Tang Xuan blinked, but did not answer.

Qian Shixin realized that he had crossed the line, and said: "This matter is not easy to deal with. I am worried that that person will not handle it properly. If there is something I can help, sir, it's okay."

Tang Xuandao: "For the time being, there is no need for adults to do anything. The less you know about this matter, the better."

Qian Shixin still felt uncomfortable: "I don't always have the opportunity to come in." In other words, when something goes wrong, he doesn't always know the arrangement immediately.

"Don't worry, my lord. My lord's status is important. There are more important things to be done later. Before that, my lord should not arouse any suspicion. When the time is right, my lord will naturally know who has done it."

"Okay." Qian Shixin said: "Mr. is sure."

Tang Xuan smiled, as if he had a plan in mind. He said: "It's just that I have another matter to ask my lord. I have to talk to my lord about the butcher. It's more convenient for my lord to deal with it officially."

Qian Shixin listened to him, and Tang Xuan talked to him so and so.

After Yao Kun returned to the prefect's mansion, he was a little out of his mind. He didn't hear Meng Jiayue calling him twice. Meng Jiayue asked: "What's bothering you, sir?"

Yao Kun thought for a long time, and said: "Ma'am, Mr. Huo died in Pingnan, no matter what, we have to bear the responsibility. We will have to fight soon, or Madam will take Wen Hai to another county to escape Avoid it?"

Yao Wenhai is their only son, and Meng Jiayue only had one son four years after their marriage, and she dotes on him very much. Yao Kun felt sorry for his wife and never let her bear children, nor did he take concubines. His devotion to his wife made many people envy Meng Jiayue.

Meng Jiayue looked at Yao Kun in surprise: "My lord, what's the matter? If there is a real war, I will definitely be by your side. There is no reason to avoid it by myself."

Yao Kun avoided her gaze with some guilt, and said softly, "I'm just worried about Wen Hai, he is young after all."

"He is twelve. Do you think he is a child? At this age, he should be sensible. If there is a war, the adults will lead us, mother and son, to stand firm in Zhonglan. This is an example for the people. There is no battle yet Fighting, I thought of running away. My lord is the head of a county, and I am a solid backer behind the frontline soldiers. If my lord has the slightest timidity, what will happen to the frontline soldiers, and what should I do to the people of Pingnan County?" Meng Jiayue He was a little angry while talking, and turned to sit aside.

Yao Kun hurriedly coaxed: "I am not for myself, but for your mother and son. Since I am the prefect of Pingnan County, I will naturally live and die with Pingnan County."

Yao Kun was taken aback after saying this, remembering that the last sentence was what Eunuch Meng often said back then. The last three years of his life were also the three years when Da Xiao and Nan Qin fought. In those three years, the old general Long Yilong led the troops and fought all the way from Xunjiang Town to the Sixia River. At that time, there was no embankment garrisoned, and the battle between the east and the river stained the Sixia River red with blood. Refugees from several border counties flooded into Zhonglan. Shiling Cliff was burnt to the point that not a single blade of grass could grow. Shiling County was once captured by the Southern Qin Dynasty. Fu'an County built a high city wall and lined up with carbine guns to serve as the last barrier for Zhonglan City.

Yao Kun recalled how he devoted his life to the country and risked his life. He recalled how Meng Taishou took his 16-year-old daughter Meng Jiayue to the top and made a promise to the people: "If Zhonglan is here, my Meng family will be here. Even if there is only one town in Pingnan There is still a village, and no one in my Meng family will retreat. You and I work together to protect our homeland."

But how could such a thing happen? It was he who was bewitched.

With one thought, many things will change.

Maybe today he won't be the prefect, but his conscience will be much more comfortable.

"Jiayue." Yao Kun softly called his wife, but he didn't have the face to look at her: "I...I'm just a selfish person."

"Your Excellency is indeed selfish." Meng Jiayue gritted her teeth, "Your Excellency is willing to sacrifice his life for the country, but he looks down on others." The way Yao Kun didn't even look at her made her even angrier. "My lord, I'm not worthy to accompany you to the last step, am I? I can only share wealth with you, but not adversity. My lord wants to be good for others, but I also think about other people's feelings."

Yao Kun was upset and didn't understand her meaning: "Where are you talking about, what is worthy or not?"

"At the beginning of the war, my lord deliberately divorced my wife in an unknown name, and let her go back to her hometown. My lord wanted to keep her safe, but would rather hurt her deeply. Will my lord do this to me now?" Mrs. Meng Jiayue After being annoyed, he blurted out, and after seeing Yao Kun's startled expression, he felt a little regretful.

Luo Shi. Yao Kun's original wife. That was the thorn in Meng Jiayue's heart. She envied her and felt guilty at the same time. What I envy is that Yao Kun had a deep affection for Luo Shi at the beginning, and Ning wanted to keep her safe despite her notoriety. What I feel guilty about is that now she has become Yao Kun's wife and enjoys the happiness that Luo Shi originally had.

