An Ruochen gave the order decisively and simply, but in fact her heart was beating violently and she was very nervous. From the moment she bumped into Mr. Xie head-on, every nerve in her was tense.

Aunt Lu came back from inquiries yesterday, and said that there is no place to go unless you have to cross Xiushan. The road at the foot of Xiushan Mountain is well built and leads to everywhere. There is no unique scenery on this mountain, so the mountain is quiet and the Jingxin Nunnery is so unknown. So An Ruochen thought of a way to go up the mountain under the pretext of helping find the child, and then use this excuse to go into the nunnery to investigate, and if he finds something wrong in the nunnery, he will arrest the people in the nunnery on suspicion of child trafficking .

As long as you catch it in your hand, you will have the opportunity to slowly trial.

Don't keep the regrets of the past, no negotiation, don't lure the enemy, just take it back!

Especially after Mr. Huo's sacrifice, catching any suspect is an extremely important key to solving the mystery. The situation is different now, the war is imminent, and we can no longer be winding around.

An Ruochen imagined many possibilities and imagined various scenarios that she would encounter, but she never expected that she would be so lucky to meet this man directly.

When they met for the first time, he insisted on sitting opposite her private room with the door open. Didn't he want to take advantage of her opening the door to spy on what was going on in the room? At that moment, An Ruochen was on alert, so naturally he felt suspicious. He claimed to be a regular customer of Zhaofu Restaurant and was quite familiar with the restaurant, but no one in the restaurant remembered him, nor did anyone in the surrounding shops remember him. He wanted to follow him, but he just walked away and lost him. No one saw him in the city after that. This made An Ruochen feel that he was more suspicious.

Now he shows up at suspicious locations and has been spotted twice. An Ruochen considers herself a half-professional spy, and all her judgments are telling her—he is a secret agent!

"Take him down!" An Ruochen yelled again.

Lu Zheng drew his sword, but rushed towards An Ruochen.

With a sound of "铛", Lu Zheng's sword blocked a knife that was cutting towards An Ruochen. The assassin jumped from a nearby tree.

Mr. Xie turned around and ran.

An Ruochen didn't even look behind her, and ran after her.

"Miss, be careful." Lu Zheng yelled, but was entangled by the assassin swinging his knife.

Mr. Xie ran into the forest. An Ruochen chased after her!

"Stop!" An Ruochen shouted loudly. Mr. Xie was not afraid of her, he ran a while, and still had the energy to look back at her. That look was full of cruelty and sarcasm. It seems to be warning her not to chase again, and it seems to be mocking her for being overwhelmed.

catch him? By her? Mr. Xie found it funny. She has helpers, but how many there are, he will soon hide in the woods, and it is impossible for her to touch the hem of his clothes.

An Ruochen threw out the dart. Seeing her movements out of the corner of his eyes, Mr. Xie almost laughed out loud, reckless and clumsy. She is so far away, and look at her accurate head, are you going to shoot a tree?

Mr. Xie ignored her and quickened his pace to run down the mountain.

An Ruochen's dart was really aimed at the tree. She entangled a branch and showed the strength and speed that she used to hide from the general. She was in a hurry and climbed the tree!

In a blink of an eye, she stood on the thick tree, An Ruochen hugged the tree, let go of her voice, and screamed with all her strength.

Standing tall, with a loud voice, the screaming sound pierced through the clouds and resounded through the valley.

Mr. Xie almost stepped on the ground and fell to the ground.

Which trick is this? !

Did anyone touch her with a finger? Who are you scaring!

He had already run a certain distance, and when he looked back, he could no longer see An Ruochen's figure. He didn't understand An Ruochen's intentions, accused him of beating her? so what?

But after two more steps, he understood.

He heard the sound of beating gongs and shouting, as if responding to An Ruochen's scream.

Chen Kui led all the villagers, and Er Niu and his mother also led a group of women and Taoists. The whole village mobilized and surrounded Xiushan. An Ruochen's screams came, Chen Kui beat the gong vigorously, and shouted: "Something happened, something happened, there are real wolves, folks, there are real wolves, take care of your fellows, and be careful."

A gong sounded, and all kinds of gongs sounded in all directions.

Continuous knocking, forward up the hill. Knock and go east. Knock twice and go west. Three tones to the south, four tones to the north. Wherever the situation is found, report it with a gong. Everyone took hoes, sticks, hatchets, and torches, and formed a team to head up the mountain.

