After waiting for a long time, the owner of the temple did not appear. Lu Zheng led people to search the mountains, and Tian Qing accompanied An Ruochen to consult the villagers.

It was not easy to find two village women who had been to Jingxin Nunnery to offer incense. They all said that there was only one nun in that nunnery, named Jingyuan. Mrs. Jingyuan looks about thirty or forty, thin and serious, and lives in extreme poverty. He doesn't like to talk, and gives people a cool and cold feeling. But she is not a bad person, sometimes she would talk to Mrs. Jingyuan about her troubles in her heart, and she would explain a few words, although the words were not very pleasant, but she could always get to the point. But that's all, if you want to hear happy words from her, it's impossible. She speaks bluntly, not a pleasing temperament.

In short, in the hearts of the two village women, Mrs. Jingyuan is a silent, simple and straightforward person.

This really doesn't look like meticulous work. An Ruochen was suspicious. I don't like to deal with people, I don't live in the market place, and I don't have smooth appointments, so how can I get information?

An Ruochen inquired carefully, but no one knew the origin of Mrs. Jingyuan, but a few years ago, she accidentally discovered that there was a nunnery in the mountain. The women in the village also asked Mrs. Jingyuan why they built a nunnery and a temple here. Although this place is not too far from Zhonglan City, it is really inconspicuous, no one knows about it, and there is no incense.

In the end, Mrs. Jingyuan told them about the mystical nature of this mountain range, what exactly it was, the village woman couldn't explain it clearly, but she felt that it was extremely mysterious, and this Mrs. Tai must be an expert. She likes to be quiet because of her practice. The spirit of this temple is strange and mysterious, and it has its own reason. So they also come up to burn incense from time to time to donate lamp oil money, praying for blessings and luck.

The village woman was beaming with joy, but An Ruochen was speechless. This teacher is very good at making up nonsense. In the end, everyone only remembered the mysterious mystery of this small nunnery, and no one cared about the mystery and suspiciousness of the teacher. No one knows where Master Jingyuan went for alms, who he met, and where his family background was.

An Ruochen had no choice. No clues were found, so Lu Zheng had to arrange people to continue the search. This Mrs. Lu also quietly distributed the rewards to several capable villagers. Everyone's new task is to find and follow Mrs. Jingyuan.

An Ruochen returned to the county government office, and the prefect Yao Kun was waiting for her.

Previously, I heard that the villagers of Wang Village came to report that something happened in Xiushan, and Meng Jiayue was at the foot of the mountain. Yao Kun was so anxious that he personally led the people there quickly. As a result, I was dumbfounded when I got there. How did he change from losing children to beating wolves, and from beating wolves to catching bandits? In the end, there really were bandits, not only bandits, but also suspected of spying.

This is simply too wonderful, Yao Kun can't describe it. What does An Ruochen belong to? No matter where he goes, he can easily find out the suspected spy.

She wanted to ask An Ruochen for a question, but she went to the temple on the top of the mountain to check. Yao Kun couldn't go, because there was a mess in front of him, and a group of villagers escorted a suspect over like a hero, so he had to deal with these first.

Take them all back to the Yamen for careful examination. After the trial, Yao Kun had a headache.

Is this suspect suspicious? suspicious. What are the beautiful scenery in Xiushan, and he lied that it was the first time he went there. But did the suspect do something bad? No. He went down the mountain alone, he didn't beat anyone or kill anyone, he just ran away.

You said that he lied because of a guilty conscience, and that he escaped because of a guilty conscience, which makes sense. But it is reasonable to say that the villagers recognized the wrong person, and they ran away because they were afraid of being killed by mountain bandits.

Yao Kun had one head and two big heads, so he had to temporarily detain Tang Xuan first. Wait for An Ruochen to come back and ask for clarification.

An Ruochen came back and asked Yao Kun first: "My lord, how did Tang Xuan's interrogation go?"

Yao Kun is upset, whose official university is it? Who should ask first? For General Long's sake, he doesn't care about her. Yao Kun explained the matter, and finally said: "He is temporarily living in Fu'an County, who came to Zhonglan City to discuss business, where is his record, when did he come, and what did he come to do? All these are clearly answered. Chu. Why did you have someone arrest him?"

"I know him, he has followed me."

Yao Kun was taken aback for a moment and became serious.