Meng Jiayue was only thirteen years old when she met Yao Kun. She lost her mother when she was young, and Meng Yunshan was busy with official career and public duties, and never remarried. At that time, Yao Kun was twenty-five years old and was appreciated by Meng Yunshan and promoted to Master Bo. Yao Kun assisted Meng Yunshan with his official duties, and also helped take care of Meng Jiayue. He taught her poetry, calligraphy, piano and painting, and relieved her from worries. Meng Jiayue has always been neglected by her father and is lonely and introverted. After getting to know Yao Kun, she gradually becomes cheerful. But at that time Yao Kun already had a wife, and although Meng Jiayue's heart was moved, she did not reveal half of it.

Later, when the two countries went to war, the situation was bad and the people were panicked. Yao Kun, like other officials, swore to Meng Yunshan to protect the peace and the south and protect the Great Xiao until his death. But he turned around and sent his wife Luo Shi back to her hometown on the grounds that she had nowhere to go, and let her leave Pingnan County. When the couple parted, they held hands and looked at tears. After divorcing his wife, Meng Jiayue accidentally ran into Yao Kun's appearance of secretly weeping sadly, and felt that the man's affection was deeply moving. Later, when he heard that the Luo family was going to remarry, Yao Kun almost gave away all his family wealth and gave it to the Luo family as a dowry. Meng Jiayue was extremely envious at that time, it was enough to treat each other like this alone in this life.

After Meng Yunshan's death, Meng Jiayue was heartbroken, thanks to Yao Kun's constant company to cheer her up. After Yao Kun caught the murderer, he took on the important task of negotiating peace with Nanqin and promoting peace between the two countries. Meng Jiayue and Yao Kun get along day by day, helping each other, and finally confess their feelings, and they become husband and wife with Yao Kun. There have been many ups and downs along the way. Therefore, Meng Jiayue felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard that he used the reason of starting a war to let her take her son to avoid disaster.

Yao Kun also thought of Mrs. Luo, he sighed, and coaxed, "I'm just talking casually, you're overthinking. Don't you know how I treated you?" It was just the guilt and uneasiness in his heart. , he hoped that she would not know for the rest of her life.

The husband and wife both had their own concerns and sighed secretly.

An Ruochen's side is completely different from Yao Kun's, she is in a different mood. She received a letter from Long Da. In the letter, he was shocked to hear that Mr. Huo had passed away. He had many questions to investigate, and he also thought that the situation on the front line might change in a blink of an eye. He didn't know when we would meet again, so he asked An Ruochen and Cao Yihan to come to Sixiajiang to meet him.

An Ruochen was overjoyed. General, General, he really lived up to her trust, he understood what she meant in the letter, or maybe his idea was the same as hers in the first place. In short, she can confidently take Cao Yihan to see the general.

An Ruochen circled happily, then sat down to think carefully. Mr. Huo's funeral has not yet been done, will Cao Yihan be obsessed with this matter? The prefect will also have his own abacus. She has to figure out how to respond to her rhetoric.

Yao Kun also received a letter from Long Da. The letter talked about the situation on the front line, and the content behind it was similar to An Ruochen's letter, except that one was for outsiders and the other was for insiders. If this letter had been received one day earlier, Yao Kun would have felt that Cao Yihan couldn't leave, that he kept him for a purpose, how could he let go of the bargaining chip he was holding so easily. But now Yao Kun thinks differently.

Yao Kun asked Meng Jiayue to prepare a bag for Cao Yihan and send him to the Sixiajiang barracks to meet General Long. Meng Jiayue was very surprised, Yao Kun only said: "General Long opened his mouth, it's not easy to evade."

"Aren't you going to discuss it with the adults?"

"It's not an urgent matter. General Long is concerned about Mr. Huo's death, so he just wants to ask Mr. Cao face-to-face. You'll be fine after the questioning. We need to discuss this?"

Meng Jiayue was silent. Some worry that Yao Kun has been under too much pressure recently and his mood is not right.

An Ruochen was called by Yao Kun, and she was also shocked when she heard what Yao Kun said. Bai prepared his rebuttal for a long time, but instead of her persuasion, Yao Kun took the initiative to ask her to go with Cao Yihan. Yao Kun even helped them figure it out: "It's just the first seven days. After the ceremony, we will be cremated tomorrow. The ashes will be offered to me first, and my wife will ask the eminent monk to continue to do things. In this way, it means that Mr. Cao will come back. You are on your way It's also safer."

An Ruochen was about to look at Yao Kun with admiration, is the prefect bewitched? He actually lost his way of avoiding disasters for officials?

An Ruochen's paranoia struck again, and she asked, "My lord, is there any new progress in the case of Tang Xuan?"

"I haven't got any useful information yet. You should go see the general first. I will continue to investigate." Yao Kun replied as if nothing had happened, and An Ruochen finally felt relieved. At this moment, being able to see the general is the most important thing. She has too many things to say to the general.

