People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 872 The Excited Lingxian, The Sister Of The Scarlet Devil House (Please Subscribe~)

Hearing Reimu's words, Remilia also quickly arrived in front of the shrine, followed by a blond girl who looked like an exquisite doll.

She wears the same type of clothes as Remilia, but the wings behind her are completely different. Remilia's wings are like the wings of a legendary vampire or demon.

The blond girl on one side looks like two dead branches, and on them are things like crystals and little lanterns on a Christmas tree. These are the girl's wings.

Seeing Remilia approaching, Izaya Sakuya said softly, "Miss, everyone is here."

Remilia nodded, and Remilia said softly: "Fran, I want to emphasize one last time, don't think about fighting, because the store manager Bai Yu is very powerful, and he is also a very respectable person

You have to be polite when you talk and do things, and you can play after eating, you know?"

Flandre sighed and said, "My've said it no less than five times!"

"Fran, this is very important. If you make a mistake, it will have a bad effect."

"Onee-sama is going too far! I'm not an idiot!"

Yakumo Lan said suspiciously: "Huh? I just realized, why didn't you guys start from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but ran to Reimu on purpose?"

Izaya Sakuya sighed and said softly: "Probably because the eldest lady originally wanted to leave from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but the second lady felt that she might leave her again, so it is more reliable to come to the shrine.

Marisa Kirisame smiled and said: "This vigilance is very good, but then again, the two of them will not be together again.

"The relationship between the eldest lady and the second lady is really getting better..."

Looking at Izayoi Sakuya who took out a handkerchief from somewhere and wiped away the tears that didn't exist in the corner of his eyes, the three of Reimu were speechless.

After watching it for a while, Lingmeng said angrily: "Those two vampires over there are about to leave, are you following the group~||."

After taking a look at Remilia, Flandre immediately put away the flaming saber in her hand, and ran over at once, Remilia also put away the long spear in her hand and said softly: "Fran's again! I've made progress..."

"Marisa, why are you here?"

"Huh? There is a magic I want to ask Master Lucifer, and it must be more interesting if everyone goes there together, eats together, and chats together!"

Flandre nodded again and again, as expected of her friend, but much better than her sister!

Yakumo Lan couldn't wait to say: "Since we're all here, I'll open the door. Store manager Bai Yu will give me a little surprise!"

As she spoke, she put her hand on the door with a surprised expression on Flandre's face, and the next moment the familiar white light lit up, Flandre rubbed her eyes in disbelief and said in a daze: " Is it glowing?! It looks amazing!"

Yakumo Lan didn't bother to explain, she opened the door and walked in, followed by Reimu and Marisa, Reimu felt that she would definitely get something to eat today.

Remilia on the other side also walked in with an indifferent expression, leaving only one sentence: "Sakuya, take care of Fran..."

Then she walked in on her own. Originally, Flandre was still a little afraid of the light, but Remilia had already walked in, which made Flandre breathe a sigh of relief, at least it would not cause harm to herself. Harming light.

"Second Miss, let's go too.

"Well! Sakuya..."

"Huh? Does Second Miss have any orders?"

After looking at it, Flandre said softly: "Is there really someone who wants to be friends with me? It's in that shop..."

Izayo Sakuya was stunned for a moment before softly saying: "Well, the second lady doesn't need to worry about this, because whether it's the store manager Bai Yu or Miss Yuko, they are all very friendly people."


"Before she left, the eldest lady also expressed that she wanted you to go to the store to play, and the store manager Bai Yu and Miss Yuzi all expressed their welcome.


Izaya Sakuya nodded and then said softly: "Second Miss, it's not good to keep the eldest lady waiting for a long time, we should set off."

"it is good!"

"Eh? It's warm and comfortable, Sakuya, let's go!"


After Izaya Sakuya and Flandre left, the shrine returned to silence again, and the light gradually dimmed. However, there was a white-haired girl who took a long look at it from a distance and then left. Isn't it just Soul Youmeng? .

On the other side, Penglai Mountain Huiye in the eternal pavilion said softly: "Yonglin, is Lingxian already dead?"

"Lingxian is not that fragile, but she is not suitable to go to the store now."

"`"Huh? What happened?"

Yayi Yonglin said softly: "Do you still remember the medicinal plant that Mr. Momonga gave me at the beginning that can make people sober?"

"Hmm... um! I still remember, Yonglin, you still said that the taste is very fragrant, you made a potion with that herb and gave it to Lingxian?"

"Well, I just drank a little."

"and then?"

Bayi Yonglin closed her eyes and didn't speak, then heard a sound of thump, thud, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, from outside the door, Penglai Shan Huiye was about to speak when she heard such a voice: "Six thousand four! Six thousand four hundred and zero one!.....

"Er... what is Lingxian doing?"

"She's hyperactive right now" as if she's a little too sober."

Bayi Yonglin was taken aback and said in surprise: "Is that herb so powerful?"

"Ah... no, I also added other medicinal materials. I originally wanted to make a refreshing medicine that would not harm the body or a medicine that would relieve hallucinations (Good King's). It is true that hallucinations can break some ,but...."

"Uh... so the side effect is that it will become very hyperactive?"

"It's not so much's better to say that it will become a berserker or something like that? It should be that the brain is too clear, and the soberness makes the spirit tense. It should be considered a success."

After struggling for a while, Penglai Shan Huiye said softly: "How long will she be so excited?"

"do not know."

"What about knocking her out?"

"Because I'm not sure if it will harm her body, let her be so excited. Anyway, it's not a bad thing whether it's smashing medicine or doing push-ups."

"Oh...forget it, let's come back and bring Lingxian something to eat."


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