Meng Jiayue also heard the movement, got out of the carriage and looked into the distance, and was stunned to see the villagers' well-organized outflanking actions up the mountain. With gongs instead of drums, and everyone carrying flags, they become an army.

Aunt Lu rushed towards Meng Jiayue, saluted and said hurriedly: "Madam, the villagers said that there may be wolves on the mountain. Everyone is going to drive the wolves away. Madam, go back to the carriage and be careful."

Meng Jiayue seemed to have seen someone holding a torch. In broad daylight, the torch seemed to be used to drive away wolves. "Can someone report to the police?"

"I've gone. The villagers have already rushed into the city." Aunt Lu replied. Chen Kuina's team went up the mountain first, closer to An Ruochen. He must have heard the signal before striking the gong. As soon as the gong sounded, it meant that something had happened, so Aunt Lu followed the plan and hurriedly let the reporter enter the city quickly. First report to the military master at the gate of the city, let them quickly send reinforcements, and then rush to the Yamen to report to the Taifu, saying that something happened in Xiushan, and the wife of the Taishou is still at the foot of the mountain.

This was An Ruochen's plan. If there were not enough manpower to bring up the mountain, the villagers would surround Xiushan to prevent Xi Zuo from escaping. Then report to the official and let the government come forward to get the person. And Aunt Lu's task is to stabilize the prefect's wife and make her an important witness of the whole incident. And with her here, the prefect will definitely send someone to rush there regardless of what happens.

Mr. Xie heard the sound in the distance, he ran in another direction, but still heard the sound. He was very surprised, how many people came here? With such a huge momentum, does it surround the whole mountain? Listen carefully again, the gongs sound in an orderly manner, echoing each other, not like beating indiscriminately.

He vaguely understood, An Ruochen, you are doing well, you are really doing well, did you organize the militia to encircle and suppress him? There was no warning beforehand, he didn't hear the slightest bit of wind, and he didn't get any intelligence information.

Mr. Xie stopped running, and his mind was spinning fast. Since the other party came prepared and surrounded the mountain, it was impossible for him to go down the mountain quietly by avoiding his eyes and ears. An Ruochen brought other people with him, and they would hunt him down. He could either take advantage of the pursuit behind him and fight his way down, or go back and catch An Ruochen, take her as a hostage, and take her down the mountain together.

But there may still be officers and soldiers down the mountain, he dare not underestimate the situation.

Mr. Xie flew up the tree and observed the situation. The sound of the gong continued, and the human voice was getting closer. Mr. Xie saw that there were many people, very many, but were they serious about hoes, sticks and hatchets? Mr. Xie laughed angrily. He never thought that one day he would be arrested because of the outflanking of the villagers.

Mr. Xie quickly made a decision. He jumped down from the tree, got emotional, threw some dirt on himself, and started stumbling down the hill. After running for a while, someone found him. He ran towards the other party: "Help, help!"

The villager helped him up: "Have you seen the wolf? Where is the wolf?"

Mr. Xie gritted his teeth, you are a farting wolf! "Someone, someone killed someone." Panting, pretending to be panicked, he pointed in the direction of the mountain and said, "Killed!"

The villagers were shocked and shouted: "There are bandits!"

The gong beater quickly knocked up—found the situation, and walked up the mountain to the east.

The other gongs responded quickly.

More and more people lean in this direction.

The villagers supported Mr. Xie: "Don't be afraid, we have a lot of people, the whole village is here, we are not afraid of bandits. There are also people at the foot of the mountain, and there are officers, soldiers, and messengers. They are all at the foot of the mountain, and none of the bandits can escape. "

That's great news. Mr. Xie gritted his teeth again. He pretended to be exhausted and relaxed, leaning on the villager.

At this time, someone rushed over and asked loudly, "What's the matter? Where is the wolf?" Other villagers talked about bandits killing people, and they discussed how to organize a confrontation.

Mr. Xie's ears were sharp, and at this time, he heard An Ruochen's voice. She was walking this way, and she was telling someone loudly: "Tell everyone, don't let go of the siege, and don't let everyone who is facing you be spared." , Detain it first, and send it to the prefect. When searching, pay attention to the bushes, and don’t miss the trees.”

Someone here also heard it, and that person asked Mr. Xie: "Young Master, where did you come from? Why are you on the mountain?"

Mr. Xie didn't answer, he stood up straight and saw An Ruochen.

An Ruochen also saw him. She stopped and stared straight at him. She suddenly smiled at him.

