People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 970 Gu Lei Fia's Resentment, Gu Lei Fia Learned (Subscription~)

Gu Lei Fia is stunned now, what the hell? She seems to have heard something terrible just now, if she heard correctly, it seems that she heard the beautiful and powerful demon in front of her say that her name is Lucifer?

Who is Lucifer? For her, it is the primordial demon, the mighty demon king of hell, and the existence that her family is loyal to...

Gu Lei Fia's first thought was that it was impossible, she was fooled, and Lucifer was dead, but soon she realized that this is the Otherworld, if there are demons here, then it is not surprising that there is Lucifer!

Gule Fia tentatively said: "Are you really Lucifer?"

Lucifer waved his hand and said: "What's the point of teasing you with such a thing? But then you also know why I hate Lucifer in your world..." 443

Gulei Fia nodded and shook her head blankly, Lucifer sighed and said, "Do you know or not..."

"Because of that Rizevim?"

Lucifer thought about it for a while before shaking his head and nodding again. Gu Lei Fia was also stunned, you just said me! Now you are doing the same?! Isn’t this bullying?! Dare to ask!

After Lucifer found out, he coughed lightly and said in embarrassment: "It's because of Rizevim, but it's not all because of him. It's also because Lucifer in your world is too useless! Lost the name of Lucifer!"

Gulei Fia was stunned for a moment and said in doubt: "Why does Lord Lucifer say Lucifer?"

Gulei Fia paused for a moment before re-speaking: "Miss Lucifer...Queen, why do you speak of Lawyer Lucifer in our world? Is it because he died in the war?"

Lucifer narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Confirm again, is Lucifer in your world originally a demon?"

"Ah... yes..."

"There are seventy-two demon gods in hell, but only four demon kings?"


"What kind of demon king Lucifer of yours united with the remaining three demon kings to fight against God? Did he ever die with God?"


"In addition to the magic power of the demon king level, your Lucifer's ability is the invalidation of artifacts?"

"Ah... yes..."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes and said, "Isn't this trash?"

What the hell is Gu Lei Fia stunned? Isn't this strong? What's so weak about it! Seriously? Is she too weak or her understanding of weak is wrong?

Lucifer chuckled lightly and said, "Do you know the legend of what Lucifer looks like except your world?"

"No...don't know..."

Gu Lei Fia really doesn't know, but she feels that this is the reason why Lucifer looks down on Lucifer in her own world, so she has to listen carefully, after all, in a sense, Lucifer and the others are not only her own saviors but also Lucifer in her own world. But the existence of their family's allegiance...

Lucifer said softly: "The former God, that is, the Creator God in the Bible, that guy made heaven, earth, creatures, etc., and also made angels."

"And among the angels at that time, there was such a beautiful and noble angel that was unmatched by all angels. She was the most powerful angel around God, and her strength was even second only to God. She was the chief of the angels and the king of the heavenly army. "

Gu Lei Fia swallowed her saliva and said, "Does this exist?"

"Yes, she is in charge of the dawn and the morning star. This is the Archangel Lucifer of the morning star. You should know what the morning star means..."

Gu Lei Fia swallowed her saliva and nodded. This is really not ordinary, and there is a premise that her own strength is second only to God. Who is God in his own world? Lord of the Bible!

Gu Lei Fia said curiously: "Then what? Where is the Archangel?"

Lucifer said casually: "Because of certain things, Lucifer rebelled and turned his back on God. As a result, he was defeated and was finally judged by God and thrown down from heaven."

Not morning and evening. "

"Lucifer's long black hair slowly turned into white hair, the six wings symbolizing the Wings of Light, the Wings of Fire, and the Wings of Wind slowly disappeared, and the halo symbolizing the angel also slowly shattered, She grew a pair of black pointed horns, grew a devil's tail, and was cast into hell like this..."

"Well...then what?"

"Then Lucifer became the king of hell after going through all kinds of battles. Just to mention it, Lucifer was charged with a serious crime by God. For arrogance, Lucifer has a new one in hell. name..."

Gu Lei Fia swallowed her saliva and said tentatively, "Who?"


Gulei Fia looked at Lucifer in disbelief, and after a long time said blankly: "So Queen Lucifer, can't be..."

"That's right...that's how I came here! That's how I became the Queen of Hell! From Lucifer, the Archangel of the Morning Star, to the arrogant Lucifer, the Queen of Hell! In other words... Lucifer is not a demon, or no It's just a demon, if you have to count it, it should be... a fallen angel?"

Gu Lei Fia was stunned. It cannot be said that it is different from Lucifer in her world. It should be said that it is completely different except for the name..

Lucifer smiled and said: "Do you know why I hate Lucifer in your world now? The artifact is invalidated? With three demons 5.2 The king and the God fight ended in the same end. There are seven deadly sins in itself, and Lucifer corresponds to arrogance. In other words, there should be seven demon kings, but there are only four in hell..."

"In other words, maybe even the great sin of arrogance is gone. The so-called arrogance is probably his own character... Do you think Lucifer in your world is better than Lucifer in other worlds?"

Gulei Fia nodded lightly, there is really no comparison, Lucifer sighed and said: "The Lucifer in other worlds may look different, but there is absolutely no saying whether it is power, magical nullification or fallen angel. Not one of the seven deadly sins..."


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