Yao Kun strictly investigated Tang Xuan. He asked those relevant people mentioned by Tang Xuan - tea house, tea house, restaurant owner and buddy, etc. for questioning. They also sent people to Tang Xuan's residence in Fu'an County to check. Everyone's confession is similar to what Tang Xuan said. It is said that Tang Xuan is a tea merchant from Yunhe County, Shixi County. He discussed the sale of tea with them, and brought them special tea from Yunhe County to taste. The situation of customs and trade control and so on.

Everyone had no doubts about Tang Xuan's identity as a tea merchant, because Tang Xuan talked about tea in a clear way. He also knew the situation of tea in the counties of the Great Depression, the market price, and he could taste the quality of the tea. one line.

Yao Kun couldn't find any doubts, but he has been in the officialdom for more than 20 years and has been a prefect for 17 years, so he has never seen any case. In this case, there is indeed a suspicious point pointed out by An Ruochen - time.

Among the owner's certificates, the first person who confirmed seeing Tang Xuan was at the end of December last year, and it has been less than a month since then. This time was also after the time when they started to arrest Mr. Min, the spy. It was "confirmed", because two tea bosses said that Tang Xuan had come to discuss business with them two years ago. The tea bosses had no impression of Tang Xuan because they saw too many people every year. But when Tang Xuan talked to them, he could tell the tea market situation two years ago. Thinking about it this way, he should have been here two years ago.

But this is not empirical evidence for Yao Kun. He can't remember this person, so it is far-fetched to infer that he has been here based on what this person said, and to infer that he has been in the tea business for several years. Yao Kun sent someone to take the official letter from the Yamen to investigate the case and go to the Yunhe County Yamen to verify Tang Xuan's identity. He interrogated Tang Xuan again and asked him another suspicious point: "Since I want to sell tea to Southern Qin through the Customs and Trade , and want to do business with the tea shop in Zhonglan City, why do you want to live in Fu'an County?"

Tang Xuan smiled wryly, and answered calmly: "My lord, if you have asked those tea bosses, you should know that the Caomin business has not been negotiated. Zhonglan is a county town, and everywhere is expensive. I want to stay longer Sometimes, of course, I can’t live in Zhonglan all the time. Fu’an County is next door, so it’s convenient to travel, and it’s cheaper for me to live there, and besides, Zhonglan doesn’t have much business opportunity, so I also want to fight for opportunities in Fu’an County.”

It sounded reasonable, Yao Kun really couldn't find any flaws, but he deliberately leaned towards An Ruochen's judgment, and still felt that Tang Xuan was suspicious. So he came up with a way to issue a reward order throughout the county. If anyone could provide useful clues about Tang Xuan's identity and whereabouts, he would be rewarded.

This reward made news, and all kinds of people in the market began to rack their brains to ponder "useful clues" in their memories. The coachman said that he had driven a man with a round face, slender eyes, and medium height, and his age was similar. The sesame seed seller said that he had sold two sesame seed cakes to this young master. The farmer said that he had seen this young man walking somewhere... The clerk who was in charge of receiving records in the yamen was so busy that he got all useless things after a day.

And Yao Kun's doubts deepened. A foreign businessman left clues in this city, but there were no solid traces. People who are not familiar with the place of life come to look for business opportunities, they always have to stay in an inn, socialize with people, build relationships, and find personal connections. It's just that you want to talk to the bosses of the tea shop and then it's over? For more than a month, he has done too little for his own business. Besides, coming to Zhonglan City at the end of the year, the timing is not so good for those who celebrate Chinese New Year.

Yao Kun felt that if he continued to investigate like this, he would definitely gain something. But at this time, he received a message that Qian Pei asked him to meet. Yao Kun was very surprised, remembering that Meng Jiayue mentioned An Ruochen's doubts, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Yao Kun went to the appointment. Qian Pei asked him to meet in a restaurant. Yao Kun dressed casually so as not to attract attention.

Qian Pei smiled slightly when he saw him: "It was a pity that the friendship between you and me is weak, but now it seems that we still have a tacit understanding."

Yao Kun didn't want to get close to him, so he just asked, "Why are you looking for me like this?"

