People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 992 Strange Sisters, Tsundere's Trial (Please Subscribe~)

On the other side of hell, the judge didn't look at the gate at this time, but stood in Lucifer's office with a gloomy face. The Queen of Hell took the lead in absenteeism?! Absence of absenteeism?!

"Your Excellency, you are really persistent."

Hearing this voice, Judgment also jumped out of the corner of his eyes, because there is only one Zidella who can appear here in hell now, and Zidella is just smoking a cigarette while watching Judgment with a good face, there is no such thing as them Absenteeism did not bring any discomfort of its own.

The judge said in a deep voice: "Ze Della, you seem to be very leisurely?!"

"My lord, if I told you about Pendermonica's split-personality airport customer service, and told me where they are now?"

Judgment was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Huh? When did you know?"


The judge clenched his fist and his blood pressure almost didn't soar, but he still said coldly: "Tell me! Where are they?! Those absent from work need to be judged!"

"Judgment? No, no, no...Master Judge, you don't think you can judge them, do you?"

Judgment was stunned and said doubtfully: "Huh? I can't? What do you think my chains are for?"

"Mr. Judge, you know they took the initiative to tell us where we are, are they still afraid of the trial?"

Hearing this lazy voice, the judge was stunned and said strangely: "Huh?! Marina? How did you come out of the room?"

Marina's eyes twitched and she rubbed her white hair and said helplessly, "I really want to be a house girl?"

"Like!" x2

Zidella said with a smile: "Hey, are you willing to come out of your room that is almost soaked in the smell of wine?"

"Z Della da! Don't talk to me while you bastard is smoking.]!"

"Huh? I just said, hit me!"

Marina looked at the demon in front of her, at the demon with the expression "Don't just say you hit me" written all over her face, her blood pressure was really going up

"Any news?"

"So you are still so boring! But there is already news, hey! Wait! Didn't I call you to come and listen to the news? Your head is full of vodka? It's fermented, tell you to play less turn-based games You must listen!"

Marina said with a gloomy face: "I am happy to play a turn-based game! You are so lenient?! What is the news! Tell me quickly!"

Zidella smiled and said: "They are in the world, including Mr. Justice, they are all together. In Tokyo, Japan, there is one of the busiest streets..."

The judge clenched his fists and said, "They are on that street?! What are they doing?!"

"No, no, no, they're not there. They're in the most deserted street next door. I don't know what's going on in their heads or what they're thinking. It's not fun to listen to them running to such a crappy place."

Judgment frowned and said suspiciously: "Huh? The most deserted street? I can't understand what they are thinking at all... What are they doing?"

"I don't know, Pendermonica said that he made an agreement with the boss. He can say where they are in the world, but he can't say what they are doing or what they are doing.

Marina rubbed her hair and said, "Huh? How many of them are so mysterious? Is there anything in the world that takes so long?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?"

Judgment grinned and said, "Whatever they're doing! This way they'll be caught! Let's go!"

Zidella waved his hand and said, "Stop, Your Honor, we should go there on Saturday."

Why?" x2

Zdella said casually: "Because it's a holiday on Saturday, that's what Pandemonica said..."

"Huh?" x2

Both Marina and Judgment suspected that they had heard it wrong, but they both realized quickly, Judgment raised his brows and said, "They said I want Saturday?!"

"They knew you were going to say that, so she said, if you go on Saturday, they will treat us to dinner..."

"Huh? Have I never eaten or what?"

"Rumor is very delicious?"


"It also said that if we go there on Saturday, there will be gifts, so what do you think, Mr. Judge?"

Both Judgment and Marina were taken aback for a moment, and after a long time, Judgment said softly: "What day is today?"

""Tuesday...I hate's going to be Wednesday...I hate Wednesday too...."

"It's been a few days, so let's do it! You two come to see me at the gate on Saturday! I want to see what kind of food and gifts can make them feel that they can alleviate the judgment!"

Looking at the trial, which was obviously looking forward to but still pretending to be serious, Marina and Zidellada smacked their lips. Marina narrowed her eyes and said, "If that's the case, I'll go back first."

"Huh? Are you going back to playing your broken game?"

"Z Della, sometimes I really want to kill you."

"Come on, let's try it! Hahahaha!"


Marina knows very well that Zidella is very strong, and she is the kind of guy who gets more excited when he hits her, so Marina doesn't want to quarrel with Zidella, there is no way to fight, and it is still quarreling, but Marina is very decisive The (good Zhao) left.

Zidella took a puff of cigarette and said softly: "Marina..."

"Zedella, what are you going to say?"

Zi Dellada said softly: "I think you should call me sister or Zi Dellada sister, what do you think?"

Marina clenched her fists and said in a low voice, "Is your head full of smoke?"

Marina left after saying that, Zidella squinted her eyes and didn't speak, someone lost interest in the cigarette in her hand, so she just threw it aside, Zidella breathed a sigh of relief and left towards her room.

Although Marina didn't want to admit it, Marina knew very well that the guy whose thoughts couldn't be deduced with normal thinking, Dellada, was her sister, her own sister

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