People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 682 Asachel's Emotion, Yuko's Tension (Please Subscribe~)

Bai Yu glanced at Ichihara Yuko and then smiled, Ichihara Yuko was taken aback, this is not right, logically speaking, Bai Yu should not be able to hear it either.

But Yuko Ichihara suddenly thought of something, Bai Yu doesn't seem to be an ordinary person, besides being his lover, he is also his master...

At this moment, Ichihara Yuko realized again, she felt that she had accidentally cheated herself, and Ichihara Yuko felt that she should do something now.

Bai Yu had indeed heard everything just now, so he naturally knew what Ichihara Yuko was hiding. Regarding the bong, Ichihara Yuko still thinks that she hid it very well.

Bai Yu didn't say too much, and walked straight to Asachel and put down the food before saying softly, "You don't need to hurry this time?"

"I just found out that there is no jet lag. There is no need to worry at all. By the way, what is this?"

"Pickled fish, haven't you eaten it?"

Asachel shook his head and said, "Actually, I haven't eaten it. This dish looks amazing. Is it spicy?"

"It's okay, I'll get you some rice, you can try it first."


To be honest, Asachel was a little greedy looking at the fragrant and hot sauerkraut fish in front of him, let alone the slices of white fish.

Simply speaking, the slices of yellow and green pickled vegetables, the small balls of peppercorns, the shiny red peppers on top, and the emerald green green onions

Just seeing this makes my mouth water, cooking is something sour and spicy is always the most mouth-watering thing, let alone bringing these two guys together

Snakefish is a fish that can be eaten all over its body, but its dorsal fin is poisonous, so you must be very careful when handling it, but aside from this point, this fish can be said to be very powerful.

Leaving aside the fact that the snakeheaded fish itself is very firm and plump, just mentioning Alice’s previous evaluation, the snakeheaded fish doesn’t have many spines.

There is only one main thorn in the middle, and some small thorns are still distributed together. Basically, they are all brought out when they are processed. There are two annoying things to eat fish or chicken, spit thorns, spit Bones, not being able to munch on meat is a bummer.

Even dishes such as squirrel mandarin fish are the same, although you don’t need to eat fish bones, but a little bit of fish at a time is still very unpleasant, pickled fish does not have so many disadvantages, especially the pickled fish of black fish, it can be said to be You don't need to spit spines, you can eat a big piece of fish every time.

This is a very refreshing thing, followed by the pickled fish dish itself, pickled fish, pickled fish, as the name suggests is a dish of pickled cabbage and fish.

But sauerkraut is not a common thing. There are many types of sauerkraut, some of which are not suitable for making sauerkraut fish. For example, the sauerkraut in the legendary Northeast cuisine is not very suitable.

The pickled cabbage in the pickled fish is a kind of pickled cabbage, pickled green vegetables, pickled ginger and so on. Its taste is not so sour, but it has a unique flavor. Generally speaking, it is refreshing. Even many people who don’t like ginger People may eat paozijiang as a delicious thing without knowing it, and even comment on its deliciousness.

This is what the sauerkraut fish is used for, and even though this dish is cooked, it is not so simple at all. The whole dish must be processed separately, even the bones of black fish cannot be spared, the main bone is also It is the best material for making soup.

Even the ingredients such as Chinese prickly ash and chili are all fried in a frying pan until they are fragrant and so beautiful that people can’t take their eyes off them.

The refreshing and freshness of kimchi, the firmness and smoothness of fish meat, combined with the seasoning made of the thick and fragrant chili-based ingredients, needless to say anything else, the moment the fragrance is released in the pot, the fragrance is Can grab your eyes and taste buds.

The aroma is very strong. The first existence of this dish is grass carp, but many people like black fish more than grass carp, because black fish has a better taste and is thicker.

Some people may add a layer of hot oil after cooking, some people may put a few lemons, some people may choose to sprinkle a little green onion and coriander, these are all possible, because this is called the finishing touch .

After the processing of egg white and starch, the fish meat is also extraordinarily delicious and tender. The fish meat is tender, hot and sour, and the whole dish is integrated into one.

Kimchi has a unique sourness and freshness, and also absorbs the deliciousness of fish bone soup. In addition to the thick and smooth fish meat, it also has the fragrance of kimchi. What flows in the gaps of fish meat is not only the taste of fish itself, And the hot and sour taste that makes people salivate.

Pick up a slice and point it a little at the top, remove the excess soup, and there is such a plump white fish that absorbs the delicious soup, the moment you put it in your mouth, it is fragrant, sour, spicy, slippery, fresh, etc. Such an intertwining of flavors and sensations is a treat for the taste buds.

It has a sour taste but it can only make people feel refreshing, and it has a spicy taste, but it can only make people feel that it is the taste it should have. It is delicious but it neutralizes everything in this hot and sour taste. ....

"`" You have brought this rice. "

Seeing Asaker's appearance, Bai Yu shook his head with a smile and said: "You really like it a little unexpectedly, I thought you might be arguing to drink water.

"This is so delicious, Governor, I have succeeded in liking this thing called black fish! Can it only be made with black fish?"

"No, the prototype of this dish (Li Zhao Zhao) was originally made of grass carp. 27

"Hey! It's grass carp again! It looks like I have to study grass carp in the future!"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said: "You can actually study freshwater fish, because they all have their own characteristics.

"Really? I know, but let's eat first and then talk!"

Bai Yu looked at Asachel, put down the rice and wine pot in his hands, and then returned to his seat. Yuko Ichihara immediately stuck to him and said with a smile: "Bai Yu


"It's okay! I just want to call you!"

"Yuko, you're intermittently bursting with girlishness again."

"Fuck you, I've always been girly, okay [no! I'm a girl! Watch a movie!"

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