"I want to help you. Although you don't call me sir, I still think about teaching you to read and understand."

Yao Kun's attitude was a little slow when he heard this, and said: "Think about what you have done these years, how many times Mr. Qian has come to me to find a solution for your affairs. We will protect you as much as we can. Disregarding the reputation and official position of Mr. Qian and me, this sir is really difficult to call."

Qian Pei laughed and said, "Life is short, if you don't enjoy yourself in time, your life will be in vain."

Yao Kun really didn't want to waste his time arguing with him about these principles, so he turned back to the topic: "What's the matter this time?"

Qian Pei smiled again: "You always think that you protect me, but don't forget that I have helped you a lot." He took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Yao Kun, "Look, this time I helped you again."

Yao Kun was at a loss, took it and saw that it was a pleading written by An Zhifu, suing him that Yao Kun and General Longteng protect the country forcibly robbing civilian women, interfering in and destroying the marriage he had arranged for his eldest daughter An Ruochen, and Forcibly expelled his daughter from his home. Domineering officials bully the people, and the people live in dire straits.

Yao Kun was not in a good mood, this is the old account of some kind of Chen Zhima rotten millet, and this crime is too far-fetched. How did he start with the robbery of women, he has nothing to do with that An Ruochen. And he intervened in civil marriages because An Ruochen himself came to beat the drums and report to the officials. What's more, An Ruochen's detailed crimes were also recorded, clearly. She left the An family and served in the army, that was all on the table.

Yao Kun sneered and said, "An Zhifu was punished with a few sticks by me, is he going to falsely accuse the imperial court again?"

Qian Pei also laughed: "Speaking of it, he is also stupid. He went to sue some shipping company for no reason. Liu Deli's bad debts, what's wrong with him."

Yao Kun gave him a white look, and stuffed the paper into his bosom. "An Zhifu is dragged down by you, don't pretend I don't know. As I said, I turn a blind eye and close my eyes. There is also a bottom line. You have enough money, don't bother with those dirty things Things. I didn’t force Liu Deli to ask you about things, so you don’t move forward.”

He paused, and said: "Does this pleadings have something to do with you? What's your plan? Want to avenge Long Da's hatred for taking his wife? Don't be stupid. Once An Zhifu has a false accusation recorded in the yamen, he will sue again. Anyone, this matter will be taken out and arranged. What's more, General Long Teng is a second-rank general. The list of military exploits for the country is probably longer than the property list of An Zhifu's family. Besides, An Ruochen broke the details Committing a crime can also be praised. Why should he sue? At the beginning, the dissolution of the engagement and the documents of naturalization all had his signature and seal, but now he turns his face and bites it because he thinks he has eaten too little. He doesn't know the stakes, don't you Don’t understand? Don’t interfere, be careful not to set yourself on fire.”

Qian Peidao: "I am clear about the stakes, and I am worried that the prefect will be confused. I gave the pleadings to the lord, just to remind the lord and avoid future troubles. The lord feels that he is upright and innocent and is not afraid of suing, but the lord must not forget , The inspector is coming, once the inspector comes out, there will be a strict investigation and cruel interrogation. Don't care if your lord is justified or not, if An Zhifu goes to make a fuss and is used by someone with a heart, can your lord really be sure that you will be fine?"

"Someone with a heart?" Yao Kun looked at Qian Pei, "Just tell me, what are you going to do? You came to me, not to give me some pleadings. The pleadings, if this one is gone, there will be another one, and there will be no future troubles." They are all human beings, not paper.”

Qian Pei laughed loudly: "My lord is a smart man. If that's the case, then my lord should let Mr. Tang Xuan go."

Yao Kun was taken aback for a moment, and turned serious. "Are you crazy?" An Ruochen's accusations against Qian Pei immediately flooded his mind. "Qian Pei! What did you do? Did you take part in treason? Did you help me do it?"

Qian Pei tutted and said, "Why are you nervous? I'm living a good life. If I do anything, I need to help Xi Zuo. Mr. Tang is not Xi Zuo."

Yao Kun stared at Qian Pei, seeing his calm and composed face, his doubts deepened: "Then who is he and what is his relationship with you?"

