People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 891: Riven's Hometown, Laxana? Lacus! (Please Subscribe~)

Hearing what Silas said, Laxana was stunned for a moment before turning her head. She just glanced at the decoration of the shop roughly, but didn't notice Bai Yu and the others.

Laxana turned her head and was stunned for a moment. There were all beauties and a handsome man just sitting there. If nothing else happened, that man was the store manager Bai Yu whom Laxana had always been impressed with.

Bai Yu stood up and said softly: "Then a prisoner and a lady who looks like a noble lady, an interesting combination, what do you want to eat?"

Silas consciously found a seat and sat down before saying lazily: "Hey! Laxana, I think you should sit and order."

Laxana froze for a moment, then ran to the seat opposite Silas and sat down, Bai Yu nodded and said: "You are very open-minded, don't you Laxana? It's a nice name.

Laxana blushed and said softly: "I prefer to be called Lacus"

"Okay, so Silas and Miss Lux, what do you two want to eat?"

"Give me a cup of lavender tea first, I'm already locked out of mental illness." 02

Lux froze for a moment before quickly said: "Wait a minute! Is there no menu or something? And what is that lavender tea?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and tilted his head and said: "It seems that I didn't tell Silas, my shop can make anything as long as there are ingredients, as for lavender tea.

"It's a kind of tea made from plants. There are some roses and lemon peels in it. The effect is that the roses can nourish the liver, and the lavender can relax the nerves, relieve stress, and soothe the body and mind. As for the last lemon peel, it can enhance the taste by the way. Appetizer."

Lux froze for a moment and said, "It seems very powerful, what kind of plant is lavender?"

Silas covered his face and said helplessly: "Boss Bai Yu, you don't need to answer this question, she is a person who likes to ask questions very much, her tutor is scared by her asking, Laxana, you know As long as it's a plant from the Otherworld."

"Okay, okay, should I order now...I don't know any dishes!"

Silas thought for a while and said: "Boss Bai Yu, there is this rich man here this time, what is that thing called curry rice, I like that thing called rice and the taste of curry

"Well, I see, I'll give you a little upgrade. Is that what you mean? What else do you want?"

"What else? I think about meat and soup, yes, meat and soup! Laksana, you'd better not talk about steak or anything like that."

Laxana froze for a moment before scratching her head and said, "Then I also want meat and soup...I don't want to drink soup...I want to change the soup to vegetables, and something called rice, But it's just that... lavender tea?"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "That's not true, but do you want your meat dishes to be sweet, spicy or salty?"

"Sweet? Are there any sweet meat dishes?! Is it delicious?"

"I personally think it's still delicious."

"Then I want that! Do you have spicy vegetarian dishes?"

"Of meat dishes should be sweet, and vegetarian dishes should be spicy, right?"


After thinking for a while, Bai Yu nodded and said: "Then I know what you should drink, Silas, you should drink tea when you don't eat.

"What should I drink?"

"How about sparkling water?"

"That doesn't sound bad! That's it."

Bai Yu nodded and said softly: "Then please wait a moment, the bathroom is over there, don't be so rigid, you can relax a bit, by the way, there are your fellow villagers here."

"Old man? Demacian?"

"No... you'll find out soon..."

Bai Yu turned and left after saying that, Lacus had a puzzled look on her face, just as she was thinking about it, she saw Lucifer walking down with a bewildered Riven.

Lucifer was also taken aback when he saw these two people, and said suspiciously: "You are the fellows of Riven that Bai Yu mentioned."

Riven said with a puzzled look: "Huh? My fellow countryman? Wait...this sign...are you from Demacia?"

Lux nodded and said doubtfully: "You too? But why haven't I seen such clothes? And why are you here? I don't seem to have seen you before, aren't you in Xiongdu?"

Riven said with some embarrassment: "Well... I used to be from your...our world, and now I have moved here to live.

Lux was taken aback and said quickly: "Can you stay?!"

"Uh... that's ok..."

"So which country are you from?"

"It used to belong to Noxus."


Riven looked at the surprised Lacus and said with some embarrassment: "I was betrayed by my country, then I wandered around, and finally came to the store, and I decided to stay when I came for the second time."

"You were betrayed by Noxus? What happened?"

Riven sighed and said briefly, and then Lux also said with contempt on her face: "As expected of that cruel Noxus! Attacking one of our own people! It's still a hero! It's too much!"

"Huh? Don't you have any opinion on me?"

"You are way better than those damned Noxians! Also sincerely repentant, that's nothing to say...I just wish there were more people like you...War ATS

Riven was silent for a long time before 720 said softly: "Sorry..."

Lucifer waved his hands and said, "Do you two have to be so depressed? Mengmeng, do you watch too many love movies?"


"Mengmeng? Isn't your name Riwen?"

"Yes, my name is Riven, but Lucifer and the others..."

Ichihara Yuko said angrily: "Don't put aside the responsibility, you also like the name Rui Mengmeng, and don't think that I don't know that you still keep the bunny girl clothes well."

"Don't talk about it!"

Looking at Riven, who blushed and quickly defended her, she looked very cute, and Lux ​​could never have imagined that this was a powerful Noxus warrior who had experienced military exploits.

But Lux was stunned quickly, and quickly said: "Lucifer?!"

Lucifer and the others were stunned, and Xiao Quzi also said with a puzzled look: "Huh? The previous Jinx, Caitlin, and the others didn't know you, Lucifer? Demacia and the legend about you, Lucifer? "

"I don't know, Riven, does Noxus have my legend?"


"Don't you even think about it?!"

"I don't even know..."

"It's really useless..."

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