People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 882 Fran's Small Goal, Remilia's Congratulations (Please Subscribe~)

It can be said that Flandre is very happy. She is usually forbidden to go out. Although it is because Remilia wants to protect her, she still wants to go out to play. Until the previous red mist change, Remilia Ya then let her go out.

Flandre really wants to have friends. When Remilia told her about the store, Flandre was very happy, because she can go to Otherworld, maybe she can have good friends .

Flandre was going to leave after getting no conclusion from Ibaraki Huasen, but it was already daytime, which made her tangled up, Ibarakihuasen kindly lent her an umbrella and let her go Flandre can go back.

Remilia and others from the Hakurei Shrine on the other side also came out one after another, Yayi Yonglin said with some emotion: "I didn't expect such a place to exist, it is really unbelievable."

Marisa said with a smile: "The herbs in your hand are the best evidence! And you are really full!"

Bayi Yonglin nodded and said: "Well, then we won't stay any longer, princess, we should go back to Zhongxian to talk to Lingxian and then pass some news around.

"Hmm! By the way, Lingxian has been pounding rice cakes for a long time, and I can have breakfast when I get back."

"Well, but it's better for Her Royal Highness to take a rest for a while, and leave early at night."

"Okay, this time I will definitely meet those game masters."



Yayi Yonglin and Horai Shankaguya just chatted and went back. Modara Okina didn't stay too long, but she couldn't hide the unhappy expression on her face, especially when she knew that Yakumo Zi was going to be with her. Bai Yu became even more upset after dating.

Marisa said suspiciously: "It feels like something is wrong with her..."

Reimu said softly: "Then that's it, I'm going to clean the shrine."

"Aren't you going to promote it?"

"Huh? Why should I go out when you're here? Plus, you can tell that crow tengu directly, which will save trouble.

The corner of Marisa's mouth twitched and said: "You are really lazy...but I like this! So Reimu! See you tonight 々||!"

Looking at the few people leaving one after another, Lingmeng sighed and said, "Why don't these people know how to go through the entrance...the side door is not used for that..."

On the other side, on the way back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Izaya Sakuya held up a parasol and followed Remilia, Remilia smiled and said: "Sure enough, Sakuya, you are very thoughtful."

"It's nothing, but I forgot to bring Meiling porridge for Meiling."

Remilia said softly: "It's okay, just tell Paqiu and Meiling, they should be very interested, it sure feels a lot better after coming here, Sakuya.

Izaya Sakuya said softly: "Ah, I always feel that many things have become interesting."

"Huh? That's good... ah, I'm home, I don't know if there will be any surprises... huh?"

When Remilia saw the gate of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, before she finished speaking, she saw Hong Meiling jumping out, looking like she was about to fight. When she saw that it was Sakuya Izayoi and Remilia, Hong Mei Ling froze for a moment, scratched her head with a smile and said, "It's Missy and Sakuya."

Remilia nodded and said, "Meiling, you are really alert."

"Hey hey... By the way, where did you go last night?"

Shizaya Sakuya said softly: "Let's wait until Mrs. Paqiuli and the others arrive. In addition, there is no need to guard the door today. It's no problem, Miss.


Hong Meiling looked puzzled, but she still nodded and said, "Yes! Got it! Then shall I inform Lord Paqiuli?"

Remilia nodded and said: "Yes, don't be too anxious, although the matter is not small.


Hong Meiling disappeared as soon as she said that, Remilia said with a smile: "Meiling is really very energetic, Sakuya can learn from this."

"It's better to be more serious."


Remilia and Izayo Sakuya went directly to the main hall. Just as they stood up, Hong Meiling and Paqiuli walked over. There was a little devil behind Paqiuli. Paqiuli said softly: "Remy, what are you going to say?"

Remilia frowned and said, "Huh? Where's Fran? Didn't you get up?"

Hong Meiling scratched her head in embarrassment and said: " fact, you and Sakuya were not there last night, the eldest lady, and the second lady ran out to look for you, but you didn't find it, so I went out to look for it, because you were not here, so I still didn't If you went out well, you didn't follow."

"I'm back... eh?! Sister! You are back!"

Seeing Flandre walking in with an umbrella, Remilia also breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly, "Fran, where have you been?"

Flandre put away her umbrella and said angrily: "I should ask my sister and Sakuya where you went! I haven't seen you for a long time! And the thief, and the witch are also there. They’re all gone! There’s also a lot of people missing like that monster in the flower field!”

Paqiuli also froze for a moment and said, "What happened?"

Remilia nodded and said, "That's right, but Fran, are you just looking for it without a clue?"

"No, I saw that god of death. She said she was going to report to the King of Hades, and then asked me to find Ibaraki Huasen. She said that they are all sages and should have clues. I just came back from her!"

Remilia nodded and her eyes were full of relief. As expected, Flandre had grown up. Remilia coughed lightly and said, "`" Listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you, if you don't understand You can ask. "

Several people nodded, and Flandre was also very excited, because Remilia finally took her to do business, which made her seriously for a while, but she couldn't hold back soon, but no It's just her, Hong Meiling, Patchouli and the little devil.

Because they heard Otherworld, Otherworld's restaurant, Remilia and Izayo Sakuya were talking about the restaurant and their meeting in such a leisurely manner.

After a long time, Hong Meiling said excitedly: "Really? There really is an Otherworld?! Is that store manager really that powerful?!"

Izaya Sakuya said softly: "That's right, that Modara Okina is not an opponent at all, and there is no problem with her cooking skills and character."

"Oh! That's really amazing!"

Paqiuli is also rare and said with some expectation: "So you have connected the world (Mano's) world?"

"That's right, all the staff agreed unanimously. Master Paqiuli, I know what you're going to say. There is really Lucifer, the queen of hell, and witches in the store. They are all very powerful people, and the atmosphere is also very suitable for the bookstore." .”

Paqiuli nodded and was about to speak when she heard Flandre shout: "My lord! Is there really something delicious?!"

"That's right, there seem to be many people who can become friends with you, Fran..."

"Huh?! Really?!"

Flandre looked at Remilia expectantly and said, "My lord! When will you go to the store again?! I want to go too!"

"I will go again tonight, Paqiu, Meiling, you go together."

"Yeah!" x2

At this moment, Flandre looked at Kasugano Dome in front of her, who was as exquisite and beautiful as her doll, and decided that she must make a friend today! A friend from Otherworld!

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