People In Zongman: My Dimensional Cooking House

Chapter 993 The Magical Social Circle, The Fulfillment Of Tsunade's Worries (Please Subscribe~)

Gu Lei Fia did not connect to the world in the later period, because although she is now Lucifer's worker... Lucifer's secretary, she still has some concerns.

At least she will wait until Asachel comes to tell them that the war is over, and then she will connect to the world and go back. At that time, she should be considered fully employed.

It is worth mentioning that Fiona and Sona are here again, Fiona is still here to challenge, but this time there are more ingredients for eating, and Sona is here to chat.

Her adoptive mother was very happy when she knew that she could speak. If Sona hadn't said that she couldn't tell others, Sona's mother would definitely tell everyone that her precious daughter was not disabled.

For this reason, Sona's adoptive mother said that if Sona went to find Lucifer at night, Sona's mother would be very supportive, and said that if the world brought home, she would treat Lucifer well.

Tsunade still didn't come, neither did Kushina, Ichihara Yuko asked and found out that the recent situation is getting worse and worse, Tsunade is also busy "I don't have time to spend time at all.

Fortunately, Tsunade temporarily canceled the time synchronization, otherwise it might really be the same as what she worried about. The war started just before getting married, or 703 started the war not long after getting married, or even started the war just after having a child. These are her worries.

Hancock also didn't come over, saying that there seemed to be a lot of powerful guys in the navy recently. In order to collect information, Hancock's recent trips to sea have also increased a lot. After all, it is too slow to bring news without wind, even A newspaper seems very precious.

It is worth mentioning that there is a guest who has not been here for a while, Nakiri Senzaemon....

Nakiri Senzaemon came very late, and he was the only one. Nakiri Senzaemon ordered a mapo tofu and a sukiyaki pot, and successfully let people who have never seen it know the visual impact of Nakiri's special skill of bursting clothes.

Nakiri Senzaemon also chatted with Bai Yu while eating [Nakiri Senzaemon said doubtfully: "So those late-night cooks really have a lot of ideas."

Lucifer waved his hand and said, "Grandpa, I think you should say that the arrangement of the field study this time is too coincidental, it just so happens that Elite Ten are basically either graduating or researching.

"Hahahaha! I guess those guys would have a heart attack if they knew about it! Hahaha!"

Bai Yu thought for a while and said, "I think it's better for you to care about that Nakamura Ji, what do you think?"

Nakiri Senzaemon took a sip of wine and sighed and said: "The matter of Mana has been resolved, and Erina has also corrected herself. I don't need to worry if I have a good friend, God's Tongue. I don't want to be affected by this bastard. "

"So, you plan to let it go?"

Nakiri Senzaemon breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I once said that he is not allowed to continue using the Nakiri family's surname, nor is he allowed to step into Tōtsuki again, because that man is too dangerous."

Everyone didn't speak, Nakiri Senzaemon was silent for a long time before he said in a deep voice: "I don't have such a good hand in foreign affairs, but he has something to do with the late night cook, and it is estimated that his background will not be so clean, so ...If he dares to step into Tokyo, he will be prepared to pay the price for the rest of his life!"

Ichihara Yuko said with a smile: "The old man is really protecting his shortcomings, but we also think so."

Nakiri Senzaemon was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "So it's a blessing to be here, Bai Yu, after a while, I'm going to bring someone over for dinner, let Mana get ready."

"Huh? Bring someone over for dinner and Mana is ready? Could it be Alice's mother?"

Nakiri Senzaemon sighed and said, "Alice's are right to say that..."

"Huh? Your sentence is very ambiguous (acch)..."

"I don't care much about young people's affairs. By the way, some time ago, Hui Liyang and Mietang, two old guys, told me that they would come to your place during the summer vacation. Get ready!"

Hearing this, Lucifer said in disbelief: "Eh?! Those two old men are coming too?! What are they doing here!"

Nakiri Senzaemon squeezed his beard and thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "This old man doesn't know, they said they want me to come over at that time, and they want to have a good drink, but don't be nervous, according to what I told them understanding of..."

Everyone looked at Nakiri Senzaemon nervously, Nakiri Senzaemon and Bai Yu sighed at the same time, Bai Yu said helplessly: "These two old men are going to be lazy and bring Garuda and Shea Xiang here. ...."

"That's right, these two old guys are very boring, especially Mietang. Now that he has resigned from his post, he is even more bored. The guy from Guoyi said before that guy Mietang said that he wants to go fishing together. But Guoyi said he didn't like being surrounded by a group of guys watching fishing, so he refused."

"Master Katahara really can't do anything about him, but his character has been passed on to his grandchildren, which is not bad.

Ichihara Yuko asked suspiciously: "Huh? Who is Kuniichi?"

Bai Yu tilted his head and said, "It's Guoguang's grandfather, Mr. Tezuka Kuniichi. He used to come from the police department, and he was also a judo coach. The suer character of Guiguang is inherited from him."

Lucifer sighed and said: "Sure enough, the circle can be connected, the judo coach is really amazing..."

Nakiri Senzaemon breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's right, each of these old men is tougher than the other, so you really can't relax!"

Bai Yu smiled and said: "You old men are very strong, and you can't see the physical fitness that people of this age should have. Should you call Mana down and talk to the two of you?"

Nakiri Senzaemon was a little moved but still shook his head and said: "Let's talk about it in a few days, Mana's body has also recovered, she is also very tired from work, this time should be rest, and she is in Tokyo, I want to see her Went to WGO during the day."

"Well, also two"

"Haha...what a boring movie...Bai Yu, I want to drink coconut milk...Eh? Father?"

"The old man takes back what he just said..."


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