People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 892 Apprentice Lacus, Half An Apprentice (For Subscription~)

Riven had already sat down to eat macarons, she chose not to explain, she really didn't know, although such complaints often occur at home.

Lucifer asked suspiciously: "You have a legend about Lucifer in Demacia?"

Lux shook his head in a daze and said, "No, Silas told me that there is a queen of hell named Lucifer and a hellhound in the store, but he didn't remember the name, legend? What legend?"

Lucifer smiled and said, "Have you heard of angels?"

"I must have heard of this! What's the matter?"

Lucifer smiled and said: "About Lucifer, there are many legends. Lucifer used to call Lucifer second only to God in strength, that is, the so-called Creator in Bible mythology, and Lucifer is God's side The most powerful angel, the Lord of the Celestial Army who commands the Celestial Army.

"Oh! This is amazing! And then? How did she become the Queen of Hell?"

"Lucifer has the power second only to God, she is in charge of the morning star, that is, the stars and the dawn, but later because of some things, Lucifer rebelled, but she never beat God, and was thrown down by God , the black hair turned into white hair, and the halo and wings symbolizing the angels slowly disappeared."

"She grew a tail and a pair of sharp horns, and was crowned by God as a great sin of arrogance. Lucifer also gave up her previous name and changed her name to Lucifer. She rules hell and judges those who do evil in the world. "

Lux said blankly: "It's amazing...and is it just to judge the evildoers?"

Lucifer thought for a while and said: "Not only that, sometimes demons also make deals with humans to grant their wishes. They have to pay equivalent things. For example, to pay off their debts, they have to pay according to the amount of the debts." Longevity, the more the desire to get something for nothing the more you pay for it.

Lux nodded, then she was taken aback for a moment, and said blankly: "Eh? You said just now that Lucy grew a pair of sharp horns...on your head..."

"That's right, I am the queen of hell, and I am also one of the proprietresses of this store."


The people of Lux were all frightened. Is the person in front of him actually such a big man? After a long pause, Lux said blankly: "I thought all demons were..."



"Except for that big fly, there is nothing ugly, and Lucifer is the most beautiful angel, not one of them. I fell to heaven, but my hair turned white and my wings turned into tails, and the halo turned into horns. My appearance is terrible." Unchanged."

Ichihara Yuko rolled her eyes and said, "You really hate Beelzebub, but why are you so surprised by Lucy?"

Lucifer also looked puzzled, Lacus was a little confused, Silas leaned on the chair and said lazily: "Laxana, you have to be clear, this is not Demacia."

Lux was taken aback for a moment, then her eyes lit up, and she said tentatively: "Queen Lucifer, you can do magic...

The title of Queen Lucifer made Lucifer give Lacus a full score in his heart, knowing how to handle affairs, Lucifer smiled and said: "It's natural, not just me, there are quite a few people in this room who know magic and the like." .”

"Huh?! Really?"

Lucifer said softly: "This is Yuko Ichihara, who used to be a witch in the dimension, but now she is the proprietress. She is also very powerful. She can travel through any dimension, predict the future, create gods with magic power, and control time."

Ichihara Yuko gestured a pair of scissors with a smile on her face, and Lucifer introduced Yakumozi and the others. Lacus's eyes immediately lit up, and there were many things she was interested in.

Silas glanced at these people without any trace, and then continued to lean on the chair and close his eyes to rest. Lux said tentatively: "That...I..."

Ichihara Yuko tilted her head and said, "Are you trying to say that you also have magic power? We will know this as soon as you enter the door, or is it the magic power of elements, light? Right Lucy. 17"

Lucifer nodded and said, "Well, I'm too familiar with it...not bad."

Lux's eyes lit up and she quickly said: "I...I...I want to learn to control this power!"

Riven was stunned and said doubtfully: "Huh? Isn't Demacia forbidden demons? The one over there is called Silas... the chain in your hand is forbidden demons..."

"It's not so much about banning demons, it's better to say that it takes away all the magic power. As for Demacia's banning demons? Don't be kidding! It's only for civilians. On the surface, Demacia is an advocating warrior who hates mages. The country, in fact, the upper echelons and nobles of Demacia, secretly use magic [there are too many mages at home! Nothing happened!"

Lux also pursed her lips and said nothing, Silas told her about it, and she also knew about it, and she hated such things, Lux said in a low voice: "So I have been suppressing this magic power. I want to learn it..."

Lucifer said suspiciously: "Since it's normal for you to have mages in your aristocratic circle, you should learn from them. Why suppress them?"

"My name is Laxana Crownguard..."

"Hey.....wait.....Crownguard...what's the relationship between you and Garen the Dauntless Vanguard?!"

`"He is my big brother...."

Ichihara Yuko asked suspiciously: "Mengmeng, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with the crown guard?"

"The Crownguard family is the real big family in Demacia, and Galen is a powerful warrior in Demacia. Demacia is a place that values ​​honor. If this is the case, it makes sense... ...You want to prevent the family from being stained and humiliated, and you don't want to be rejected by the family, right?"

Lux nodded and said, "Yes..."

Lucifer rolled his eyes and said, "That's you..."

Lux said sincerely: "So...Queen Lucifer! And all the powerful ladies...I...I want to learn how to freely control this power


Lucifer tilted his head and said, "So you want to be a teacher?"

Lux nodded firmly, Lucifer looked at Lux for a long time before softly saying, "Why do you want to master magic?"

"I feel like I need it, that I can use it to help more people, maybe bring peace, and I love exploring the unknown! I want to study it!"

Lucifer looked at Lacus, smiled and said after a long time: "It's interesting...."


Lucifer didn't speak any more, turned his head and held a macaron while eating and drinking water, Lacus scratched his head and said doubtfully: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Ichihara Yuko rolled her eyes and said, "Lu Xi means that she doesn't accept apprentices..."


Lux was a little lost, and was about to speak when I heard Yuko Ichihara smiled and said: "But if you have a problem, she doesn't mind explaining it to you. She should be considered a half apprentice? It's the same as Marisa over there."

"By the way! Master Lucifer! I don't quite understand this!"

" really talk a lot..."


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