"He is a tea merchant in Yunhe County, and he has some business cooperation with me. You also know that if you want to make money in business, you have to have some kind of means, and you can't be too clean. But those are small things, And it didn't happen in Pingnan County. It's just that if you pursue the matter too much, offer a reward, and make up some crimes, you will be deceived by the wrong confession and make a wrong case, and secondly, you will go to Yunhe County , after Tang Xuan went back, he was searched for no reason, causing trouble, and the business was not easy to do, and I also lost."

Yao Kun didn't believe it: "If he has a business relationship with you, why didn't he mention you at all in his confession."

"Isn't it because An Ruochen is here? An Ruochen could have accused him of his innocence. If he knew that this person was acquainted with me and had a cooperative relationship with me, then it would be justified or not. There is no basis for the crime. It's a certainty." Qian Pei sneered a little, and said: "Since General Long came, the prefect is not as majestic as before. In my opinion, he was led by the nose by the general. General Long's revenge for taking his wife, I You don't dare to argue with him, but does he look like you don't care about me? He doesn't care, but An Ruochen's hatred is hard to get rid of. It's not like you don't know how many things she arranges for me and troubles me all the time. "

"I know, but how does Tang Xuan know?"

"It's not that men drank a few more drinks and then said some nonsense. Tang Xuan knew the entanglement between me and sister An's family, and heard me talk about An Ruochen's beauty and rebellion, so he became curious. Did he see I passed An Ruochen, but that wasn't stalking. He mentioned to me that when he went to Zhaofu Restaurant for dinner, he heard someone call Miss An, so he looked at her a few more times. An Ruochen was so spoiled by General Long, She is self-righteous, and always thinks of catching up with General Long to please General Long, so everyone looks like a spy, I guess that's the case, she thinks that Mr. Tang looks at her more for something."

Yao Kun stared at Qian Pei: "Then how many times did he go to that Xiushan Mountain?"

"An Ruochen always went to the nunnery. I guess she was looking for An Ruofang. The nunnery is indeed a good place for Tibetans. She got rid of An Ruofang's family history, but An Ruofang didn't. If she can get An Ruofang If Fang finds it, I plan to welcome her in again. Could it be that General Jackie Long wants to take my wife again?"

Yao Kun was so angry that he pointed at Qian Pei for a long time and said, "Why are you such an asshole?"

Qian Pei ignored him, and said confidently: "I asked someone to inquire about various nunneries for me, and later I heard that there were also nunneries on Xiushan Mountain, so I asked Tang Xuan to help me go up to have a look when passing by. He is a stranger, no one will Pay attention. This way I can find An Ruofang without telling An Ruochen, and then I can take revenge on her."

Yao Kun couldn't help but patted the table: "At your age, you can't cultivate your body and mind, and think more about virtuous things? Why don't you just plunge yourself into this obscene woman. How much morality you have lost. I told you, Don't fight against An Ruochen anymore, why do you insist on pestering her."

Qian Pei Shi calmly said: "She bullies me like this, she doesn't take me seriously, how can I swallow this breath?"

"She is going to marry General Long soon." Yao Kun warned him.

"Speaking of this, General Long has to figure it out on his own. He robs the women of the people, dominates the officials and bullies the people, and is stationed at the border by the emperor's order, but he is fascinated by women, which delays the military situation and causes disaster. When the inspector comes, he is Big trouble."

"Inspector Mr. Liang is on the side of General Long. He has always been friendly with the Long family in the court. He regards General Long as his own descendant and shows great care."

Qian Pei sneered: "If General Long is not in trouble, it means that your lord is in trouble."

"You..." Yao Kun was furious.

"Someone has to be responsible. Since Mr. Liang wants to protect General Long, any troubles will naturally be pushed to him. Your excellency is still leisurely and complacent, and I have never thought of danger. I am also worried for you. The An family is a big trouble. An Ruochen is a big trouble. An Ruochen's accusation of young master Tang as a secret operation is even more troublesome. Your lord has been investigating for two days, but what evidence can you find? I don't show up because I know that what I do is not decent and I don't want to drag you down. With good intentions, adults should be able to appreciate it."

Yao Kun stared angrily, realizing what a fart. He still has the face to say that he knows what he is doing is not decent.

