People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 969: Gu Lei And Fia Can't Keep Up With The Rhythm, I'm Lucifer! (Please Subscribe~

Gu Lei Fia glanced at Lucifer suspiciously, why did she feel that this powerful demon beauty in front of her seemed very angry? Could it be that she said something wrong?

Medis hurriedly shouted: "Boss! Calm down!"


Fia was taken aback by the name Gulei. Are all the demons here called bosses? Why does it feel like working in some company?

Lucifer rubbed his forehead and waved his hand and said: "You are right, our hell is basically like this, just like the company, that is to deal with the villains who go to hell, make deals with humans, and supervise the undead servants." , and something strange.'

Gu Lei Fia froze for a moment, she suddenly felt that the demons here seemed to be living very comfortably, and compared with her own side, she suddenly felt that there was a huge gap between humans and demons.

Lucifer sighed and said: "It's not important, you can continue to talk, why do you feel resentful because of that road...Perizevim didn't make a move? Is it because the coach doesn't even have a fighting idea?"

Lucifer really couldn't say "that Lucifer", and Gu Lei Fia was also a little strange, as if this woman hated Lucifer very much.

Gu Lei Fia said softly: "This is only one of the reasons. The soldiers in the front are fighting, even Leviathan and the demons of the three families and the son of the devil have gone out to fight in person, while Rizevim is just watching the show in the back, while torturing My own people are really ~ very disappointing."

"It's strange if you're not disappointed! The highest command and part-time highest combat power actually doesn't command or fight, and retreats to the back to torture his own people. It's not normal to be disappointed-!"

Medis couldn't help complaining, and Gule Fia sighed and said: "Because of this, the affiliated families of the Lucifer family have sent their patriarchs to personally invite Rizevim to take action, but there is still no response , the affiliated families of the Lucifer family have nothing to do

The corners of Lucifer's eyes twitched, he really wanted to turn that Rizevim into a sheep and kill the mutton...

Lucifer tilted his head and said, "So? What's the reason why you suddenly want to rebel? You feel that the Demon King faction will lose?"

"The first reason is this, and the second reason family is the Lucy Figgs family..."

"Huh? So what?"

"My family is one of those that serve Lucifer..."

Lucifer was stunned for a moment, Medis sniffed and looked at Lucifer strangely, it turns out that Lucifer in another world is weak, but are there many younger brothers?

Lucifer squinted his eyes and said, "Then what? If I'm right...that's why you really want to betray..."

Gu Lei Fia gritted her teeth and said in a cold voice: "That's right, because Rezevim didn't fight, and Lucifer's subordinate families must be responsible for the honor of their own family, that is, the Lucifer family, so these families had no choice but to go to the battlefield in person .”


"Because the son of the devil king didn't make a move, in order to show sincerity, only the patriarchs of the affiliated families made a move in person...

Lucifer frowned and said, "You and the patriarch of the Luciferges family are..."

"It's my father..."

Lucifer nodded in amazement, then frowned and said, "Wait, your father won't..."

"When I was hunted down, a top-ranking demon told father personally went out to fight and died in the frontal battlefield...I never believe it! My father is the top-ranking demon and is very strong If the main generals on the frontal battlefield don’t make a move, it’s no problem for Father to run away!”

"I've calculated the combat effectiveness on the frontal battlefield, and the probability of my father's death is very low...but...I'm not sure...

Lucifer also frowned and said, "What is the highest level of demons?"

"The Devil"

Lucifer frowned and said: "The probability of death is indeed not very high, and the devil is not a rotten existence in your battle this time."


Medis said blankly: "So the reason why you want to rebel is because of that road... Rizevim's failure to act sideways led to your father's life and death?"

"Yes! And..."


"And my younger brother is by Rizevim's side! If anything happens to Father, if Euclid makes Rizevim unhappy..."

When Gule Fia said this, she was already clenched her fists tightly, and Lucifer and Diss also knew what it meant. After a long time, Lucifer said softly: "Don't worry, that Rizevim was blocked by the reformists at the door. Be honest."

0...asking for flowers...0

Gulei Fia was stunned for a moment before she nodded, and after a long time she said with some doubts: "May I take the liberty to ask a question?"

Lucifer tilted his head and said: "Huh? What's the problem? Why did we fall in love with Bai Yu? Or why did we take you in? Or would it be jealous if so many people share a lover? Or what level of people are we sisters with?" ?”

Gulei Fia blinked and didn't come back to her senses. What she wanted to ask was not this, but after saying this, Gulei Fia suddenly felt a little curious, what happened?

Gu Lei Fia shook her head quickly, she still has something to ask, Gu Lei Fia shook her head and said: "No...I want to ask...the two ladies seem to..."


Medis immediately exclaimed, even Lucifer was taken aback, and Gule Fia was also taken aback. Could it be that the lady here is swearing? At this moment, Gule Fia didn't know what to do.

"What are you going to say, Medis?"

The little white hearts in Medis's eyes shrank, and he just stared at Gule Fia, Gule Fia was also a little confused, staring at everyone like this was flustered, Gule Fia was about to speak when she saw Dis Turning her head and said to Lucifer seriously: "Boss, I like her!"


Gule Fia also had a twitch in the corner of her eye, what the hell? She felt that she and Medis were not on the same channel at all, Lucifer pinched Medis' face and said angrily, "Pay attention to your image!"


Medis stood aside directly, but he was still muttering something: "Madam? It's Madam..."


Gu Lei Fia seemed to know why Diss was so happy, Lucifer coughed lightly and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"Eh... this lady, you seem to hate the name Lucifer?"

The corner of Lucifer's mouth twitched and said, "I just hate Lucifer in your world. As for the name Lucifer, I'm still very proud."

"Eh? Do you have Lucifer in this world?"

Lucifer grinned and said playfully, "Let me introduce you. I... am the queen of hell, Lucifer..."


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