"Just after Mr. Min was wanted, I saw this man. He was following me in Zhaofu Restaurant. This is one. Second, he covered up his whereabouts. Obviously he went to Xiushan more than once, so he made up some excuses. Third , he is an accomplice to those bandits. When I questioned him, those bandits suddenly jumped out and attacked him so that he could escape. The villagers thought they were bandits, but I think it was a spy. The nunnery on Xiushan, maybe It is the stronghold of the secret work. There was such a commotion on the mountain today, and the owner of the temple, Shitai Jingyuan, disappeared."

An Ruochen didn't mention that Jingyuan had left a note, but only explained Tang Xuan's suspicions. "The villagers did not admit the wrong person, and neither did I. This Tang Xuan is indeed suspicious."

Yao Kun paid more attention: "Did none of those bandits survive?"

An Ruochen felt sorry for this too. But from what Tian Qing and Lu Zheng said, those three people were very skilled in martial arts, and they fought each other with their lives, so they defeated them with the combined strength of several people. The brothers were also wounded and died, and two of them died. Fighting to such an extent, it is really not easy to capture alive.

An Ruochen told Yao Kun about the situation, and said, "How can someone with such martial arts skills be an ordinary bandit?"

Yao Kun agreed, but he was also worried. This Tang Xuan was suspicious, but there was no evidence at all. You can't just torture someone to extract a confession just because you have doubts in your heart. Now you don't even know what to extract a confession from. What's more, when Tang Xuan opened his mouth, it was Da Xiao's law, and he also said that he was framed and insulted in Pingnan, and he would sue the officials when he returned to Shixi County in the future to seek justice.

If there was any chance that he was innocent, there would be no need to return to Shixi County someday, the inspectors would come after a while. Huo Mingshan's death had already caused him a whole lot of trouble, if Tang Xuan wasn't a weakling, he might be stuck with him too. Yao Kun could already foresee what crime he would be charged with.

"That's it." Yao Kun said: "He is indeed suspicious, so I will detain him first. However, the investigation must not be groundless, and cannot be left to the ground. I will send someone to investigate carefully what he said. I will send people to investigate the place where he lives, the family he is talking about, and Yunhe County in Shixi County. I must check his details. If there is any flaw in it, I can interrogate him."

An Ruochen opened his mouth to speak, but Yao Kun raised his hand and stopped him. He continued: "Otherwise, just because you said that he was following you, and just because the villager said that he saw him go down the mountain, these are not enough. If he said that you misidentified the person, how can you prove that what you saw was him?"

An Ruochen could not refute. She thought for a while, and had to remind Yao Kun: "My lord, every secret work has its identity concealed. From Liu Ze's case, these secret works have four or five years of lurking and recruitment arrangements. Even if the identity is justified, My lord, please pay attention to the time. Besides, the secret operation is so deep, I hope you will be vigilant, not everyone in the government office can be trusted." In fact, An Ruochen felt that the prefect was quite suspicious. But now no one can rely on him. "I also hope that my lord will strengthen the guards, and don't let Tang Xuan escape and be silenced."

"Of course I know this."

An Ruochen bit her lip, feeling that it was still incomplete, but she couldn't figure out how else to arrange it. "My lord, how long will it take to go to Shixi County to check the family history and details?"

"Ten days and a half months are always needed. If the situation is suspicious, the investigation time will naturally be more."

An Ruochen asked again: "Can I have a look at the case file?"

"Naturally. Please ask Lord Bo Jiang to arrange for Mr. to copy a copy for you." Yao Kun said, motioning to Jiang Hongqing who was at the side, Jiang Hongqing hurriedly agreed, and ordered someone to copy it.

An Ruochen was still not satisfied, she asked to see Tang Xuan.

Yao Kun frowned, but still agreed. Wanting to have Tang Xuan brought to court, An Ruochen wanted to see him in the prison. So Yao Kun personally led An Ruochen there.

Tang Xuan was temporarily detained, but he was not convicted, and it was not even clear what the suspicion was. So Yao Kun imprisoned him alone in a room. The cell was clean and ventilated, and as far as a prison was concerned, the conditions were pretty good. An Ruochen walked slowly, carefully looking at the prison environment.

Seeing them coming, Tang Xuan didn't look at An Ruochen, and only shouted to Yao Kun: "My lord, everything I said is true. My lord imprisoned innocent people like me for no reason, which violated the law and went against reason. , I can’t justify it. How will the adults explain to themselves with the black hat on their heads, and how to explain to the people of the Li people?”

