People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 873 The Excited Yakumo Lan, Akane Kubomomo's Evaluation (Please Subscribe~)

At this time, Yakumo Zi didn't know whether it was because of the night or because she was taken down so easily, but she didn't have any reason to regret her thoughts, and Yakumo Zi was extraordinarily sober now.

Yakumo Zi coughed lightly and said, "We just found out that Bai Yu can play musical instruments!"

Lucifer frowned and said, "Huh? Why don't I know? What instrument?"

"All we know is the guitar and the ukulele! He seems to know the violin."

Zheng Zheng smiled and said, "Wow! It's hidden! I always wanted to learn the guitar! Learning the guitar is definitely the center of the party!"

"You're talking about an electric guitar, right? Although the acoustic guitar has the same effect...but that kind of carnival isn't very suitable..."

Justice thought for a moment and said, "What's the difference?"

"Ah... the difference is not small."

"for example?"

Just when everyone thought that Bai Yu wanted to popularize science, Bai Yu thought for a while before tentatively saying: "Because the electric guitar needs to be plugged in..."


Everyone looked at Bai Yu with the expression that you are joking with me, even Albedo, Bai Yu coughed lightly and said, "Is that acoustic guitar made of wood?"

Lucifer patted Bai Yu and said angrily: "You are enough! Talk about it!"

"The two atmospheres and playing can find some 563 videos to watch.

Riven asked suspiciously: "Why are you looking for videos, don't you know how to play?"

"I only have a guitar, and I don't play music, so what are you doing with some electric guitars?"

Everyone nodded in amazement, Bai Yu didn't eat and just sat on the side with his mobile phone and didn't know who he was chatting with, Yakumo Zi was quite happy eating.

"You....Aren't you full at noon?"

"Do you think that's enough to eat? By the way, what is Bai Yu doing? It looks like he's chatting with someone."

Bai Yu was stunned for a moment, raised his head and said softly, "Huh? Who am I chatting with? Mr. Senzaemon and Ms. Nana Uehara."

"Eh?! Grandpa?! Did Grandpa say something?"

Looking at the nervous eyes of Erina and Alice, Bai Yu waved his hands and said, "It's just to ask how you are doing. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. After all, it seems that I haven't given you the content of the assessment for a long time."

As soon as Erina and the others breathed a sigh of relief, they immediately became tense. Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "Why don't you take care of the staple food tomorrow morning, and you can make a portion together, so that's it.

Erina and the others also breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. If it was the staple food, they would feel a lot more relaxed. Pandemonica said suspiciously: "Nana Uehara? The one who runs a boxing gym at home? Why did she ask you?"

"Training program or something."

Lucifer was about to speak when he saw Yagumo Lan opened the door and walked in, followed by Reimu and Marisa, which made the atmosphere freeze instantly.

As soon as Yakumo Lan entered the door, she saw Yakumo Zi sitting at the dining table. At this time, Yakumo Zi didn't swallow the food in her mouth, and the master and servant just looked at each other quietly.

"Huh? Lan, what are you doing blocking the door? Eh? Zi, are you having a good date?"

Yakumo Zi blushed when she heard Marisa's words, Reimu tilted her head and said, "Huh? I always feel that you are in a good mood, Zi.

Remilia walked in before Yakumo Lan could speak. It was the first time Remilia saw Nakiri Mana and others. Remilia took a look and nodded secretly, then her eyes stopped on Cerberus Rose and Kasugano Dome.

Remilia was about to speak when she heard Sakubo Momo shout: "Oh! It's amazing, such a cute girl.

"Hmm!" xn

Remilia also blushed, coughed lightly, holding the skirt with both hands and said softly: "Remilia Scarlet..."

"My sis! I... eh? Eh?! This is... oh oh oh!"

Before Remilia finished speaking, Flandre ran over, and Izayo Sakuya followed behind. She was still a little panicked at first, but she felt more at ease when she ran to Remilia.

When I was about to speak, I saw that I had come to a terrible place, and when I was about to exclaim (acab), Remilia covered her mouth.

In the eyes of everyone, this action is probably just two delicate puppets playing around. What they may not know is that these two people are older than them by a fraction of their age.

Remilia whispered in Flandre's ear: "Don't be surprised, there are ordinary people."

"No no no!"

Remilia nodded and slowly let go of her hand, and Flandre said politely after sheaving a sigh of relief: "Flandre Scarlet...."

Bai Yu tilted his head and said: "I think you can find a place to sit and say, you always feel like you are going to fight when you stand like this."

It was still the big table, Yakumo Zi looked at it and said doubtfully: "Huh? Where is Yuxiang?"

"Are you looking for me?"

As soon as the voice fell, Kazami Yuka also opened the door and walked in. After sitting down, Yakumo Zi was a little embarrassed. She is still a little embarrassed to see Kazami Yuka now

Kazami Yuka also noticed this gaze and turned her head back after taking a look, Yakumo Zi just sighed secretly, Yakumo Lan finally found the free time and said quickly: "Master Zi!"

Yakumo Zi sighed and stood up silently and went to Yakumo Lan. Yakumo Lan and the others looked at Yakumo Zi expectantly. , you can just say whatever you want."

Yakumo Zi gritted her teeth and whispered slightly sideways: "That...we...we...we didn't hold back."

Remilia and the others were taken aback for a moment, and the atmosphere was suddenly very strange. After a long time, Marisa tentatively said: "You... have become the boss's wife?"

"Eh... um..."

The corner of Lingmeng's mouth twitched and said, "Although it's reasonable, you're too easy to chase!"

"We resisted, we didn't resist You Xiang..."

"As expected."

Hearing this, Yakumo Zi also heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at Yakumo Lan suspiciously, and said, " seem to be very calm, as expected..."

"Great! Apparition! Really apparition!"

"Huh? What happened?"

Yakumo Lan shook her head, her eyes were red, she grabbed Yakumo Zi's hand and patted it, Yakumo Zi was taken aback and said quickly: "Lan! Why are you really about to cry!"

Great...Master Zi..."

"Eh...Although I don't know what happened, I still have to thank you..."

"Shop Manager Bai Yu...No...Master Bai Yu! Fragrant pot chicken! Deep-fried tofu! Two bottles of wine!"

"Uh...I got it, but it feels like you're a little...excited?"

"I'm so excited!"

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