Cao Yihan, however, resisted a little: "Mr. stayed in Daxiao before he was alive, and he was like a hostage held by you. Now that the person is dead, the remains are still held hostage."

Yao Kun didn't speak. An Ruochen was also sad to hear that. But she felt that what Yao Kun said made sense. Mr. Huo's remains are here, so Xizuo doesn't care too much about Cao Yihan's departure.

Cao Yihan and An Ruochen were on their way. Jiang Song led the escort, and the journey was safe. The carriage was moving slowly, and it took them two days and two nights to reach Sixia River smoothly. Cao Yihan was silent all the way, depressed and depressed, and An Ruochen was also very disturbed by his influence.

When approaching the Sixia River, Cao Yihan suddenly whispered to An Ruochen: "If something happens to me, or I can't go back, can you help me keep Mr. Huo's ashes? If I don't die, I will definitely come back to pick him up. If I die, can I trouble you to send him back?"

An Ruochen nodded vigorously. Cao Yihan told her an address, saying that it was the place where Huo Mingshan wanted to be buried. An Ruochen wrote it down.

After that, Cao Yihan said nothing, and stayed in a daze until Sijiangxia.

Sijiangxia's barracks are simpler than the general barracks outside Zhonglan City, but the atmosphere is more tense and serious, and the defense is obviously more careful. An Ruochen and Cao Yihan waited for a while before being summoned by General Long. Long Da sees Cao Yihan. An Ruochen waited patiently outside. After waiting for a long time, Cao Yihan suddenly yelled, "You killed Mr. Huo!" Then there was a clatter of thunder. Cao Yihan kept screaming and cursing, as if he had been subdued.

An Ruochen stared at the military tent in surprise, the guards outside the tent even had their knives out of their sheaths, waiting for the general's order to charge inside.

After a while, the tent door was opened, General Long Cao Yihan threw it out, and said to the guard: "Tie him up, lock him up, and wait for me to deal with him."

There was blood on the corner of Cao Yihan's mouth, obviously he was beaten, and he was still cursing: "I'm a ghost and I won't let you go, I want to avenge Mr. Huo."

Long Da ignored him, and threw out a dagger for the guards to put away. It belonged to Cao Yihan. He also instructed the guards: "Search him carefully, lest there be any murder weapon."

An Ruochen's sharp eyes saw a bloodstain on the back of Long Da's hand, as if he had been injured. An Ruochen's first reaction was to stare at Cao Yihan, but Cao Yihan didn't even look at her, and was escorted away by the guards cursing.

At this time, Long Da turned to An Ruochen, his eyes met, An Ruochen frowned.

Long laughed and hooked his fingers at her: "You come in."

An Ruochen went in.

Before he had a chance to talk to Long Da, Long Da first asked the guards to clean up the wounds on his hands with cloth towels and medicines. After everything was done, the guards retreated, and An Ruochen took his hand to take a closer look.

"What Cao Yihan did just now, is it fake?"

"You instructed me to see him, didn't you know that this would be the case?"

An Ruochen raised her head with an innocent face: "It's clear in my letter that I'm asking for instructions."

"Miss me?" Long Da lowered his head and asked.

"It's okay. I'm busy." An Ruochen said in a businesslike tone.

Long Da took out a letter and handed it to her: "Look for yourself."

An Ruochen read it, it was a letter she wrote to Long Da. In order to cover up her "asking for instructions", she wrote a lot of disgusting thoughts. Watching it again now, the goosebumps are back.

"Look carefully."

An Ruochen glared at the general coquettishly, what the **** was she thinking, she finally came here, it was clearly a serious itinerary. But looking into the general's eyes, she couldn't help laughing herself, seeing the general, she felt very comfortable. She took two steps forward and hugged the general.

Long Da sighed and stretched out his arms to hug her.

"I'm really busy." An Ruochen said.

"Me too."

Long Da's disdainful tone made An Ruochen laugh out loud, her heart softened, and she said, "I miss you."

"Me too."

The tone was even more distasteful, An Ruochen secretly pinched the general.

"General, I have a major military report."

Long Da's forehead pressed against hers: "I guess so."

An Ruochen said: "I found the person who wrote the note, and I also caught a person. I think he is Mr. Xie. Maybe it's not that code name, but it's a person with this identity."

Long Da was stunned for a moment, then straightened up.

An Ruochen felt a little complacent, and explained the matter to Long Da carefully. Looking at Long Da's admiring eyes, she couldn't be more satisfied. Let's just say it's a serious trip. She talked more and more vigorously, telling her all about her doubts about Qian Pei, the doubts about Huo Mingshan's death, Tang Xuan's suspicions, and the weirdness of the eunuch.

Long Da didn't interrupt, and listened carefully. After hearing that, his expression became serious.

"General, how can I find out Tang Xuan's flaws, how can I prove that he is a spy?"

Long Da pondered for a moment, and said: "If you go back and find that Tang Xuan has been released, you have to find a way to arrange to leave Zhonglan City."

An Ruochen was startled, and was stunned.

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