Yao Kun ignored him, but An Ruochen walked over and stood in front of Tang Xuan through the cell fence. She looked at Tang Xuan, and Tang Xuan stared at Yao Kun.

An Ruochen said: "Master Jing Yuan told me something."

Tang Xuan blinked, and finally turned his attention to An Ruochen's face: "Who is Mrs. Jingyuan?" Such a clumsy probing trick, who would take the bait. Mrs. Jingyuan also told you something, it was not bad if I didn't give you a few swords.

"Mr. Xie. I know far more than you can imagine."

Mr. Xie?

Tang Xuan stared at An Ruochen for a long while, and smiled wryly: "Who is Mr. Xie? Girl, I told you, you misidentified the person. I have never met you before."

An Ruochen ignored his words, and said again: "I know why you didn't do anything on Xiushan Mountain. It's because of what you are doing now. Once you do it, you won't be able to get rid of it. If you just get caught, there is a possibility of getting away with it."

"I was just an innocent passer-by."

"But just relying on the reason of 'no evidence and no evidence', you will not feel at ease in prison. There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and paper cannot contain fire. Since you brought your accomplices up the mountain, you must have a conspiracy. It’s a clue, Mrs. Jingyuan is the witness, there are many loopholes hidden in Fu’an County. You don’t even dare to live in Zhonglan City, Mr. Min was found out by us, like a rat crossing the street, you should take it as a warning.”

Tang Xuan stared at An Ruochen, and suddenly called out to Yao Kun: "My lord, who is this crazy girl? You can't find a reason to imprison me, so you find a lunatic to talk nonsense and deliberately frame me?"

Yao Kun didn't speak, he understood An Ruochen's intention. Tang Xuan's reaction was indeed suspicious. An Ruochen wanted him to see with his own eyes what it was like to have this feeling of doubt deeply rooted in his heart.

An Ruochen ignored Tang Xuan's reaction, and continued: "You took the risk because you think it's safer to be in prison than to fight your way out on the mountain. Why is it safe? Do you have internal support in the city? Someone will help you , to cover up for you, let you go?"

The prison was silent.

"Your wishful thinking was wrong. The prefect is here. No matter who your assistant is, no matter who is behind you, the prefect will keep a close eye on you. It is impossible for you to escape from this prison."

Yao Kun's heart skipped a beat, wait, it turned out that he was not showing Tang Xuan's suspicious attitude, but guarding against him. With such a big hat buckled down, it blocked the possibility of him negligently letting Tang Xuan go. He looked at An Ruochen, then at Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan said at this time: "Your Majesty, if you check clearly, you will naturally find out that I am innocent."

Yao Kun frowned, feeling as if he was being stabbed in the middle by these two people.

"The longer you stay in this prison, the more worried your accomplices will be outside. The prefect really knows everything, so he will find out your details, find out your weaknesses, and find out your accomplice's from you. Clue. You are the biggest threat to your accomplices if you are alive." An Ruochen said flatly: "You guys are the best at assassination, you can kill whoever you want, right?"

The first thing that came to Tang Xuan's mind was Mrs. Jing Yuan's face. What would happen if she came back and found that the nunnery was sealed by the government? It's fine for others, but Jingyuan's mother-in-law really dares to do anything when she goes crazy.

Yao Kun looked at Tang Xuan, wondering if he would be threatened by An Ruochen. It would be great if Tang Xuan could let go. Everyone saves trouble. So he cooperated and said: "If Mr. Tang is an important witness, I will naturally send someone to protect him strictly."

Tang Xuan looked away from An Ruochen's face, and said with a smile to Yao Kun: "My lord is just joking. As a witness, I can only prove that I was arrested innocently and was disturbed by a lunatic. These are all things that my lord let go. Adults are responsible."

"If you escape, the adults will be responsible." An Ruochen quickly answered.

have to! Yao Kun's head was filled with smoke, and he felt that he was caught in the middle and stabbed violently.

"My lord. I've finished my words." An Ruochen finished stabbing the knife and left in a chic way, not forgetting to salute Yao Kun.

Yao Kun frowned and looked at Tang Xuan again. From Tang Xuan's eyes staring at An Ruochen's back, he read the calculation.

This person is indeed too suspicious.

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