Mr. Xie didn't speak or smile. At this time, An Ruochen in his eyes had a good appearance, a calm and calm face, and a Tingting figure, but quite the air of a general. Mr. Xie lowered his eyes, still careless, knowing that she should not be ignored, but he still ignored her.

The following things were chaotic and orderly, with many twists and turns, enough for the villagers in Wang Village to talk about it for a while.

Er Niu found it. The bear ran around, climbed to the tree to dig out the bird's nest, and couldn't find his mother when he was done. He secretly went back to the village and planned to roast the bird first, and then ask the adults to admit his mistake. The result was seen by the children in the village. Only then did someone go up the mountain to inform the villagers.

There are no wolves on the mountain, but bandits have been caught. Three bandits were killed by officers and soldiers. A man who claimed to be the owner of a tea shop in another county and refused to admit that he was a bandit was arrested. He said his surname was Tang Mingxuan and he was from Yunhe County, Shixi County, where tea was abundant. The purpose of coming to Pingnan County is to talk to a tea shop about the sale of tea, and to sell tea to Nanqin. But when he arrived, he found out that the customs and trade between Pingnan and Nanqin were closed, so he temporarily lived in Fu'an County. Today, he wanted to look for business opportunities in Zhonglan City. He passed by Xiushan Mountain and thought the scenery was good, so he went up the mountain for a stroll.

This didn't sound like a flaw, the villagers believed it, and warmly comforted Mr. Tang.

But another villager jumped out and asked, "Young Master Tang, is this your first visit to Xiushan?"

Tang Xuan replied: "Exactly. I really didn't know there were bandits on this mountain. I just happened to pass by today and came up because I thought the scenery seemed good. This girl can testify that when I went down the mountain, I was alone."

An Ruochen frowned, how dare she ask her to testify?

Tang Xuan glanced at her, and really didn't believe what she could make up. Didn't she watch him go down the mountain alone? He added: "Then suddenly a bandit came out to kill people. I was so frightened that I turned around and ran away. When I escaped, I ran into someone and called for help."

There are villagers who can testify to this. Everyone warmly comforted Mr. Tang again.

But the villager who asked the question said: "You are lying. I clearly saw you coming down from the mountain yesterday morning."

Other villagers were surprised: "Chen Kui, you can see clearly."

"That's right, it's him." Chen Kui also mentioned the place where Mr. Tang tethered his horse and hid it yesterday, indicating that this person is familiar with this place. Some villagers immediately invited people to go to that place to have a look.

An Ruochen didn't need to care about the horse: "He lied, there must be something wrong with him. Take it down. Take him back to the government office for a careful interrogation."

Lu Zheng and Tian Qing came over and tied Tang Xuan up. This time Tang Xuan didn't run or struggle, he just said to An Ruochen: "What is your identity, why are you arresting people, our Da Xiao has no law?"

Really love acting, An Ruochen ignored him. The villagers did not give up, and actually deceived them! Pointing at him and asking: "Just tell me, why are you lying!"

Of course Tang Xuan couldn't tell, and insisted that he must have read it wrong. Chen Kui pouted at him, let it be a lie, and slandered him for being wrong. Maybe it's not just bandits, he must have something to hide, could it be a secret? That's right, the detailed work is like a businessman. Think about the boss Liu at the time, ah, and the boss Lou of the gambling house. I heard that Xu Matchmaker is also the same.

As soon as the villagers discussed it, the more they looked at it, the more they felt that Tang Xuan seemed to be working hard. An outsider with unknown background and suspicious behavior, no matter how you think about it, it looks like a spy. Everyone followed the guards in high spirits, and escorted the man down the mountain together.

An Ruochen didn't go down the mountain, she walked up the mountain, but she didn't forget that there was still a nunnery to check.

The doors of the nunnery are closed, and no one answers the door. Lu Zheng climbed over the wall and opened the back door latch, An Ruochen went in. This nunnery is ordinary, and there is really no one in it. There was a room in a small side yard that made An Ruochen pay attention. There was a bed and a table but nothing. Who lived here? Is Tang Xuan hiding here? What is his relationship with that nun?

An Ruochen walked to the Buddhist hall, saw the scriptures on the paper, the handwriting was glaring, she closed her eyes, unable to hide her excitement.

Finally, she finally found it.

"There are secret works in Zhonglan City."

"An Ruofang is alive."

It was this handwriting that revealed the news.

"Brother Lu." An Ruochen turned around and looked at Lu Zheng: "Please, definitely, find the owner of this nunnery."

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