In Tokyo, besides that, there are dragons, gods of death, warlocks, exorcists, etc. in 02."

Yakumo Zi said with some interest: "Eh? That's really amazing, is the artifact fun?"

"I personally think it's very interesting, but it's not that easy to get, and the current artifact users are all weak artifacts.

Yuko Ichihara thought for a while and said, "The gap in combat power in your world is really outrageous."

"Lord Lucifer said the same thing last time. After comparing it, it seems really outrageous. Ms. Ichihara Yuko, aren't you human?"

Ichihara Yuko shook her head and said, "No, no, I'm human, but my strength is just a little bit stronger."


Yakumo Zi said angrily: "Yuko, your strength can't be considered weak in any're just almost blood."

Yuko Ichihara said very casually: "I haven't become conceited yet, there are too many worlds, maybe in other worlds I will be as weak as an ordinary person, and what strength or something. ["

"It doesn't matter, I'll just count the past and the future. No matter how strong you are, it doesn't matter much. Compared to a witch in any dimension, or a witch in the Far East, I still prefer to be a proprietress who relies on my own man."

Asachel sighed and said: "So the store manager Bai Yu is really powerful, but I didn't expect to be a witch. It's really amazing. The feeling of magic power is scary even to me."

Yakumo Zi smiled and said: "In a sense, the strength of your world is really strange.

"Miss, are you the proprietress too?"

Yakumo Zi blushed immediately, Fu Yuan Yuko smiled playfully and said: "Zi...Zi is not yet."

"Oh! That's really amazing."

"What is the present! It's as if the store manager can catch us!"

Yuko Ichihara didn't say anything, just glanced at Zi Yakumo playfully, while Yuka Kazami calmly took a sip of scented tea and said softly: "You still owe Bai Yu a date

"We know! You don't need to remind us! But do you think Mr. Store Manager can catch us with just one date?! Impossible!"

Yakumo Lan whispered: "Master said before that you were easy to chase..."

Asachel smiled and said: "It's really lively, it makes me want to find a woman to start a family, it's really lively.

Ichihara Yuko smiled and said: "You really don't sound like a fallen angel, and you're still the governor."

"They all have to live, eh? You ladies over there are also witches?"

Ichihara Yuko said softly: "They are monsters, and they are all big monsters."


"Yakumo Zi, the great demon of the realm! And our shikigami, Yakumo Lan, is a nine-tailed demon fox! And this is... um... Hanada's fierce..."

Before Yakumo Zi finished speaking, she saw Kazami Yuka gently put down her teacup, her expression was still the same flat, Yakumo Zi said with a smile: "Kazemi Yuka, the tyrant of Hanada!"

After Yakumo Zi finished speaking, she saw Kazemi Yuka silently raised the teacup, Yakumo Lan also breathed a sigh of relief, she was scared to death just now.

Asachel narrowed his eyes and said, "Suddenly I feel very weak."

Ichihara Yuko waved his hand and said, "Aren't those who are weak or weak all diners? It doesn't matter. We can't fight here, but do you plan to connect the world?"

Asachel was stunned for a moment before waving his hands and said, "I'm just a small soldier, and I'm much worse than Ti Shitian and other monsters. I don't have the right to decide whether to connect to the world or not."

Ichihara Yuko nodded and said nothing. After all, this is the freedom of others, and this is a normal way of thinking. Under normal circumstances, they would not connect directly. After all, the power here is too strong. Asachel Don't worry it's too normal.

"Mr. Asachel, "I may need your help with something." 477 "Huh? What is it?"

"Is there an artifact that can hide things? I really need such an artifact! As a reward, if there is any trouble in your world, we will try our best to help!"

Asachel was stunned and said suspiciously: "You? You mean..."

"That's right, including Lucifer and others. (Lucifer et al.: Huh?)

Asachel smiled happily and said: "This little thing doesn't need to be so troublesome, I will try my best to find it. "Do you want something that can hide a living thing or a dead thing?"

"Damn it, what am I going to do with the living thing?"

"Okay, that would be easy."

Ichihara Yuko knows what she wants to hide without even thinking about it. Naturally, it is her precious bong, but she is worried every day, especially after being seen by Erina, the pressure is even greater.

Just as I was talking, I saw Bai Yu walking over with a dish, because there was only one dish, so naturally I didn’t need the dining car, Yuko Ichihara also pointed at the table, and Kasumigaoka Shiwa looked at this side with a puzzled expression. glance.

"Huh? How do you feel that someone here just said something?"

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