Qian Pei didn't wait for Yao Kun's reply, and continued: "We are small people in Shengdou, we just get punished for small mistakes, adults are different. Think carefully, if Lord Liang finds out that you can detain good people at will, you will be wronged. False and wrong cases should be investigated carefully, and the past matters should also be investigated carefully, and by accident, the investigation went back to seventeen years ago..." He deliberately dragged his voice out and did not continue.

Yao Kun's face turned pale, and his arrogance was instantly extinguished.

"That's all. I'm just worried that my lord's wife will be sad when she finds out the truth."

These words were like a sword to Yao Kun's heart, Yao Kun pursed his lips tightly and was speechless for a while.

Qian Pei looked at him, and said slowly: "So, my lord should let Mr. Tang go. Mr. Tang is innocent, and it is impossible for Mr. Tang to find out any problems except for some business matters. But Mr. Tang is a man. Stabbing head, I know him. He will seize the opportunity to seek justice, but I can't persuade him. At that time, Mr. Liang is worried that no one will protect General Long from disaster. It's no wonder he didn't use the opportunity that was given for nothing. "

Yao Kun stared at Qian Pei.

Qian Peidao: "My lord has helped me, but I haven't blocked my way of making money. Naturally, I will keep my mouth shut for my lord."

Yao Kun was silent for a while, while Qian Pei waited patiently.

Yao Kun gritted his teeth, and said: "Young Master Tang has something to hide, An Ruochen is naturally suspicious. She will definitely tell General Long, if I let him go without comprehensive countermeasures, how will I explain?"

Qian Pei laughed: "That's why I said that my lord is confused. You are the head of a county, how can you not have a comprehensive countermeasure? Seventeen years ago, you have a countermeasure, let alone today."

Yao Kun sat stiffly on the spot, his face sullen and silent.

An Ruochen went to the yamen every day to inquire about the progress of Tang Xuan's case, and was relieved to see that Yao Kun issued a reward order. In this way, no matter whether the clues he got were true or false, he could use them as a reason Detain Tang Xuan for a few more days. She believes that as long as there is enough time, she will be able to find the flaw.

It is a pity that there has been no movement in Xiushan Jingxin Nunnery for the past three days. The guards searched the mountain to no avail, and Shitai Jingyuan seemed to disappear out of thin air, and no one saw her again.

An Ruochen was worried that this important witness would be poisoned, so she asked Aunt Lu to quietly order all the spies in the city to investigate secretly, and at the same time, she was looking forward to Long Da's reply. She needs the general's guidance, very urgently.

Not far from Xiushan, there is Jiangding Mountain, and there is a solid wooden house on the mountainside. An Ruofang, dressed as a village child, was collecting firewood. Mrs. Jingyuan was also dressed as a village woman, sitting at the door of the house and meditating.

When An Ruofang came back with firewood, Jingyuan took out a handkerchief to wipe her sweat. An Ruofang let her wipe her face obediently, and asked, "Master, how long are we going to stay here?"

"Stay in the city until the trouble is over." Jing Yuan said. Mr. Xie was arrested, which means that the matter of fine work will be resolved soon in the city. When the turmoil calmed down, she went to kill Qian Pei and send An Ruofang back to An's house, and then she could leave with peace of mind.

Jing Yuan couldn't tell whether she was sad or not. When she and An Ruofang slept on the same bunk at night, An Ruofang dreamed of her mother. She hugged Jingyuan's arm, got into her arms, and unconsciously called "Mother". Jing Yuan's heart was pierced like a knife, and she opened her eyes until dawn. From that night on, she decided to send An Ruofang back to An's house. As long as the secret organization collapses, she kills Qian Pei again, and An Ruofang returns to her mother, then she will be safe.

"Don't worry, I'll take you home." Jing Yuan comforted An Ruofang's head.

Qian Shixin saw the opportunity and went to see Tang Xuan in the prison.

There was no one around, he said: "Sir, wait patiently, I will find a way."

Tang Xuan said: "Don't meddle in this matter. Anyone who intercedes with Yao Kun to let me go will arouse his suspicion."

"But you have to find a way to get Mr. to come out."

"Someone has already done it."

Qian Shixin frowned: "Who?"

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