People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 883 Kaguya's Kingdom Of Heaven, Flandre Is Stupid (Please Subscribe~)

For Flandre, she found it difficult to make friends, and for her, she didn't know what to say, so she just followed silently, but she was still very happy, because it was She took the initiative to invite.

Kasuga Nokome smiled and said, "Kaguya, what kind of games do you usually play?"

"Me? Play anything."

"Then we are the same, Flandre, what about you?"

Flandre shook her head in a daze and said, "I...I have never played games..."

"Eh? It's okay! It's okay if you haven't played it before. If it's a big deal, just learn it. It just so happens that Yuno is also learning!"

There was a look of anticipation in Flanduolu's eyes, and just as she was talking, she arrived at the door of the room, Penglai Shanhuiye said with some surprise: "There are unexpectedly many rooms upstairs.

"Huh? That's right, this side is just a corridor, and there's another one over there. It's only half of the living room now..."

Speaking of this, Kasuga Yeqiong pushed the door open, thinking it was just an ordinary room, but Horai Kaguya and Flandre were stunned as soon as they entered the room.

The room in Horai Kaguya's eyes is like this: a computer with top configuration, an 880-like chair like a swing, a super soft carpet, various comics and games on the bookshelf, and my wife Yuno is using a Super handsome machine, with a handle in hand to control the character on the computer.

Riven was playing games with a game console by herself, and Rantabi was guiding beside my wife Yuno, and she was also holding a controller. It seemed that she was dead and was waiting for the next level to be revived, so she complained from time to time Look at the plot of the TV series.

All kinds of cosmetics and perfumes on the dressing table, lazy sofas on the floor, laptops standing next to the computers playing TV dramas, aromatherapy, humidifiers, small potted plants, Penglai Shanhuiye just wants to say: heaven!

In Flandre's eyes, this is what it looks like: a super cute room with a lot of people, a very lively atmosphere, a super big and super soft bed, all kinds of dolls, very emotional night lights, all kinds of A little snack she had never seen before.

Flandre only wanted to say one word: "Heaven!"

Flandre exclaimed directly, "Wow... what a beautiful room!"

Penglai Shan Huiye also said in surprise: "Xiao Qiong, you really surprised me that this room is like heaven, it would be even better if there were food and drinks!"

Kasugano Dome waved his hand and said: "Before I moved here, my room had a refrigerator full of beverages, of course there were also tea, soda water, mineral water, etc., and before my room was full of It's for snacks.

Penglai Shanhuiye's eyes were full of envy, but if she did that, Bayi Yonglin would nagging her to death, thinking of this, Penglai Shanhuiye sighed.

Rantabi said angrily: "You have the nerve to say it! I used to be in poor health, and I always ate snacks and drinks, and the meals were not good. Without Bai Yu, you would be hospitalized sooner or later with poor food, and you still use it to show off? "

Kasuga Yeqiong puffed his face and whispered, "I...I don't just eat snacks either!"


"I...I can cook!"

"Huh? Do you think I haven't heard what Lucifer and the others have said? Yumiko and the others have been complaining about you for a long time, whether you know how to cook, but in fact it is an instant food product, at best, you can fry an egg."

Kasuga Yeqiong blushed and said in a low voice: "I... I... It's all in the past, can't I not talk about it?"

Rantabi rolled her eyes and said, "Why are you still standing? Come here, you can stand, but don't let the guests stand with you, you two are... Miss Penglaishan and Miss Flanduolu ,Sit anywhere."

Kasugano Dome also twitched the corners of her mouth, this seemed to be her room, but she didn't care anymore, Riven also put down the game console and said: "Yes, just take it casually. Just find a place to sit

Horai Shan Kaguya was rather cautious, but after thinking about it for a while, she came to my wife Yuno's side, (acfb) looked at the game in front of her, and Flandre ran to the bed, jumped up and sat on the bed, soft The feeling made Flandre's eyes brighten.

Rantabi said with a smile: "It's very soft, Xiaoqiong is very good at enjoying it!"

"Life is all about being kind to yourself and enjoying life. Flandre, you can take off your shoes. Kaguya is too. My carpet is very popular."

The two of them were stunned for a moment and after taking off their shoes, when the soles of their feet touched the carpet, Penglai Shanhuiye knew that he was just a NEET, not enjoying life.

"Wow! It's so soft and comfortable!"

"That's right...but Flandre is really cute!"


Flandre was stunned by Lantabi's turn. It seemed that she hadn't been called cute a few times. In an instant, Flandre's face turned red. Nowhere to put.

This made Rantabi and the others' eyes shine even more, and Rantabi directly put down the handle and said with a smile: "No! This child is too cute! I must give it a hug!"

"Eh? Eh?!"

Flandre was stunned for a moment, and when she came to her senses, Rantabi had already embraced her. Rantabi smiled and said, "It's really cute! It's like a very delicate doll! Adorable!"

Riven also leaned over to look at Flandre, whose face was flushed and froze, smiled, then poked Flandre's face and said with a smile: "It's really cute.

After watching it for a while, Riven said warmly: "Eh? Flandre, Flandre's name is too long..."

"Fran...everyone I know..."

Flandre whispered, Riven nodded and said: "Well, it's easier to read now, Fran, I'm Riven,

"She is Rui Mengmeng, you can call her Mengmeng, I am Rantabi, this is Yuno, my wife Yuno, Yuno, Fran is so cute!"

My wife Yuno put the handle in Horai Kaguya's hand and leaned over and said, "Well, it's really cute..."

"I'm Riwen, not Ruimengmeng!"

"Mengmeng, just admit it, you still like this name quite a bit, usually call you Mengmeng, sister Mengmeng, you agreed quite simply."

"I... eh? Cerberus?"

Before Riven could finish speaking, she saw Cerberus running in, and when she saw that they were all around Flandre, she also rushed over. Flandre was dumbfounded, as if she was a little too enthusiastic Yeah, seems like it's the first time she's been treated like this...

Surprisingly...pretty good?

As for Kasugano Dome on the other side, she was playing games with Horai Shan Kaguya, and Horai Shan Kaguya had a feeling, an incredible feeling, she felt as if she had found her own heaven......

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